Horse News

Feel Good Sunday: Very Tiny Animal Joins A Herd Of Wild Horses

Source: The Dodo by

“He has decided he is now a mighty mustang.”

In a herd of wild horses, it’s the lead stallion who often drops behind the herd as they’re running, helping to guide his group safely to food and water.

And so, whenever Clare Staples, founder of Skydog Ranch, a sanctuary in Oregon, sees Cassidy drop behind the herd of rescued wild horses, she can’t help but laugh.

At just 39 inches tall, Cassidy (who is named after singer David Cassidy) is far from being a wild mustang.

Cassidy is actually a miniature mule, or “mini hinny,” a mix between a mini horse and mini donkey. And even though he was saved at the last minute from a miserable place, and is several feet shorter than the horses with whom he’s bonded, that doesn’t stop him from thinking quite highly of himself.

“We tried to put him with the donkey herd several times,” Staples told The Dodo, “and he just goes under the fence and back to his wild mustang herd.”

Cassidy was saved with a mustang from a kill pen in Waco, Texas, back in 2016. Kill pens are where unwanted horses, donkeys and mules are sent when no one wants them anymore; if they aren’t saved from these places, they’re sent to slaughter in Canada or Mexico.

“I know we are a mustang sanctuary,” Staples wrote on Skydog’s Facebook page just after seeing Cassidy’s photo and deciding to rescue him, “but sometimes when you are rescuing a mustang a little creature manages to win your heart … Cutest little boy just couldn’t be left behind.”

5 replies »

  1. How cool! You all see its NOT your size but how you feel about yourself! He might be a tad small but in his mind he is a full size horse; Big or small his instincts have kicked in and he knows his J O B! Protect the herd and stand by his WOMEN! Who knows maybe a pint size lady will show up that needs a home and the herd will be complete! Although he already thinks so! Thank you RT great story. Its all about the HEART!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This little guy is too precious! A wonderful uplift to an otherwise grief filled day… the Devil’s Garden atrocity beginning… who will be there to help them escape the kill buyers???

    Liked by 1 person

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