Equine Rescue

Wild Horse Sanctuary Founder Celebrates 92nd Birthday

“Happy Birthday Dayton O. Hyde!”

Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary founder and author, Dayton O. Hyde will celebrates his 92nd birthday today, March 25.

Hyde’s life journey is a story of challenges and successes that began in Michigan and took him across the West.

 From rodeos, conservation battles, wild horse rescue and award-winning books, Hyde founded the 11,000-acre Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, in Hot Springs in 1988.

Today the Sanctuary continues to provides freedom for wild horses rescued from slaughter and enables them to live on protected prairie land.

The Sanctuary is open to the public year-round.

At age 92, Hyde continues to fight for the American West and the protection of water and ecosystems that support the wild horses, wildlife and area residents of the Black Hills.

For more information about Hyde and the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, visit www.wildmustangs.com, or www.daytonohyde.com

3 replies »

  1. Don Coyote is a must-read..if you can find a copy of it. This is where I first discovered Dayton Hyde.
    I did find a couple of reviews

    Rancher Dayton Hyde was rattling along on his ancient Allis Chalmers tractor, wondering whether it would see its last mechanical gasp that morning, when he first spotted the coyote.

    At first they were strangers, if though the coyote was always there, always some forty feet behind. Hyde couldn’t kill him, even though his rancher neighbors believed the old myth that coyotes live only to kill sheep-and should be shot on sight.

    But as hyde befriends the Don, as he calls him, and all the other coyotes that live on his Oregon land, he finds a different truth…
    Here’s a tale of nature in its purest form, a story of heartwarming friendship between an extraordinary coyote heartwarming friendship between an extraordinary coyote and a man whose wonderful observations bring home the powerful fact that a human being is responsible to the land-and not its master. “So joyously ornery, so damned funny, so compelling that it’s tempting to try for a marathon start-to-finish read.” Los Angeles Times Book Review

    Though he discusses observing wild coyotes and hand-raising coyote pups, Hyde’s primary and most compelling theme in his latest book is the harmonious interdependence of species in any successful ecosystem. Surrounded by ranchers bent on wiping out coyotes and other pests with guns, poison, and other sophisticated weapons, Hyde instead actively encouraged the presence of predator and prey on his Oregon cattle ranch.

    He even built a dam to re-create an ancient lake. The result was a banner year: solar heat trapped by lake water moderated frosts, causing grasses and marsh plants to flourish. Because coyotes stayed well fed by small prey the new meadows supported, Hyde lost no calves to them. His beef fattened well on the natural forage, while insects were checked by birds the lake attracted.



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