Day: November 22, 2016

Longtime Horse Slaughter Radical Gets Violent at Equus Film Festival

“Well, well, well, guess who crawled out from underneath his moldy rock and showed his hairy backside last week? An old, has-been topic of many an OpEd here at SFTHH who we thought died and shriveled away when his cohort in crime, “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallace, literally left the planet earth to go spend eternity in that special place where killers, and consumers, of companion animals go to rot. Drum roll please; ole Dave “Doink” Duquette, the great failure of the west, reared his ugly head and laid his hands on a member of the press asking a well thought out question last Friday. You see, when you corner an animal abuser with an intelligent question they respond in one of three ways; either they cuss, lash out or leave the room. Duquette was, and is, too stupid to leave the room. Known for eating horses, not training them, Duquette considers himself a Subject Matter Expert on murdering equines and then spreading out their body parts on the table for all the sickos to enjoy. And whenever the subject of horse and donkey murder comes to light, or attempts to, there is Duquette spouting off non-nonsensical dribble laced with expletives because he wouldn’t know the difference between a pronoun and a dangling participial if they hit him in the the head.

Please read on about Doink’s abusive conduct and the thinly veiled horse slaughter organization that he belongs to which sponsored the festival this year. It all stinks of decaying horse flesh and will make you want to shower, or at least wash your hands, after reading about this low-life. Duquette needs to crawl back into that slimy hole from whence he came; the world has moved on and his primal urges are no longer considered acceptable in contemporary society” ~ R.T.

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