Tag: Animal’s Angels

Horse slaughterhouse Bouvry loses a big customer

                                                                              photo of Bouvry slaughterhouse by Animals Angels Brandi Turner, Head of Investigations in Colorado for Animals Angels sends the following: Migros, Switzerland’s largest retail company & supermarket chain has decided to terminate its contract with Bouvry Exports and will no longer buy meat from the Canadian supplier. The […]

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AA Investigation: Mexico Horse Slaughter Plants Continue to be Non-Compliant with EU Standards

Article/Report by Animals Angels BLM Wild Horse Freeze Brands Clearly Visible on Horses in Plant Animals’ Angels investigators observed harsh conditions in EU approved Mexican slaughterhouses during an intensive investigation conducted in September 2012. The goal of this follow up investigation was to check if any improvements had […]

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Animal’s Angels Auction Goes Live

Still looking for the perfect gift? Animal’s Angels have received some incredible artwork from remarkable wild horse photographers such as Carol Walker, Terry Fitch, Cat Kindsfather, Melody Perez, Katleen Selig, Ellen Holcumb, Craig Downer, and many more, who kindly donated their works to support our cause. The proceeds of this auction will be used to help finance a wild horse investigation. Please check out the listings (HERE)

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NM Horse Slaughter Dealer Dodged Bullet in Past

Crammed into a small pen, they were so emaciated their hip and rib bones were showing. Some were crippled, and others listless with swollen jaws consistent with equine distemper, according to interviews and sheriff’s reports. Witnesses reported no food or water in the pen, located in Albuquerque’s South Valley.

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Animals’ Angels: Dennis Chavez Slaughter Horse Feedlot in New Mexico

Six years of cruelty investigations have made it absolutely clear: Horse slaughter means a free pass, in effect, kill buyer amnesty for abuse, neglect and animal cruelty. But never has one single location screamed horse slaughter’s cruelty more than at our March 10 investigation. Horse after horse after horse – yet completely typical of what goes on unabated in the slaughter pipeline. No feeling person could help but be heartbroken, and very angry.

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Update: Animal’s Angels Recent Horse Slaughter Auction Investigations

Investigators attended the monthly horse auction in Middleburg, PA. There were approx 150 horses present in the pen area. The “slaughter prospects” were kept in groups of 4 – 6 horses per pen in the darkest area of the barn. Several of them were thin, one mule had a swollen hind leg and one chestnut mare had several open sores on her body. The sale started at 11:48am. The usual kill buyers Rotz and Moore were present and buying many of the horses under $500.00. An unknown buyer with the buyer number 500 was purchasing several horses the kill buyers didn’t want for as low as $10. Brian Moore was there with his large tractor/trailer and so was Bruce Rotz.

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Congressional Conference Committee Appropriations Bill Would Require Taxpayers to Subsidize Foreign Horse Meat Industry

Washington, D.C. – Last night, November 14, 2011, a Congressional Conference Committee tasked with reconciling differing House and Senate versions of the FY 2012 consolidated appropriations for Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science and Transportation, issued a report failing to recommend de-funding of inspections of equines for slaughter for human consumption. This means for the first time since 2006, and in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression, Americans would be required to subsidize a foreign owned industry that exports horsemeat served as a delicacy in fine restaurants in some European and other countries.

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Animal’s Angels “Light the Sky 2011”

Dear Straight from the Horse’s Heart Readers:

It is a pleasure to invite you to take part in Animals’ Angels third fundraising event on Saturday, December 10, 2011.

Animals’ Angels employees and friends will meet on this night with thousands of candles to Light the Sky for the animals – to cast a light against the darkness and symbolically alleviate suffering. This is a time to step back and reflect on our purpose and our respect for the animals, their fates and the conditions. It is all of us, our collective message of hope and commitment.

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Texas A&M Fined for Horse Slaughter Transportation Violations

AA has gained information through a Freedom of information Act Request (FOIA) that powerfully underscores the cruelty of horse slaughter on U.S. soil. Under the most ideal conditions possible – including watering stops during single-deck transport, less packed conditions and multiple cameras with a team of monitors – a horse died in the bottom of a trailer during transport. The study adds to ever increasing evidence that demonstrates horse slaughter cannot be ‘improved’ into something that is humane.

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