Equine Rescue

Underwater: Horses, Humans and Houston

by R.T. Fitch, President/Co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“The Skies Opened Up and it Wouldn’t Stop…”

“Yesterday was a dreadful day as many lives and property were lost to a torrential storm system that dropped upwards of 20” of rain on the Bayou City.

Back pastures gone, creeping up into the backyard.

Back pastures gone, creeping up into the backyard.

Forty five miles to the northwest is where our little chunk of paradise resides and according to estimates, as the rain gauge only goes to 6”, we received somewhere between 10” – 12” and of course, I was not there.

From half way around the world I watched with horror, via our security cameras, as  the relentless march of the water swallowed up our two back pastures and then proceeded to cover the higher pasture and ultimately it began to creep up into our backyard which is something that we have never witnessed, before.

Terry had already secured the horses up in the highest pasture where the barn lives and locked them away from the torrent that was streaming below.

Almost to the last trailer, soon rescued by Terry.

Almost to the last trailer, soon rescued by Terry.

A two horse trailer was completely under water with the 4 horse quickly disappearing.  Our house and barn are built up the elevation of a small hill but the water was creeping towards our last horse trailer and when Terry sent me a shot of how close it was I asked her to fire up her trusty Jeep and pull it up to the safety of the concrete drive, which she did with fantastic flair and skill.

Not long after the water had gulped up the spot that the trailer was on and lapped at the foundation to Terry’s greenhouse and our pool…but it has appeared to halt its march as of this writing.

We don’t know what the strong current has done to our submerged fencing but we can only hope for the best as the back fence line is under about 8’ of water moving at 3 knots, if not more.

View from backyard as pastures wash away, object in water is end of gate attached to the cross fencing that has long since disapeared.

View from backyard as pastures wash away, object in water is end of gate attached to the cross fencing that has long since disappeared.

But Terry is okay, the horses are alright, but pissed that they are locked away from the water, and there is no major structural damage…BUT, others did not fare so well.

Below is a compilation of the struggles that both humans and horses have and are currently going through to stay alive, safe and dry.

Whenever things look cloudy and dark, it is good to remember that you are not alone, and perhaps even lucky as it all could have been worse, much worse.  Keep the faith, my friends.” ~ R.T.

(Our hearts go out to Marjorie Farabee and Dawn Reveley who’s property and equines suffered, also!)

8 replies »

  1. Unreal!!! Mother Nature is not happy with humans occupying our Earth. Some humans have tipped the scales and have caused a serious embalance. Earth quakes, tornadoes, floods and the ocean waters boiling. We are striping Her wildlife as well in alarming rates. You cannot pump the Earth out with nothing to fill it up with. And you cannot pump water down into the Earth by “fracking” and not cause an embalance. Why font these idiots wake up! Save the animals!


  2. My heart goes out to you. Last fall we got 9 inches in a day and I am still repairing fences! Huge logs came down the valley and slammed into anything in their way. I am just glad it didn’t get your house or barn!


  3. THANK GOODNESS you all are OK. Terry, being a seasoned veteran in dealing with storm and Horse rescue emergencies, knows how to keep her cool in a crisis.


  4. From Marjorie Farabee

    TMR Rescue Inc
    We are in the middle of a catastrophe, but we see rays of sunshine coming our way. Although the damage to ur fencing has been extensive, at least or animals are safe. For many equine in the area, this has not been the case. Pray for them.

    TMR Rescue is home to almost 400 rescued donkeys, mules, and horses, both wild and domestic. Our Texas Miracle Ranch is on a mission to change long held misconceptions about longears, and give them back their rightful place in the history books. We provide our equine with their veterinary needs, nutrition, and rehabilitation, as well as providing them with the love and compassion that some of them have never known. We love what we do, and are happy to share our world and our mission with you.


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