Horse News

Animal’s Angels “Light the Sky 2011”

Open Letter from Sonja Meadows of Animal’s Angels

Dear Straight from the Horse’s Heart Readers:

It is a pleasure to invite you to take part in Animals’ Angels third fundraising event on Saturday, December 10, 2011.

Animals’ Angels employees and friends will meet on this night with thousands of candles to Light the Sky for the animals – to cast a light against the darkness and symbolically alleviate suffering. This is a time to step back and reflect on our purpose and our respect for the animals, their fates and the conditions. It is all of us, our collective message of hope and commitment.

Light the Sky is also a time when our investigators remember the animals who have crossed their paths during 2011 – the many horses, cows, calves, pigs, sheep, goats, chicken, turkeys and dogs that we met at auctions, feedlots and slaughter plants. And it is a time to renew our resolve.

We hope you will take part on this night with a small donation of $5 per candle. We want to include your personal message and light your candle(s) of hope.

Watch the video of our 2010 event…

Click here to participate now!

Here’s how it works:

Please click on the link above to buy your candle(s). Share with us who you want to light the candle(s) for and the story or personal message of hope. If you can, please include a photo of an animal close to your heart.

During the event, all the flyers and photos will go on the “Tree of Hope”.

We will light all the candles donated – our goal is 6,000! Proceeds will be used to help finance 2012 investigations.

Animals’ Angels work is possible because of you, your candle and your support. AA investigators are “there with the animals” to fight cruelty and improve lives-thanks so much to you.

Saturday December 10, 2011 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST

Light the sky! 


Sonja Meadows

Animals’ Angels
410 848 3153

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12 replies »

  1. Thank you R.T. for sharing our “Light The Sky” flyer. Last year the event was magic and it seems some of our hopes were answered this year, but more work needs to be done to protect all animals from inhumane treatment and with this fund drive we work on the upcoming investigations. Thank you all for supporting our work.


  2. Two things….I am joyful at this effort by a superb group doing the ugly work that is human cruelty for meat for humans, among other issues; I am sad that advocates can’t find the time to thank Sonja, her crew and this idea because it benefits the animals that we all care so much about.

    Sonja…I’ll donate but can’t figure out the pledge site yet. The worse case will be a check because I can’t find one picture for all the grief and sorrow and success I have experienced for all the animals that have crossed my path and pick one.

    Thanks AA.


    • Denise
      Thank you for supporting our work. If you would like to send a check that is totally fine. I have a PDF of the flyer that you can print out and send in your dedication and donation. You can send me an email and I will send it to you. I do not know how to post the PDF file.
      Again thank you for support Sonja and all of us at Animals Angels.


  3. I have a picture of me and my horse from years ago. I had to sale him when we moved. Sadly I never heard about him again. As I’ve become more aware of slaughter and the atrocities committed against horses I’m scared that he was a victim in the mid to late 70’s.

    Even if he wasn’t slaughtered he would be gone by now. He’d be close to 60 if he were alive.

    Does he count? If so I could find the picture of us and scan it in to my puter.


    • Yes, Margaret…he counts. Send 5 bucks and light a candle with pic.

      HSUS doesn’t even do this…they investigate like AA, but don’t do this in memorium.

      Remember….and keep fighting.


    • To get a copy of the PDF flyer please contact me at and I will make sure you get it.
      All animals count, it one touched your life (or even many) we want to hear about them. For me, my 5 horses and 1 dog will be donating in memory of all those who have been lost this year, but I am sure that others have ideas. So please join us and celebrate the lives of those who have or are sharing their lives with us, and those who have been lost.
      Thank you


  4. Thank you for all that you do Animal Angels because I know how difficult is for you as a past humane investigator. I am going to my ABU Horse Club meeting tonight and will bring some copies to share with my club.

    God bless you because you are truly the Angels among us!


    • Thank you so much Gail, we do appreciate all the support that has been shown to us. This is our celebration of the animals who crossed our paths during this year at the auctions, feedlots and we wait for this time every year to get together and dicuss what we have done and seen, as we are all around the country.
      Please share with everyone and let’s make this a night of magic for all animals.


  5. There are a lot of pictures on the various websites of Horses that have died due to the BLM round-ups…Blue Moon and Braveheart are just a couple. There are Foals, Mares and Stallions that died after being castrated.


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