Horse Health

Native Wild Horse Protection and others Fight for Wild Horses

Thanks to Native Wild Horse Protection and the many wild horse advocacy groups and advocates fighting for the humane care of wild horses in holding facilities.


JULY 11, 2013

PUBLIC OUTCRY HEIGHTENS, tragic foretold deaths of native wild horses without shelter unfolding, Bureau of land Management’s, Palomino Valley, Nevada “short term holding pens” still no shade in sight 

BY: “GIMME SHELTER CAMPAIGN”                                            NATIVE WILD HORSE PROTECTION

Jetara Séhart

High Desert sun relentlessly shines upon 1800+ warehoused wild horses and burros enclosed within BLM shade-less pens and horses are offered no escape from Summer’s dangerous heat.

NATIVE WILD HORSE PROTECTION offered four times to donate materials and raise funding to erect shelters to alleviate heat related painful suffering and death for Palomino Valley Center BLM warehoused horses, but the BLM refused to accept donations and claims horses do not need shade, because they are wild.

To deny native wild horses needed protection from elements is hypocritical, because the BLM Mustang adoption requirements include, that a 3 sided shelter must be provided.

Today, Director Beck, still has not created veterinarian called for shelter and instead installed some sprinklers to mitigate heat and the horses within his care and management are suffering and dying.

(Horse Back Magazine) 

 On June 25th NATIVE WILD HORSE PROTECTION alerted Director Beck:

“In upcoming temperatures at Palomino Valley Holding facility, when 104 degrees is reached, in full sun the horses there, will be standing upon barren soil, whose temperature will reach approx. 146 degrees and for wild horses of all ages including foals or yearlings who may need to lay down, this situation is intolerable and inhumane. Certainly no human or animal should be made to stand or reside in full Sun in temperatures of 90+ degrees, without shelter.”

PHOTO: MARJORIE LYNNE WAGNER , Surface temperature of sun drenched ground reads 164 degrees on July 1st, 2013 at approximately 3:20 PM. within the BLM Wild horse holding facility PALOMINO VALLEY CENTER, NEVADA

Marjorie Lynne Wagner, a wild horse advocate states of her visit and experience : “My visit to Palomino Valley Holding Facility on July 1, 2013 was a gut wrenching experience. The extreme 105 degree temperature overwhelmed me within minutes. When I tested the ground temperature with the new Ryobi Infrared Thermometer, I was shocked to see how high it read, with a reading of up to 164 degrees. None of the workers were outside for the entire time we were there, leaving me to wonder, “Where is the care they are being paid to provide?” One pen on the South side had insufficient water for so many horses. With only one trough, we noticed the larger stronger horses were guarding the water and not allowing the others to drink. There must be an immediate intervention on to prevent a large number of losses. The BLM claims that 4 have died but we were not able to view the “sick pens” and can only surmise what the situation is there.”

Terri Farley of Authoring Change interviewed BLM’s Director Jeb Beck, who reported

Dead Mustangs: between June 28th and July 8th  four horses died or were euthanized.

“1.  Mare in pen with other horses in preparation for hoof trimming presented with “wobbles” one morning, meaning there was swelling around spinal chord, possible neck fracture. She was euthanized.

 2.  Horse died of Bastard Strangles (different from standard Strangles because it presents in body, not neck), 2 weeks post-diagnosis and treatment 

 3.   Yearling from video “passed overnight” and was found dead in her pen on the morning of July 2. Her body was removed by 8:30 am July 2.

“Unless there’s clinical signs of cause of death, horses have to be listed as undiagnosed,” said Beck.

 4.  3-year-old was found dead.  Cause of death undiagnosed.

“No animals have passed since July 2,” said Beck. “

Concern is mounting along with Native Wild Horse Protection and Yea! Youths’ Equine Alliance are echoing an urgent plea for the Palomino Valley Center and all BLM wild horse holding facilities to provide needed shelter and care for all BLM warehoused horses and burros to alleviate imminent danger and deaths; or to return native wild horses to freedom.

Within the wild horse community and general public some unaware wild horses remain here in America, now learning about the BLM wrongful removal and unnecessary inhumane treatment of captive wild horses and burros express outrage in Tweet Storms to DOI Secretary Sally Jewell, requesting her immediate address to save America’s wild horses and burros from caused and unnecessary suffering and death.

A twelve year old wild horse advocate Robin Warren, founder of Yea Equine Youth Alliance, joined NATIVE WILD HORSE PROTECTION Gimme Shelter Campaign and circled more support with a GIMME SHELTER petition to DOI Secretary Sally Jewell. saw this petition and helped notify Warren’s supporters as well as larger audiences. Within the last 24 hours, the youth’s petition inspired more then 10,000 people to join the Gimme Shelter Campaign.

Patty Bumgarner, sees “Lil Angel” within a shadeless pen at the BLM Palomino Valley Center horse holding facility, Nevada. On July 1, 2013 at 3:30 PM. 105 degree temperature, (above surface thermometer indicates ground temperature at this time was 166 degrees) “Lil Angel” a young filly needing rest, laid down upon the only available ground for her, searing hot earth. Patty observed her to rise slowly after this photo was taken and walk toward a group of horses. Patty noted the BLM staff was not present often during her visits and appear to spend majority of their work day within an air conditioned office.

A beautiful native wild horse filly, “Lil Angel” lies lifeless within a sun baked BLM pen, a grave travesty, that help and needed respite did not arrive in time to save her.

CONDITIONS to be met to better ensure chance of survival for Palomino Valley Center Native wild horses and Burros, or open the gates and return native wild horses to freedom to increase and honor ability to survive :

 1. shelter shade to be erected and accessible for all Palomino Valley Center warehoused horses

 2. removal of molded and mud caked hay

 3. quarantine of horses with contagious diseases (to a safe pen with shelter and adequate water

 4. medical address of injuries 

 5. provide at least two water troughs within each pen 

NATIVE WILD HORSE PROTECTION member Coleen Denson contacted local animal welfare agencies to seek help and was informed Nevada does not require “live stock” to receive shelter or shade, even if live stock are suffering or dying from lack there of. Although our Native Wild Horses and Burros may be considered “live stock” by Nevada Law, they also are federally protected by LAW Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act 1971 and are awarded by Congress not to be harassed, harmed or killed, this shall include deliberate death causing neglect.

PHOTO: Patty Bumgarner, Palomino foal living within a hot shelter-less pen, at Palomino Valley Center, Nevada.

Most pens hold 60+ horses they are provided only 1 water trough.

PHOTO: Coleen Denson, Palomino Valley Center, BLM foal pen, foals seeking shade attempt to stand within in only available shadow a small area of shade cast from food troughs hung upon the pen’s fence.

GIMME SHELTER: BLM’s Broken Arrow breaks hearts, spirits and bodies too.
BLM closed doors to the public shortly after this horrific truth was seen. “Little Feather” aka “Sorro” a native wild horse who died of hunger and apparent neglect,
was euthanized and died behind BLM bars at Broken Arrow facility, in Fallon, Nevada in 2010.
“In May of 2010, during a public tour on a blistering hot day at BLM’s wild horse & burro holding facility “Broken Arrow”, I and many others, witnessed this tiny emaciated foal standing at the fence line, seeming to plead for help. His alleged mother was nudging him closer to us. I was shocked at his condition and felt so helpless being unable to assist this precious baby. Terri Farley, informed me the next day, Little Feather, aka Sorro, was euthanized. I never did witness any shelter at this facility to protect near two thousand horses, and the many foals & burros.” Cat Kindsfather, Wild Horse Advocate and Photographer
Inconsistency of wild horse management within BLM facilities is perplexing and problematic, in Ridgecrest, Ca. BLM facility, some shelter for wild horses is provided and more shelter is said to be erected, but many BLM facilities provide no shelter for thousands of warehoused horses and at these facilities such as BLM’s Palomino Valley Center and Broken Arrow facility in Nevada management denies wild horse’s obvious need for shade. BLM failed and costly management is killing America’s native wild horses.

What will it take for BLM’s Palomino Valley Center and other BLM facilities to create needed simple shelter to protect wild horses from heat related suffering and death?

The last of America’s native wild horses and burros are suffering and dying and need Secretary Sally Jewell today to provide needed shade and care, or return native wild horses and burros to freedom to survive. America’s great treasure the wild horse cannot await NAS sweeping reform to be implemented.

WHAT YOU CAN DO to help:
Please Tweet DOI: Secretary Sally Jewell and ask her to create shelter now for horses 2 survive in BLM PVC & Broken Arrow NV ~ ~ or open the gates and set these horses free, where in nature they may find shade.
@SecretaryJewell Pls c Native Wild #horses rcv immed shade BLM PVC& BRKN ARRW NV ~2 prevent fatalities
And Nevada Governor Sandoval:
@GovSandoval Pls c Native Wild #horses rcv immed shade BLM Palomino Valley Center & Broken Arrow Nevada ~2 prevent fatalities


Jetara Séhart Executive Director, Native Wild Horse Protection www.nativewildhorseprotection 

(415)613-7713 Twitter @riseup4wldhorse

Coleen Denson, NATIVE WILD HORSE PROTECTION ~member photographer and concerned citizen (775) 384-9954

Jim Hart, President Liberty For Horses
Cat Kindsfather, Wild Horse Advocate and Photographer, Twitter @mustangdreams
Patty Bumgarner, Photographer, Wild Horse Advocate
Marjorie Lynne Wagner, Wild Horse Advocate, Founder ~American Horse Survival Network, Facebook

37 replies »

  1. It’s a good thing we have our advocates checking up on them…Thank goodness for all the Wonderful and caring advocates keeping watch!!! If they weren’t many Wild Horses would be dying off in larger groups…..
    I am sorry if I sound like a broken record here, but the BLM Bureau of Lame @ss Management..
    They DO NOT CARE!!!!….What is it going to take to stop this MADNESS?????
    I having a hard time staying calm when it comes to our Wild Horse’s at the two worst facilities…


    • The only thing the BLM cares about is their pay checks. They don’t give a sh.. about the wild horses that they are abusing and killing. Thank you to all of you following the wild horses and burros. You are doing an important job and wish that the horses could just be set free.


    • It seems that no matter what advocates do as well as the many people out there who care about the horses, the BLM does not change and will not change and they are a soulless bunch of animal abusers who we Americans are paying to abuse the horses. I want to stop this, but for sure do not want to be paying those monsters to continue hurting and killing OUR AMERICAN WILD HORSES. I have lost all respect for the American Cowboy, I actually don’t know why I had any respect for them in the first place. Had I known growing up what it meant for the animals, I would have tried harder, sooner to help the horses. Until I watched the Misfits, last week, I did not know any of the history of wild horse roundups or the dog food business. Completely ignorant, clueless and I think the American public is too. for the most part. Even though I have been doing what I can to help the horses from afar, I was completely uninformed of the true situation of the Horses and burros. There needs to be more visibility of this horrible situation. Even though a TV news station ran the story, there needs to be follow-ups. What can the average American do to move this campaign forward? Killer King Salazar is gone and what has changed? Is Sally Jewell any better. I don’t think so at this point anyway. I can’t sleep at night worrying about those precious animals and what will happen to them. Even remarks from the Native Americans are scary in that they took part in the wild horse roundups, I thought they respected the horses but they were paid to help round them up and yes they participated in this horrible process. To sit here and not stop the BLM seems like I’m part of the problem too. Oh, what can be done?


      • Call the white house 202-456-1111…….
        The more people get involved and make a ton of noise we can only HOPE!!


      • Robyn, do you have the white house fax number? and Sally Jewell fax number? there is a free fax service at five free faxes a day from your computer. I say we deluge them with faxes . and phone calls too of course but with five free faxes a day we could really do some heavy hitting.


    • As far as I know, federal agencies have OIG’s who are tasked to investigate these agencies – so there should be an Office of Inspector General for either the BLM or DOI – otherwise, shouldn’t it be the FBI who investigates corruption, abuses, etc inside this agency? In pens where the public isn’t allowed to take pictures where the horses are dying, use SATELLITE imagery, which can be done either through a local university or a private satellite company who may do it for free or at a discount for a non-profit organization. Also, in one of the photos above, there is a large pavilion that, although its open on all four sides, does have shade – however, the horses don’t seem to be allowed over there, as they’re in pens & can’t have access to the shade. With all the bad publicity that’s going on for this felonious treatment of our national treasures, where are the law enforcement raids? If private citizens were treating animals like this (especially on such a grand scale – such as the horse trainer in Tennessee) they’d be in jail overnight – the BLM violates their own rules on a daily, if not hourly basis – the evidence is available from every animal advocacy group known – Where are the law enforcement agencies – local, state & federal?? They have all the PC (Probable Cause) they need!


  2. Okay, then … Is this happenig today? Is the heat wave continuing today? Isn’t there anything better to do then republish old photos and rehash last week’s tragic news. The name of the filly that died was originally Shadow so it took a minute to realize you or someone had renamed her – unlless of course, there is another filly who died. Can you clarifY tHat?. That was a pretty dramatic read – hope it gets the attention we’re working on for the horses.


    • This is still happening today, because as far as I know, Palomino Valley has not yet done anything to add shade. As you know, most wild horse advocacy groups are all volunteer, doing as much as they can as fast as they can. Straight from the Horse’s Heart tries to support the efforts of advocacy groups by posting their press releases and activities.


      • My question relates to the heat, is the heat still overwhelming? All advocates are working to get communication happening with accurate information. As you know, most advocates use their own resources to back personal efforts to gain credibility for the horses and burros. I perspnally care less about who supports Who – I need accurate information in an intelligent format.


    • Yes these picture have been seen on FB and yes they were taken during the Heat wave (100 to113) we had here IN Reno at the end of June and beginning of July. Today IN Reno it was 91 degrees but where PVC is located , 27 miles north of Reno the temps are always higher/hotter out there. By next Weekend here IN Reno the temps will bet 100+ and that’s in town so out at PVC it will most likely be anywhere in the range of 5-10 degrees hotter or more. A total of 4 horses died during this time (READ Teri Farley interview with Jeb Beck), one was a Foul.


    • Please check the date these are not “OLD” photos.
      Why nyone would.. combat efforst to create needed shelter to protect our sacre native wild horses held behind bars.. forecasted by Dr. Lester Friedlander to die of heat related deaths if they do not rceive needed shelter, is hard to understand.
      Best to focus energy on creating shelter rather then..this sort of negative banter, Jan.

      FY “Lil Angel” name was given.. to this foal in collaborative effort by Patty Bumgarner and Jetara Séhart, Executive Director, Native Wild Horse Protection-founder of GIMME SHELTER CAMPAIGN and a few other advocates who met her. She is more then a “shadow”.. she is a “Lil Angel”..Pls don’t pick on her name Jan.
      Let’s rise up and as one voice call for Lil Angel’s spirit to find peace and comfort to know we have not forgotten her and that we are so sorry help did not arrive in time from BLM staff to save her. May Lil Angel’s relations receive needed shade now to survive upcoming Summer triple digit heat , or for the gates that imprison these horses to be in nature may provide protection and increase their chances to survive.

      NWHP first called for shelter to be created for these horses on June 7th, on June 11th create GIMME SHELTER action and alerted BLM by phone in early June and by letter June 25th and a letter to Congressman Grijalva JUne 25th, with three subsequent follow up letters:

      PLease note Marjorie Wagner’s photo calrofies Native Wild HOrse Protection’s discovered research..barren soil temperature in 104 degree sun will heat within minutes to 156 degrees.. Can you imagine you yourself standing and living in searin, sweltering sun.. on a ground.. 156+ degree in temperature with no way to find shade.. ? Recently temperatures dropped to 90 degrees in nevada.. still too hot to live in full sun.

      Bottom line, we will not now not ever give up on these horses.. what ever people may call them, we know they are sacred.. precious and native and deserve to be treated with humane treatment and honor. Give them shelter or set them free.

      “Good day to you Mr. Beck,

      I am contacting you on behalf of Native Wild Horse Protection members and concerned citizens, to please help remedy the dire situation for horses housed within the BLM Palomino Valley Center, NV. facility under your management.

      A member of Native Wild Horse Protection contacted the Palomino facility to inquire and request shade/shelter to be provided for horses there and offered to donate tarps, or building materials or funding to erect sturdy shelter to be built in order to provide needed shade and respite for horses from upcoming high temperatures and inclement weather.
      Twice we were informed, the horses did not need shade or shelter 1. the horses did not need shelter 2.Tarps were noisy and if the wind blew it would scare the Animals and possibly cause a stampede 3.Stationary Shelters would get in the way of Staff, cleaning would make it difficult and talk a lot of time, because the horse would do their business and it could cause bacteria to grow and it could cause diseases that they(PVC) didn’t need.

      Through researching upcoming temperatures for Palomino Valley, Nevada, we discovered :

      Heat Temperature research/study of impact upon surface temperature :

      ” There is no relaxing on a painted wooden park bench on a 104°F day as the recorded temperature was 154.22°F. Treated pine was 144.23°F, and timber decking recorded 152.42°F.”Hardwood seemed to be even hotter at a surprising 162.68°F

      “The next coolest surface in full sun was that of green grass on a sports field, which measured 114.17°F. Dry grass on the same field was 124.7°F. Green grass growing near gravel was 125.87°F, whilst dry grass next to gravel was surprisingly 143.96°F”

      ” The shade of a tree reduced the temperature of the concrete by 77°F. Lomandra Breeze growing in gravel that was 172 degrees just a few meters away cooled the gravel that was right next to it down to 129.02°F. It’s amazing the plants can even survive in that heat, but I guess next to the plant is cooler so that’s why they live. Even wood mulch was much hotter without green life. Fine grade wood mulch was 147.47°F in the full sun. Bare soil was 154.49°F. An important lesson learnt from this research is that green life significantly cools down a landscape. Turf, strappy leaf plants, shrubs and trees are truly wonderful things. The more green the cooler the landscape.”

      People are always saying natural rock is cooler, but we found that a piece of sawn sandstone was only a little cooler at 150.8°F
      from :

      Certainly no human or animal should be made to stand or reside in full Sun in temperatures of 90+ degrees, without shelter.
      In upcoming temperatures at Palomino Valley Holding facility, when 104 degrees is reached, in full sun the horses there, will be standing upon barren soil, whose temperature will reach approx. 146 degrees and for wild horses of all ages including foals or yearlings who may need to lay down, this situation is intolerable and inhumane.

      Lester Friedlander, BA DVM, a nationally recognized authority on equines, is presently creating a statement for understanding as to the physiological impact extreme short and long term temperature exposure has upon a horses health.
      Dr. Freidlander stands with us in request of shelter to be provide to ease suffering for these horses, immediately.

      How can we help bridge the gap and create shelter please for horses housed at Palomino facility, immediately?
      If shelter is not created soon for these horses, we ask that you consider opening the gates and returning these horses to the wild, where in they may find shelter, shade and cooler ground in order to survive, as in nature is naturally provided.

      Thank you for your immediate response and attention to this matter, in advance,

      Jetara Séhart
      Executive director, Native Wild Horse Protection

      Begin forwarded message:

      From: Vision
      Date: June 25, 2013 12:22:29 PM PDT
      To: Abby ,
      Subject: Debbie Catalina ~ Native Wild Horse Protection~ RE: Pls support immediate shelter for horses in Palomino Valley,NV-BLM facility

      Dear Congressman Grijalva, Brandon and Abby,

      I am writing to seek help regarding an emergent situation at the Palomino Valley Center wild horse holding facility near Reno, Nevada.
      I am contacting you on behalf of and other interested groups and citizens I have been referred to you in your role as Congressman Grijalva’s aid on the welfare and conservation of wild horses.

      In short, due to extreme neglect in the matter of providing, among other things, shelter from seasonal fluctuations of heat and cold, horses are dying at this facility in numbers that literally exceed their death in the wild by approximately 500%.

      A recent FOIA submitted by an animal welfare group (Animal Angels) has revealed death rates at the Palomino facility of more than 500 animals per year. This huge number of fatalities exceeds the official reported death rate for that facility by more than 100% (the number of annual deaths given by the BLM is approximately 200+ for 2012.)

      We suspect a more thorough examination will indicate that a significant portion of these deaths will be found to come from among the horses aged 0 through 1 year. These animals are generally uncounted as the result of being unbranded; when they die, they simply disappear with no notation other than on the receipts from the rendering plant that were only disclosed as the result of the FOIA filed by Animal Angels.

      As it is normal for young horses to spend a large amount of their time lying down on the ground (in comparison to adult horses which can and generally do sleep standing). Therefore the ground temperatures which reach 146 when the air temperatures are 104 present an imminent danger of fatal heat stress to these horses which can not find shade.

      Its important to note, that while wild horses may manage temperature extremes well enough in the wild, the conditions that exist in a feedlot of bare dirt vary significantly from the natural areas that the horses generally inhabit. In the wild, trees such as pinion, and even low shrubs that appear insignificant to the casual observer (such as sage brush and other grasses and low vegetation), shade the dirt, and these do reduce the soil temperature by 50 degrees or more.

      Further, wildlands have natural slopes, canyons, cliffs, and washes where free roaming horses seek shelter from temperature extremes. None of these sheltering features exist in the holding facilities, which consist of a feedlot of absolutely bare dirt on level ground, and conditions of crowding that are unnatural to these horses normal manner of existence.
      Native Wild Horse Protection, along with community members and other interested groups, have made efforts to negotiate solutions to these and other conditions that currently impact the well-being of horses at the site. However, BLM’s Palomino Center District Office, out of compliance with the system wide mandate to care for these animals, acting as a rogue agency, continues to refuse to participate in any discourse in this matter. Particularly, the need of shelter from the elements is critical at this time as the heat of summer is sure to kill many more animals…both directly and due to immune weakening resulting from the excessive heat and other stresses they are battling. Every attempt at donating resources to built shelters to the BLM’s own specifications have been categorically rejected despite the odd anomaly that by BLM’s own rules, adopters themselves must provide horses must provide them with shade, but the BLM itself does not. We find this curious and suspect.

      Specifically: On June 10th a member of Native Wild Horse Protection contacted the Palomino Valley BLM facility twice and offered to provide tarps, building materials and, or donations to create funding to support this facility to create needed immediate shelter for these horses to ease unnecessary suffering and possible resultant deaths.
      The BLM representatives twice refused our help to construct needed shelter for these horses. We were informed by BLM reps : 1. the horses did not need shelter 2.Tarps were noisy and if the wind blew it would scare the Animals and possibly cause a stampede 3.Stationary Shelters would get in the way of Staff, cleaning would make it difficult and talk a lot of time, because the horse would do their business and it could cause bacteria to grow and it could cause diseases that they(PVC) didn’t need.

      While does recognize that system wide changes to BLM’s custody and care of wild horses is currently being reviewed by the DOI, it is a fact that large numbers of horses at the Palomino facility face threat of survival and will be unable to wait until new policies can be created and implemented.

      Unless these extreme and unusual stresses are addressed now, many many more horses at the Palomino Center will face hideous painful death at this of holding facilities. Huge numbers of these animals will continue to die this year and suffer needlessly unless there is immediate action to ameliorate conditions there.

      Documentary evidence of these assertions follows in separate emails.
      In the interim, please take a look at the links below.

      “Horse Deaths at Palomino Valley facility more then twice as high as reported, rendering receipts reveal”

      Heat Temperature research/study of impact upon surface temperature :

      ” There is no relaxing on a painted wooden park bench on a 104°F day as the recorded temperature was 154.22°F. Treated pine was 144.23°F, and timber decking recorded 152.42°F.”Hardwood seemed to be even hotter at a surprising 162.68°F

      “The next coolest surface in full sun was that of green grass on a sports field, which measured 114.17°F. Dry grass on the same field was 124.7°F. Green grass growing near gravel was 125.87°F, whilst dry grass next to gravel was surprisingly 143.96°F”

      ” The shade of a tree reduced the temperature of the concrete by 77°F. Lomandra Breeze growing in gravel that was 172 degrees just a few meters away cooled the gravel that was right next to it down to 129.02°F. It’s amazing the plants can even survive in that heat, but I guess next to the plant is cooler so that’s why they live. Even wood mulch was much hotter without green life. Fine grade wood mulch was 147.47°F in the full sun. Bare soil was 154.49°F. An important lesson learnt from this research is that green life significantly cools down a landscape. Turf, strappy leaf plants, shrubs and trees are truly wonderful things. The more green the cooler the landscape.”

      This link was published on FB in the last hour by another well-respected advocacy group whose concerns for the welfare of these horses mirrors our own.

      Our original calls to action “Gimme Shelter” Campaign:

      Other information that will be forwarded to you in the next few days will be copies of the AnimalAngels FOIA, letters received from BLM by citizens, a FAX by Lester Friedlander, BA DVM, a nationally recognized authority on equines, regarding his belief that these horses need to be provided immediate shelter to protect their health and welfare.

      Please contact me as soon as possible, we hope you, Congressman Grijalva, to support requesting the PALOMINO VALLEY CENTER in NEVADA, Bureau of land Management to provide immediate needed shelter and aid for these horses, or to accept our assistance to donate funds and/or build needed sturdy shelter for these native wild horses, to be immediately protected.

      We greatly appreciate the wonderful work Congressman Grijalva has contributed for wild horse preservation and true protection, to be instilled.
      Kindly yours,

      Jetara Séhart, Executive Director, Native Wild Horse Protection
      Facebook: Wild Horse Protection Act
      (415) 613-7713


      • Jetara you’re doing a Fabulous job!!!….Thank you for your enlightenment, education and all that you’re doing for our Wild Horses…………
        Keep us informed…. I see you on FB and see the posts….


    • Thank you very much Debbie Coffey.. yes, no shelter has yet been provided for thousands of BLM warehouse native wild horses..more suffering and heat related deaths will occur, if the BLM does not soon erect needed shelter for these horses.


  3. Per as of right now … there still are NO requests for any shelter structures for ANY holding facilities except for the previously requested additional structures for Ridgecrest. BLM is not listening and what is worse … they do NOT care.

    But … DOI did put out a bid for $250,000 – $500,000 for a shade structure installation for seven metal shade canopies over the Hoover Dam Visitor Center ESCALATOR.


    • I really believe this is the end for the Wild Horses…It would seem the whole plan was to round them up and let them die in the facility….This is the reason for no response….Using moldy hay, the extreme heat and extreme winter, with no veterinarian care they would die off more and more….


    • Post on your FB…tell everybody you know to get involved. Call the White House, Call Sally Jewell’s office…
      202-456-1111 White house
      202-208-3100 Sally Jewell


    • Please Tweet DOI, Secretary Sally Jewell, President Obama…call the BLM Director Jeb Beck, call, write the media, please send them this press release.. tell your friends..GIve our BLM captive native wild horses needed shelter, now or set them free, so they may survive. TY~:


  4. They don’t need shade because they are wild? Perhaps if they had the freedom to move out of the heat this would be true. It just appears now that they are passively letting them expire.

    What are they doing at the Interior Dept. since the NAS report came out? There’s only three years left in this Administration’s term.


  5. While they sit in their air-conditioning offices, our beautiful wild horses are suffering terribly in temperatures well over 100! Their actions are appalling and disgraceful. You would think “someone” would come forward in this Administrattion to at least show some respect for those willing to help bring relief under such dire circumstances. Talk about animal abuse….their living in hell and we can’t do anything about it??!!!! This would not be an issue if they were left in the wild, where they belong. So very, very sad for them and for all of us who truly want nothing but the peace and freedom they once had, returned.


  6. I will be back at PVC tomorrow with an update from what I saw and will post here. I am working with some local media here in Reno and will give updates on that. I just hope Jeb and his gang dont spruce the place up for the media. But they are too busy in their air conditoned office keeping cool. We need more people going there and taking pictures and sending them to every media organization. This has to be told to the national media, put the pressure on these morons. These animals cant speak for themselves all they have is us…..Nancy Leake


  7. The group In Defense of Animals and others are pressing a case in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that maintains wild horses roamed the West about 1.5 million years ago and didn’t disappear until as recently as 7,600 years ago. More importantly, they say, a growing stockpile of DNA evidence shows conclusively that today’s horses are genetically linked to those ancient ancestors.


  8. need tv and radio to take this up and adress it..any takers out there.make a diffrence in someones lives today.reach out and give these animals love.dont abandon our wild horses and look the other way and expect changes to be made without comments and sharing to everyone and anyone.put your money to good use.i hope someone will read these and think hey i can make a diffrence today.speak up.for those that to be diffrent!save these horses.and burros and know you made a keep on peeping people get news out there.we all need to be informed to make changes.god bless you all.and our wild animals too.its too damn hot out there and this isnt hell.or is it!speak up talk their voices!


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