Horse Health

Lummis Talks Hate and Bloodshed for American Wild Horses and Burros

Prologue by R.T. Fitch, article by David Louis as published in the Rawlins Daily Times

“Who would have thunk it, Wyoming’s infamous and now deceased “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis is speaking from the grave through her mouthpiece, Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo.  Once a buddy of ole dead Sue, Lummis has now positioned herself to be on a committee that may, or may not, have sway over what happens to our beloved wild equines.  Like her former horse eating buddy, Lummis spews lightly veiled rhetoric on how we must butcher and kill off our protected wild horses and burros to make way for government subsidized, welfare cattle that are privately owned by the ranchers who fund her political aspirations; remember that one slimy hand washes the other.

Below is an unedited article where Lummis is said to boast about “taking aim” at you and me; tax paying Americans who see the big picture and strive towards persevering our public lands for the benefit of generations yet to come.  To coin a much overused phrase I say, “Off with her head!” in hopes of seeing yet another damsel of depravity slip off into the slimy darkness from whence she came.

Evil simply does not learn and keeps repeating itself over and over again while utilizing the same tired and failed methods.  But keep the faith, with your help, truth and honesty shall prevail.” ~ R.T.

Wyoming Congresswoman Mocks Advocates While Recommending Death and Slaughter to Wild Equines

Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY) channeling "Slaughterhouse" Sue Wallis' horse hater rhetoric

Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY) channeling “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis’ horse hater rhetoric

RAWLINS — As a member on the U.S. House Natural Resources subcommittee for public lands, Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo. joined her fellow lawmakers last week taking dead aim at groups who advocate against euthanizing wild horses.

Although the committee realized it was taking on an issue that does not have any easy answers, Lummis stressed that the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act is not being followed.

The law requires the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to remove wild horses from private land, if requested by the landowner, and also allows for their destruction if wild horses held by the agency are not adopted.

However, because of Congressional direction, BLM has not been allowed to slaughter wild horses for several years.

Compounding the issue, since 2012 Congress has required anyone who adopts a wild horse to contractually agree not to resell them for slaughter. The BLM has argued against lifting that restriction.

“This is a terrible problem without a good solution,” Lummis said. “The fact is that the law requires the BLM to maintain range resources in good condition. But this does not square with animal rights activists’ view of wild horses as the superior species on the range.”

According to the Associated Press, BLM Deputy Director Steve Ellis expressed his frustration during last week’s testimony, offering a glimpse of the challenges facing the agency that has been struggling for decades with what is described as a $1 billion problem.

During the at-times emotional hearing, highlights included Nevada’s state veterinarian calling for the roundup and surgical sterilization in every overpopulated herd, followed by a protester who briefly interrupted with shouts denouncing “welfare ranchers” turning public lands into “feedlots.”

“I was surprised that we had an animal rights activist come to the meeting who disrupted it so thoroughly that the Capitol Police had to be called,” Lummis said. “I don’t want to be insensitive, but when people come and testify saying ‘no’ to everything, they are being inflexible, unrealistic and emotional.”

Lummis knows that the question of how to control the wild horse population is a political football and passions run deep; she doubts that common ground will be found.

“I’m not sure we all do want the same thing. People assume and assert if you take all the cattle off the range then everything will be fine. That’s simply not the case,” she said.

“Now BLM is experimenting with castration and neutering, and activists find that unacceptable. The problem I had with the disruptive witness was that she wanted no castration. No neutering. No holding pens. All she wanted was horses released from government corrals and turned back out onto the range.”

During subcommittee testimony, Ellis estimated there were 67,000 wild horses and burros on federal land in 10 states, 2.5 times more than the range can support.

However, government corrals and leased pastures are maxed out, where 47,000 horses nationwide cost taxpayers about $50,000 per head over the course of the animal’s lifetime.

“You can’t give the activists what they want and responsibly manage the land,” Lummis said.

“There are way too many horses on the range to do this, and they are way over objective population numbers. Wild horses double in number every four to seven years and this is completely unsustainable. We don’t do that with elk. We don’t do that with deer, don’t do that with any other wild specie.”

Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., chairman of the House Natural Resources subcommittee on public lands, objected to those who stood staunchly against euthanizing wild horses “and yet seem perfectly willing to watch them succumb to excruciating death by starvation, dehydration and disease.”

“That is the future we condemn these animals to if we don’t intervene now,” the California Republican said.

“I don’t know if there is common ground among us that can be found to create a win-win strategy with every single horse,” Lummis said, “but there have been some successes.”

The first of its kind in the United States, the Deerwood Ranch Wild Horse EcoSanctuary, located 35 miles west of Laramie, is home to a heard of 130 wild horses. Open fields invite long runs and lazy afternoon grazing.

The BLM established the EcoSanctuary project in 2013.

“I would think this type of an arrangement, although expensive for the taxpayers, would be an acceptable alternative, but advocates are opposed to neutering these animals,” Lummis said. “Until this hearing I didn’t realize just how unrealistic and unachievable the activist’s goals are.”

Though no one has come up with a one-size-fits-all solution to managing the wild horse population, and Lummis doubts there ever will be one, there are other alternatives that may include euthanizing animals in government pens, she said.

“I think that humanely euthanizing the animals and disposing of their remains without using them for food is certainly an acceptable alternative,” she said. “I could go either way, but if we can find the ultimate, compassionate, calming process — that’s a better alternative than holding them in pens until they die of old age.”

Many in the top jobs at BLM admit the wild horse program is broken and straining under its own weight.

“The committee understands BLM is between the ultimate rock and hard place,” Lummis said.

“I think this is an impossible situation on a large scale to find a solution that is acceptable for everyone. I suspect BLM is as frustrated as I am. I don’t fault the BLM. They are trying to thread the needle so that they are not beaten to a bloody pulp by people who are against them.”

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25 replies »

  1. Our wild horses & burros are part of our heritage & should be allowed to live in peace. Those who oppose this should consider this, if it’s the only thing they could understand. .. ‘The highways are all closed to automobiles, so that we can herd our cattle w/out losing them. And BTW all autos will henceforth be burned because of emissions & we’re tired of looking for more gas & oil. Get a horse.’


  2. Hope everyone who commented in favor of the wild horses & burros is as vocal with the BLM & other “decision makers”! Nice to see that many people who know what is actually going on!


  3. Cynthia Lummis/Wyoming

    The Department of Interior Oil and Gas Royalty Scandal and Its Wyoming Roots

    In 1992, independent auditors Ryan and Fetterolf were witnesses for Uinta County against Union Pacific Resourcesxviii, which was suing the county and the state, claiming the county had no right to hire minerals production auditors for contingent fees, and disputing the taxes on the company’s oil and gas production in the county. Ryan told WyoFile that when he and Fetterolf showed up to give their depositions in the case, he was shocked to find that state Senator Cynthia Lummis, a Laramie County Republican, was the company’s lawyer.

    “Cynthia, are you here to represent your constituents or Union Pacific?” Ryan says he asked.
    “I represented Union Pacific Resources Co. in a declaratory judgment action that went to the Wyoming Supreme Court,” Lummis told WyoFile, adding that the court made no decision on the merits of the case, but sent it back to the Board of Equalization.

    Cynthia Lummis, who is now Wyoming’s sole U.S. Representative in Congress, has been a politician for more than 30 years, and a lawyer for nearly a quarter of a century. When she was working for Union Pacific Resources in the 1990s, she was a partner in the Cheyenne firm of Wiederspahn, Lummis & Liepas PC. Her husband and law partner, real estate developer Alvin Wiederspahn, is a former state representative and senator on the Democratic side of the aisle. In the ’90s, the firm’s clients included Amoco Production Company and Union Pacific Resources. Wiederspahn was also a leader of the Wyoming Taxpayers’ Association, a group with a populist-sounding name that is an energy industry lobby.

    During the summer, Burton—who as a Republican state representative from Natrona County had served on the House Revenue Committee with Rep. Cynthia Lummis—consulted Lummis and former state Sen. Dan Sullivan, who were co-chairmen of the legislature’s Joint Interim Revenue Committee that had reported on the 1990 law. Sullivan, the Republican brother of former Democratic Gov. Michael Sullivan, was by 1996 working for Chevron. He assured Burton that Chevron was correct, the production taxes and royalties should be excluded.xxv Burton met with

    Governor Jim Geringer three times on the subject, and he finally told her, she said, “Do what you think is right.”

    What she thought was right (Burton consulted the state attorney general to see if she was about to break the law; he said no) was to accept Chevron’s view of the matter, overrule her auditors and herself, and exclude production taxes and royalties from the direct cost formula.
    She issued a new memo in October 1996 to “supercede” and “cancel” her previous memo. The Equalization Board later found this October memo to be “contrary to law.”


    • It is not secret that Lummis has been a mounthpiece for the horse haters for decades; however she wasn’t particularly vocal, namely because she is just an useless, trophy representative.

      Reading between lines I can see her going so vocal and peddling her garbage far and wide as a sign she may be taking a shot at the Senate in the upcoming years. This is not surprising, since all these captured, useless hyperconservative politicians that eat from the hand of the welfare ranching and extractive establishment lobby usually resort to horse slaughter propaganda to prop up their campaigns and rally their voting base.

      Anyhow, Lummis making it to the Senate would be a tremendous catastrophe for equines, wild and otherwise, given the particular privileges Senators have when voting or discussing legislation in the floor. We can’t let that happen.


  4. Wild horses & burros being removed for Richfield Tar Sands plan

    In addition to the welfare ranchers, here is another major cause of our wild ones being captured & removed & sterilized … please become aware of the Richfield tar sands plan.

    The Richfield tar sands has already effected our wild ones and continues to do so as of TODAY with the BLM proposal to rid the White Mountain and Little Colorado of more/all of the wild ones and the same with the Sinbad wild burro HMA (comments due Monday).

    The Richfield tar sands plan has been in progress since about 2010 and if you look at the list below you will see that most of these HMAs (plus West Douglas HA) have been heavily captured/removed in recent years.
    The document goes so far as to say, “the management of wild horse and burro herds is not compatible within those portions of commercial tar sands lease areas”. How much clearer can it be. They want the wild ones GONE.

    TABLE 3.1.3-1 Wild Horse Herd Management Areas within the Oil Shale and Tar Sands Study Area (page 3-167)

    Little Colorado
    White Mountain
    Salt Wells
    Adobe Town

    Piceance-East Douglas

    Muddy Creek
    Range Creek

    [PLUS Herd Areas which are not discussed in this report – such as the West Douglas HA]
    More Richfield tar sands information:

    Click to access UT33-RichfieldFinalPlan.pdf

    Sinbad Wild Burro EA information:

    Click to access Sinbad%20Draft%20EA.pdf


  5. Pass the Safe Act horses are not raised or regulated for food for humans with all the medicines they have to take Safe Act Safe food ASAP.


  6. Drank from the Slaughter Sue Kool Aid stand…as a taxpayer I not only disagree with you but I vehemently disagree with your stand.


  7. Lummis obviously has no background in wildlife management if she can baldly claim we don’t let deer or elk die of starvation in America, I have witnessed this many winters and know first hand local officials will not intervene no matter how many are staggering around dying, claiming it is “natural” and therefore not to be interfered with.

    Considering the elk population in Colorado is at least six times higher than the entire estimated numbers of wild horses left roaming the entire west, the starvation argument does not hold up to any scrutiny whatsoever anyway.


      • Wow, “Protect the Horse Harvest” propaganda film, which in the beginning shows a rancher taking credit for providing water and managing predators – then later another declares wild horses have “no natural predators” which is a patent lie. Discussing federally protected wild horses as though they are a commodity which should be sold by the pound to foreign nations is beyond repulsive, as is one of the early comments indicating “activists” (which apparently these filmed ranchers aren’t ???) have contributed “nothing” to support wild horses. One is forced to ask where the MILLION$$$ of taxpayer dollars come from to support wild horse management by the BLM and USFS, while at the same time subsidize the massive losses grazing livestock on the public lands also puts on taxpayer’s shoulders. It also is poor journalism to show one thin horse surrounded by dozens which are not, leading me to suspect disease or age, not starvation which would naturally affect all the horses in a given area. The poor colt with the mangled forehead was hard to see, but this also seemed clearly to be an injury caused during roundup activities as it showed the result of a high-speed head on impact which cleanly peeled the forehead and skin down towards the nostrils, as a fence panel or steel barrier might produce. Unless the colt fell face first down a cliff and hit a rock (and one then must ask why), this injury doesn’t look like it was produced under natural conditions.
        While I am as concerned about food security as anyone, the idea that the tiny fraction of livestock produced on public lands determines our national future is beyond speculative, as was the comparison with having to buy imported lettuce. Really? How much lettuce are we growing in our semi arid, non irrigated public lands. Anyone?


    • “Thousands of horses starving in the range”

      Yeah righhhht…

      More bundite propaganda about how much the federal government oppresses these “poor ole good boys” that live off taxpayers and federal property.

      And to crown it all, some videogarbage from Sue Wallis’ disciple Dave Duquette and his “protect the money harvest” sect.


      • Yes, the video is just propaganda put up by Wallis’ disciple David Duquette and funded by horse hater and radical right-wing activist Forrest Lucas.

        They are just spewing fake information about starving wild horses as a justification that they should be slaughtered becuase “slaughter is euthanasia”. However, the whole video is faked, the worst-looking horses shown are not wild but domestic.

        They are basically using the Michael Moore’s techniques but on steroids, taking stuff out of context to drive their points home: Pure garbage.

        Maybe we should counterattack and start producing videos on our own to counter them. They make one and we make three. That’s how info wars are won.


      • Yep!!! That is where this came from, and the unfortunate thing is so many more people will visit that site than RT’s,
        so to be for warned – is to be for armed.


      • From a consumer review website…this is their review

        Good Ole Lucas Oil has found a new way to screw the public!

        Has anyone besides me noticed that Lucas Oil is trying to take over all aspects of racing so they can stick it to the fans even more.Now they have come up with a scheme of “protect the harvest” so the poor farmers are protected, Does anyone realize that Mr. Lucas is only thinking about himself. Go to take a look at his cattle ranch in Mo. Oh, it’s quite small, like maybe only a billion acres, and a few hundred thousand cattle, not to mention hi Bull Business. Ha! no pun intended but I would say what most people truly know about his businesses, is they are multi-billion dollar companies!
        Guess who is paying for that!
        You the consumer!
        Who has their name as sponsor on almost all facets of racing?
        Who charges $10.00 more per head to watch races that the local racetracks charge for the same show?
        But they don’t have all the fancy concrete jungle,the golf carts giving you rides.
        His new thing protect the harvest was started,and funded by Mr. Lucas.
        Anyone seeing a pattern here?
        All the while he is telling folks it’s in their best interest to follow his lead.
        If I had a Billion dollars I would ask you to give me more too! His fence surrounding his land cost more that most people spend on houses in California in their lifetime!
        Ohhhhhhhh poor mr. Farmer Lucas, I sure want to help you to protect the harvest.
        Oh by the way if you want to help support Protect the Harvest please send in $35.00 for a lousy *** T-Shirt .Don’t worry all profits will go to helping out the poooooooor Farmers, the ones driving the new trucks, and live in the big *** houses!!!


        Lucas’ “Protect the Harvest” campaign actually has another plan in mind — they are giving millions of dollars to state political campaigns toward candidates who promise to protect GMO farmers and billion dollar factory farms that are under pressure to treat animals more humanely and to operate without polluting the waters of local communities.
        In Missouri, “Protect the Harvest” donated money to a candidate who promised to amend the state’s constitution to guarantee that “the right of Missouri citizens to engage in agricultural production and ranching practices shall not be infringed.” Which means, no regulations — including how they can use pesticides and GMO.
        This is a BAD group. I’m very sad to see billionaires like Lucas Oil taking over the racing industry – I know most racers would NOT be happy to know what the Lucas family stands for.


  8. Why don’t you leave them on public land free and wild and let them manage themselves . BTW , public meaning BLM , NF . The ranchers need to step back and let the wild animals have first rights .


  9. The committee stated the cost of horses to be $1088 each per year or (49M cost/45K horses in holding) Than they say each and every horse will cost 50K, On BLM they state 46K each. Well Folks lets see who can do this math. hmm 1088 per year divided into 50K stated horses cost per lifetime = well 45+ Years. Or each horse will live in holding 45+ years??????


    • Yep… it is the same fuzzy math used by BLM and the welfare rancher lobby to calculate those 60,000 horses that are suppossedly roaming free in the West and to infer that horses have litters and that stallions give birth too.

      We already knew these Cletus couldn’t count past five but this is simply beyond ridiculous.


    • INDEED!!!! This is why I told before this video has faked footage ala Michale Moore, taking things out of context to serve their own purposes. One of thin horses is just a very old domestic horse that had its hooves trimmed.

      This video is actually quite old. Habitat for Horses ran a blog post about it last year and it was commented by experts that some of the thinnest horses were actually very old domestic ones, you can see that by looking into details such as their hooves trimmings. This video is just concentrated falsehood and deception; it’s pure garbage, just like the propaganda vids put up by Daesh.


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