Equine Rescue

SAFE Food SAFE Horses Grassroots Coalition Will March on DC with Wild Horses, Public Lands and Horse Slaughter Risk Warnings

News provided by SAFE Food SAFE Horses Coalition

September 22 open-to-public rally at Capitol links slaughter of U.S. horses to food safety risks and wild horse removals to public “land grab” attempt

Simone, John Holland of EWA and R.T. Fitch of WHFF protesting in D.C.

Simone from Respect4Horses, John Holland of EWA and R.T. Fitch of WHFF protesting in D.C.

STUART, Fla., Sept. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — SAFE Food SAFE Horses Coalition (www.safefoodsafehorses.org) invites the public to the “March on DC” on September 22, 2016 to urge our lawmakers to protect our wild horses and public lands from needless destruction, and Americans from the grave health risk resulting from their unknowing consumption of toxic meat from slaughtered U.S. horses entering the U.S. and global food supply.

Highlights of the March are expert presentations by Congressman Patrick Meehan, Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation, Cameron Harsh of the Center for Food Safety, John Holland , R.T. Fitch, Freddie Hudson and others.  The rally begins at the USDA Whitten building on Jefferson Avenue with speakers, followed by a short “March” to the Capitol Plaza for more presentations and speeches.

On the following day (September 23), a free double-feature will be held at the Capitol Visitors’ Center, showing the award-winning documentary “From the Kill Pen”, followed by the true Cinderella story of “Harry and Snowman”.

The goals of the March are to:

  • Demand Congress enforces the spirit and intent of the Wild and Free Roaming Horse and Burro Protection Act of 1971 and rejects the BLM WH&B Advisory Committee’s recommendations to destroy America’s captive wild horses being held in long and short term holding.
  • Alert Americans to a congressional “Public Land Grab” plan to hand over taxpayers’ public lands to the states, to be sold to private corporate interests for mining, fracking and welfare cattle grazing.
  • Compel Congress to pass the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act S.1214/HR.1942 to protect our food supply by banning the slaughter, and transport to slaughter of U.S. horses.
  • Alert Americans to the health risks that the slaughter of U.S. horses creates: A study published in 2015 reported that the US food supply is contaminated with horse meat. U.S. horses do not meet Federal standards required for food animals, and may harbor FDA-banned drugs, toxins and deadly diseases. The US imports millions of pounds of “beef” from Mexico into the US annually, which has been shown to contain up to 40% horse meat
  • Expose serious horse-related food safety issues involving the USDA, which is responsible for food safety, yet due to lack of funding and oversight, allows egregious violations of USDA policies . A prime example is the Slaughter Horse Transport Program which has only two people assigned to monitor safety at twelve U.S. border crossings.

Please join “We the People” in protecting our food, families, public lands, horses, and American heritage.  Media contact:  contact@safefoodsafehorses.org

SAFE Food Safe Horses Coalition is a non-profit entity representing over 20 organizations and 1.75 million people. Its missions are to protect the food supply by banning the slaughter of American horses and protect our wild horses and public lands.

Video – http://origin-qps.onstreammedia.com/origin/multivu_archive/PRNA/ENR/FromtheKillPenTrailerFinal.mp4

SOURCE SAFE Food SAFE Horses Coalition

8 replies »

  1. I wish I could be there. Truly I do. I think this is giving to be a turning point for horses. I will be there in spirit rooting for the team…. Go horse warriors!!!


  2. From: Straight from the Horse’s Heart Reply-To: Straight from the Horse’s Heart Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 8:08 AM To: Denise Brown Subject: [New post] SAFE Food SAFE Horses Grassroots Coalition Will March on DC with Wild Horses, Public Lands and Horse Slaughter Risk Warnings

    WordPress.com R.T. Fitch posted: “News provided by SAFE Food SAFE Horses Coalition September 22 open-to-public rally at Capitol links slaughter of U.S. horses to food safety risks and wild horse removals to public “land grab” attempt STUART, Fla., Sept. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire-US”


  3. Susan Wagner explained on Wild Horse and Burro radio last night, should the SAFE Act be enacted, that it would be extremely detrimental the this issue as it would put more horses at risk due to the weak language within the bill itself. A better idea by Ms. Wagner was to sign this petition asking our President to enact an Executive Order prior to leaving office in January 2017. Last resort at this point. Don’t miss her article, and the link to the petition here. http://bit.ly/horsesatrisk

    However, with that being said, I think that the exposure to this issue is important and certainly outweighs the risk that this bill will be passed. As we know, for well over 16 years, Republicans (but esp. special interest lobbyist) have blocked any and all efforts to pass laws to protect our equines. See Animal Law Coalition list of bills submitted to congress, that have either languished or left in Committees without a vote on the floor. https://animallawcoalition.com/safe-act-saves-horses/

    Additionally, 9 of the last 10 recessions have been under Republican Presidents. See http://www.presidentialdata.org

    Each recession we endure, means that millions of animals are at risk, and most if not all are killed outright. When anyone tells you that we have a “unwanted horse” problem in this country, be sure to point out the fact poor Republican policies, recessions and other laws enacted to prevent safe passage for all animals, have been a contributing factor in homeless equines going to slaughter, dogs, cats and others ending up in high kill shelters.

    Personally, I have endured well over three devastating recessions, lost several homes and the ability to care for our animals. We were assured many times that our animals were safe before we gave them away. But will be forever haunted on our two Arabians that were left behind in Ohio with family friends. They refused to tell us where they ended up. Will never again allow anyone to take control of my friends again. If we cannot care for them, then they will be euthanized rather than given away to friends or family. The pain is just too great. I had no idea in 2010 that horse slaughter even existed.

    Our best shot will be to remove any and all representatives that have stood against our American Icons for far too long. Vote them out. Good luck to all who are working hard to expose this secret to the rest of the world.


  4. Be certain to sign the petition and add a comment so that your signature is counted.
    100,000 signatures are needed ASAP. Sign and Share
    And as Susan said…a Hand written letter is by far the most effective. The White House now screens all incoming mail so it takes longer. A Fax would also be good.

    Equine Advocates, Inc.
    Together we can make a difference to stop the slaughter now. Please sign this petition and help to share and forward it far and wide so that we can reach our goal of 100,000 signatures.


    1. If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you hand-write your letter, please consider using pen and writing as neatly as possible
    2. Please include your return address on your letter as well as your envelope. If you have an email address, please consider including that as well.
    3. And finally, be sure to include the full address of the White House to make sure your message gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Call the White House
    Comments: 202-456-1111 (TTY/TTD: 202-456-6213)
    FAX: 202-456-2461


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