Horse Slaughter

Joan Guilfoyle & Euthanizing Wild Horses on the Range

by Debbie Coffey, V.P. and Director of Wild Horse Affairs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation         Copyright 2014     All Rights Reserved.

As the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) facilitates unprecedented “uses” on public lands that use vast amounts of water from aquifers and drop the water table, Joan Guilfoyle, BLM’s Division Chief of the Wild Horse & Burro Program, issued an information memorandum that stated because of lack of water and forage (which are man-made drought conditions caused by BLM’s mismanagement of public lands), wild horses & burros could die, and recommended that the BLM euthanize wild horses on the range.

x_bur_guilfoyle_horses_130403_video-260x195 Photo of Joan Guilfoyle – NBC News

And, at the end of this memorandum (received in a Freedom of Information Act request), in case of large scale mortality of wild horses as a result of declining water (and thus, lack of forage) Guilfoyle wants to avoid “a public spectacle.”  Once again, the BLM seems to worry more about their public image than their mandate to protect the wild horses & burros.

(Note to Joan:  You may want to avoid a public spectacle, but this horse has already left the barn, as all aspects of the BLM and the Wild Horse & Burro Program are increasingly under public scrutiny.)

You can read this information memorandum by Joan Guilfoyle here.

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65 replies »

  1. I Can’t Stand That Lying Ass Bitch Anyway. I Still Want The whole BLM Dismantled And That Ignorant Oil Guzzling bird Watching Sally Jewel Fired. just Wait Till The Next Regiem Comes Into Office And Watch The Wildlife Disappear From This Disgusting Country. disgusting..


  2. Just how much of the drought has been caused by fracking and how much water is already polluted.? The ranchers and hunters who hate our wild horses so much need to wake up and all of us join together to stop fracking, mining and drilling before all animals and plants are dead everywhere.


  3. How can anyone person be so increditably ignorant !!!!!! Geeze, i can not believe how stupid that statement was!!!!! She should think before she speaks!!! Better yet , dont say anything !!!!!


  4. Forget trying to influence the government. They have circled their vested interest wagons, denied the dangers, and ignored the solutions. We have to take protection upon ourselves.


  5. Omg is right! And we pay this bimbos salary! What the hell planet ate these people on! Better yet, what drugs are they taking? What will they do with all the car cases? Send them to China and better yet send them to Europe for people to eat. How about a rendering company? Gee, who on the gravy train owns such a business? My friends and were talking about all the snow we have in the Midwest which will probably cause flood conditions here. It seems that the govmnt can come up with ideas to kill the environment, but can’t come up with some type of a pipeline to send the water out west where it is truly needed. Just when you think you’ve heard everything, you here something even more bizarre. I suppose she is a Harvard grad..
    I’m visiting my rep this week, o guess this is one more thing to add to my agenda.


    • Gail, you can bet they would probably leave the carcasses for “predators” to clean up… except our hired guns have killed off most of them, too, on our dime.


  6. The Bureau of Land Management is just digging their agency in to a pit of hate from the American People. Joan Guilfoyle is way out of line with wanting to just kill horses because the land isn’t right. There is an “Agenda” of the BLM from Government/corporations get rid of the wild horses. This is going from bad to very bad for our wild horses with these fuc… idiots working for the BLM.


  7. “How can anyone person be so incredibly ignorant !“?? remember that #Joan mentioned riding STICK horses as part of her *qualifications & acceptance* dumb-speech!? #StepUpSally !? c


  8. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. How could killing horses on the range NOT be a public spectacle, unless they do it under cover of darkness and blame, say, aliens, for the mass murders. Why do these people still have jobs? Why, in fact, can’t we, the people, fire the BLM for gross incompetence, writ large over 40+ years? We need accountability and we need it NOW!


    • Just read through most of the memo… G says they cannot implement the NAS recommendations (evidently due to budget constraints) and declares they should cease all roundups in 2013. She also calls for more “research” on on the range spaying and darting techniques and no aerial population surveys.

      How does all this lead to the recently let $12 million in roundup contracts, which surely were in the works as this memo was written? We have money for aerial roundups but not any reasonable efforts at actual population inventories (as the law demands, as I understand it). As citizens we should be able to look up basic population graphs (based on actual data) from every single HMA online, anytime. What the heck have we been paying for all these years???? We have nothing but missing and captive horses and a lot of unanswered questions.


    • Dear icyspots this has been going on for years, they are not elected , they are chosen, they have believe they are nothing short of God like and they will tell you that……….. they say they can do anything they want and they do…………….. they are accountable for nothing , no jurisdiction whatsoever????/How are we going to deal with that !!!!???????? They outright Murder our Mustangs icyspots because they can !!!!!!!


      • Arlene, as we all know, the original 1971 law clearly states “It is the policy of Congress that wild free-roaming horses and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death; and to accomplish this they are to be considered in the area where presently found, as an integral part of the natural systems of the public lands.”

        Roundups, removals, and any sort of euthanasia don’t fit anyplace in this description, either in intent or specifics.

        The question then becomes, why are there no penalties for our employees when they break the law?

        If there is no accountability then there is de facto no legitimate law.


      • Dear IcySpots, they account to no one????How can this be?????? We need to take action before its to late, I have been watching this unfold for 20 yrs…………….


      • Dear icySpots the ROAM ACT of 1971 was Passed by Congress Unanimously, they felt that America has an obligation to the Mustangs , they felt America owed the Mustangs their Freedom to Roam, they were right we all owe them, they knew of their value to every living thing , and then someone sneaks around and changes wording without a vote from the People who they belong to ?????/ It is a clear fact that the contribution directly from the Mustangs have given life to all they touch, Nature has made them Perfect and Flawless, in every respect, sometimes I wonder if she is really mad about what is going on ????????? The West ,(Pure Shame on them, they would be NOTHING without them) The Biggest Shame goes on Nevada, the Mustangs put them on the darn Map, thankless People !!!!!


  9. It sounds as though they’re running out of time…”desperate measures” are being taken. They’ve been blocked at every turn.
    Is the new Director old enough to retire? That’s generally what happens when things get too hot.

    Click to access BLMFOIA.pdf

    BLM “team” conference calls and Alternate Management Options were obtained by the Freedom of Information Act by The Conquistador Program, a non-profit equine welfare organization in Phoenix, AZ (link below). This article consists of direct quotes of BLM team conference call notes and quotes from the Alternate Management Options. My comments are (in ).
    Debbie Coffey
    The Bureau of Land Management is deceiving the American public with their plan to eliminate all of our publicly owned wild horses off of our publicly owned lands. And, they want your taxpayer dollars to pay for “counseling for employees and contractors that have to euthanize healthy horses because it is very stressful”! (boohoo)
    Would taxpayer money be better spent prosecuting the BLM “team” employees (listed below) for collusion and conspiracy? You be the judge.
    At the beginning of the BLM “team” notes: “All correspondence that is generated by this team” will not be “for the public”. (Why? Our tax dollars pay their salaries. What do they have to hide?)
    The BLM “team” players are:
    If large numbers of animals become eligible for euthanasia at one time or at one location…euthanasia could be performed on- or off-site.

    Under this option, any facility could become a focal point for public, media or Congressional attention. Increased levels of security would be needed at all locations, or the activity may need to be moved off-site to a more appropriate and secure facility. Increased support from public relations and management staff would also be needed to insulate those doing the actual work from public, media and Congressional scrutiny/criticism. (They need to “insulate” themselves from Congressional attention, scrutiny and criticism?)

    All facilities would need to expand their capacities if large numbers of animals were euthanized in a short period of time. Euthanizing healthy animals creates emotional stress which can lead to compassion fatigue for those involved in the process.

    20 year old horses would be euthanized at the trap site (preferred) or preparation facility. (Who, exactly, would prefer this?)

    John Neill talked with Reno Rendering plant and they said we could take as many as we want to take there.

    How many could be euthanized during a gather without having NEPA?

    Having people that are willing to put down healthy horses at gather sites could be a problem.

    Having vets putting down healthy horses at preparation facility could also be a problem.
    Debbie Coffey (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
    BLM “team” conference calls and Alternate Management Options were obtained by the Freedom of Information Act by The Conquistador Program, a non-profit equine welfare organization in Phoenix, AZ (link below). This article consists of direct quotes of BLM team conference call notes and quotes from the Alternate Management Options. My comments are (in ).
    The Bureau of Land Management is deceiving the American public with their plan to eliminate all of our publicly owned wild horses off of our publicly owned lands. And, they want your taxpayer dollars to pay for “counseling for employees and contractors that have to euthanize healthy horses because it is very stressful”! (boohoo)
    Would taxpayer money be better spent prosecuting the BLM “team” employees (listed below) for collusion and conspiracy? You be the judge.
    At the beginning of the BLM “team” notes: “All correspondence that is generated by this team” will not be “for the public”. (Why? Our tax dollars pay their salaries. What do they have to hide?)
    The BLM “team” players are:
    • If large numbers of animals become eligible for euthanasia at one time or at one location…euthanasia could be performed on- or off-site.
    • Under this option, any facility could become a focal point for public, media or Congressional attention. Increased levels of security would be needed at all locations, or the activity may need to be moved off-site to a more appropriate and secure facility. Increased support from public relations and management staff would also be needed to insulate those doing the actual work from public, media and Congressional scrutiny/criticism. (They need to “insulate” themselves from Congressional attention, scrutiny and criticism?)
    • All facilities would need to expand their capacities if large numbers of animals were euthanized in a short period of time. Euthanizing healthy animals creates emotional stress which can lead to compassion fatigue for those involved in the process.
    • 20 year old horses would be euthanized at the trap site (preferred) or preparation facility. (Who, exactly, would prefer this?)
    • John Neill talked with Reno Rendering plant and they said we could take as many as we want to take there.
    • How many could be euthanized during a gather without having NEPA?
    • Having people that are willing to put down healthy horses at gather sites could be a problem.
    • Having vets putting down healthy horses at preparation facility could also be a problem.


  10. “Collusion is a secretive agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal or deceitful purpose. Conspiracy is an agreement by two or more individuals to commit a crime or to commit an unlawful act by unlawful means. Is the BLM crossing the line?”
    Collusion is a secretive agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal or deceitful purpose. Conspiracy is an agreement by two or more individuals to commit a crime or to commit an unlawful act by unlawful means. Is the BLM crossing the line?

    “Team” members listed on the Implementation Team Conference Calls are:
    Don Glenn – Division Chief, BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program
    John Neill – manager of Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center in Reno, NV
    Alan Shepard – lead BLM officer for state of Nevada
    Joe Stratton – manager of the Elm Creek holding facility in Nebraska. Monsanto featured Joe Stratton on a video it did about wild horses: View here
    Rob Jeffers – Project manager lead in Modoc National Forest (Forest Service) in northeastern CA, and former head of the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program in Susanville, CA
    Al Kane – USDA APHIS veterinarian
    Jim Johnson – deceased
    Lili Thomas – National Wild Horse and Burro Specialist
    Gus Warr-Utah BLM Wild Horse and Burro lead
    Bud Cribley – BLM Deputy Asst. Director, Resources and Planning


    • Even after decades of failed policies, these names never seem to change.

      While I’m not a strong supporter of the Forest Service’s wild equines ‘policies’, one thing I’ve noticed is those names change regularly – an effort to keep those agents from ‘going native’.

      All of these people have developed ties to the areas where other stakeholders wield a great deal of influence, pretty much ensuring these failures will continue. As for Ms. Gullfoyle’s memorandum- where’s the research notes, the citations that offer any validation – other than an absence of roundups – that these massive populations exist?


    • Yes, Louie, I think DOI/BLM has crossed the line and done so for some time. This latest IMO is a plan to use the already scarce water for fracking and use the drought as an excuse to kill our wh’s horses . Of course there will be plenty of water for frackling and the fracking fluids will kill anything that drinks it. The BLM will say the drought is the blame for the sick or dying horses instead of the polluted water. Then they can just shoot them. Just when you think it can’t get worse , it does. These people are not idiots , they know exactly what evil they have planned for years. No doubt IMO their pockets are being lined and they have sold their souls–if they have souls.


      • Barbara, a separate but real issue concerning water isn’t simply fracking, but what happens when water tables are drawn down, making already scarce watering holes dry up. Fracking can use (and then remove from that watershed) on the scale of 1-4 MILLION gallons PER FRACK. My investigations show some wells can be fracked up to approx. 20 times over the life of the well.

        When we are experiencing drought (as we are) fracking would seem to be the worst possible use of scarce water, and lowering any existing water tables sheer folly for many reasons.


  11. There is no reason to destroy our wild horses and burros other than greed. People like you are taken our country straight to hell! Leave these animals alone!


  12. Lots to say and think about but will just start with this bottom-line issue:
    If you had 100 acres of pasture land and did not know if you had only one OR a hundred and one animals on your pasture how could you possibly make any scientifically valid and justifiable management decisions? You could not.

    The BLM does not know (or won’t admit – or fabricates) how many wild horses and burros are on the WH&B legally designated land as shown in the recent Twin Peaks independent and scientific aerial flight report.

    BLM doesn’t even know how many head of livestock are out there – as proven by twelve separate livestock trespass violations publicly reported last summer on Twin Peaks alone – not twelve animals but twelve herds in the off-limits recovering burn area.

    The recently published 2013 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report states: Understanding the number and distribution of free-ranging horses and burros on their range is explicitly part of the mandate to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 … that act … states that BLM shall maintain a current inventory of wild free-roaming horses and burros on given areas of the public lands to, in part, make determinations as to whether and where an overpopulation exists and whether action should be taken to remove excess animals and the recent NAS study found “NO EVIDENCE” of overpopulation of Wild Horses and Wild Burros.


    • Right on, Granny G. So with no evidence of over-population how can BLM claim there is an EXCESS and why is any means of fertility control even needed or being promoted ? To support it’s use is just playing into the BLM’s hand that there is an excess. This seems like plain, horse sense to me–pun intended. Instead BLM needs to be made by a lawsuit to follow the law. Some of the organizations have the money and lawyers to do this if they will before it’s too late.


  13. Joan Guilfoyl is fully drunk on the “poison Kool Aid” that the wild horse and burro enemies have so abundantly given her to drink. I was there in DC an gave her my Reserve Design proposal and my book, yet she has not responded. This is so wrong. There is a War mentality toward the wild horses and burros in the wild, just as there was against the Native Americans living in their traditional and much more natural way. The benighted mentality that prevailed in the 1800’s and through most of the 1900’s is still in effect among the BLM and its wild horse and burro program today and pervades the Dept of Interior. This is so abominably wrong. Such a lie and such despicable scapegoating! How much longer can the Earth tolerate this! See my article by googling The horse and burro as positively contributing returned natives in North America and read my book The Wild Horse Conspiracy, check out my website about what you can do at


    • Craig, I assume you’ve read the NAS report (I have not) as well as Joan G’s Internal Memorandum. Question: JG says they cannot meet the recommendations by NAS. Which ones and why not ? And, why CAN’T they do aerial census surveys ?


  14. Barbara, I understand your feelings but it’s the system that is broken when people can manipulate it to suit. I find it harder to blame the people on the ground than those higher up who are sworn to uphold the intent and the letter of our laws, but don’t. Midterm elections this year folks, ask the hard questions of those running for office.


      • Arlene, I am not a lawyer so can’t be certain, but since the top jobs are appointed, not elected, they may be required to swear to uphold the laws of our country. Even if they don’t, though, failure to follow them should result in firing, same as it would be for you or me.

        Any lawyers out there?


      • Dear IcySpots, many Wars have been one by a technicality ,There are many defaults by the BLM, we just need one to run with, and i know it is here but what is it ??????? I am sure there is one here that is a Smokin Gun to Save the Mustangs from the BLM


  15. The only way to truly ever combat the BLM is to find a way for eco tourism or something for people go out and see wild horses like in other countries who have found offering people a way to see wild animals makes them more money than hunting killing and or disposing of them like the BLM

    If we could find a way to get more money into the hands of the BLM than they get for leasing land to cattle ranches they would stop this brutally cruel decimation of the wild horse herds I am not being flippant but I think we all have to agree its always the same chant ” money rules”

    At least for now in the US horse slaughter cant be brought back. We are working on banning this ” permanently” in Canada. and I pray so hard it will come to pass. We must NEVER, EVER give up working on behalf of our precious horses ” everywhere” to save them and allow them to run free as they were meant to do !

    God I wish I had an answer that would really work for these beloved wild horses. I grew up with a several rescued horses in the UK and I love these beautiful proud animals so dearly, each and everyone.


  16. Just a reminder, while many tax-paying Americans and others around the world may feel frustration or anger when reading news articles relayed on this site, please do not make comments that could in any way be construed as a possible threat. We do not advocate breaking laws.


    George Knapp: The BLM is not listening

    Maybe you are one of those hard-bark, Western cowpoke types who doesn’t exactly get misty-eyed by the vision of a herd of wild mustangs majestically galloping across the sage-dotted open ranges of Nevada. You think of the mustangs as pests or varmints, an invasive species that needs to be eliminated from public lands so there will be more than enough water and forage for the rightful end-users of the public range — cows.
    You remember as a kid when you read all those history books about the vast herds of wild cows that roamed North America in prehistoric times? No? Well, maybe you learned from Western movies about how cows are native to these parts, you know, and about how saber-toothed cows terrorized early settlers and thus had to be domesticated. Clearly, in the eyes of some, millions of cows on the public ranges are not a problem and are not an invasive species, but a few thousand wild horses — which are native to this continent — are destructive, invasive pests that need to go.

    No matter what your point of view might be, you have a chance this week to let the government know what you think about its wild horse program. Public meetings are being held to gauge public opinion about horse roundups that almost certainly are planned for a few places in the nearby Spring Mountains, including the idyllic mountain community of Cold Creek, home to a small, beloved herd of mustangs.
    Don’t get the wrong idea, though. Just because these are public meetings at which the public will be asked for its opinion, you should not assume you will be allowed to actually say anything to the government PR folks who run the get-togethers. They have no intention of standing there and allowing the public to tee off. Typically, the feds and their PR handlers will not allow anyone to stand up and speak. Rather, members of the public are allowed to submit written comments that are carefully and meticulously gathered up, and then — presumably — are promptly shredded for use in recycled toilet paper. They surely play zero role in government decision-making.
    Even if you somehow pull off a miracle and manage to tell the BLM that you hate the idea of yet another horse roundup, as hundreds of Nevadans have done over the past several years, it will make not one bit of difference. The decision on when and where and how many horses to capture has already been made, and no amount of opposition to the roundups will matter one tiny bit to BLM or the Forest Service. Their disdain for the public, and especially for wild horse advocates, is palpable.

    The other day at a BLM corral near Reno, three BLM wranglers put on a little show of defiance and contempt when they tried to capture a single painted mustang from one of the holding pens. Instead of saddling up their horses to enter the pens where the skittish, recently captured mustangs were baking in the hot sun, these three burly yokels crammed themselves into the front seat of a flatbed truck and then tore into the corral like they were imitating Bo Duke trying to get away from Boss Hogg. Video recorded by a horse advocate shows the rootin’-tootin’ cowpokes repeatedly fishtailing their truck and spinning around to take another run at the paint, while scattering every other horse in the pen. They even made a point of coming over to the women with the camera to taunt her, knowing that the video would make not a whit of difference to their bosses, even if it went viral.

    The BLM’s virtually unstoppable plan to round up the few wild horses that remain in Southern Nevada comes less than two weeks after the wild horse program was described as abysmal failure in a study conducted for the National Academy of Sciences. The blistering report ripped the BLM a new one, and, in particular, declared the continued program of roundups and long-term storage as counterproductive — for the horses, the range and especially the taxpayers. One likely effect of the constant roundups is that the horses go into survival mode, meaning, they reproduce far in excess of what they might naturally do.
    So how did BLM react to such a thorough and embarrassing rebuke of its ongoing policies? A spokesman thanked the NAS for its report, saying the bureau “welcomed it.” (Translation: Go fuck yourself.) And, said an official, the BLM will take the recommendations under advisement. (Translation: You can stick this report far up your scientific ass.) One needs look no further than the plans being evaluated at this week’s meetings — plans that call for more roundups of more horses — to understand what the BLM thinks of the NAS scientists and the taxpayers.


    • Louie, those idiots, showed their true colors with that horror romp……….. Actions of true cowards !!!! Despicable !!! behavior ………………… Not a brain amongst them……….. That is the mentality at the BLM…………………….


  18. This is insane. They need to let those horses die of natural causes, young AND old. It would be good for the range and other wildlife. Also, JG says they will send the carcasses to be rendered – FOR WHAT ? If they’ve been “humanely” euthanized the meat is unfit for any purpose.


    • What I am afraid of is aerial gunning, not that the public would be informed of that…how else are they going to “euthanize” a large number of wild horses on the range? If they rounded them up first only to kill them that makes no sense at all economically, not that it ever did in the first place. Would be a whole lot less expensive to truck in water…or just shoot them from an airplane and then go back and gather up those they succeeded in shooting and killing. SCARY.


  19. Deb, I agree. But what is happening in the US and Canada has everything to do with the Clinton administration’s use of a hand-picked IUCN-Nature Conservancy “expert” of VP Gore’s Harvard vintage working with FWS to get “exotic” species legislation in the 1976 FLMPA Act (fail) and President Carter’s 1977 E.O. 11987, the Exotic Species Act, and the subsequent decision to have the IUCN write this provision into the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 8 (h) that instructs parties to prevent, control, and eradicate alien species. The World Bank promoted the Global Invasive Species Program with the IUCN, TNC,FAO from 1996 until 2003 and then funded the program from 2004 through 2006. From 2006 through 2009 the WB’s partner Bank of the Netherlands funded this program. In other word, the World Bank funded this propaganda way against our wild horses, and Al Gore has made sure he has an income and a fancy title. The science is false and was false when he and the then President of the Union of Concerned Scientists got this put into U.S. policy through OTA-F-65. This paper is all about how there is a need to prevent, control, and eradicate non-native species, but they had no authentic sources to identify any of the plant, insect, or animal species. What is worse is that according to his own curriculum vitae he has edited several of the journals where the truth about the horse’s native North American origins appear. The facts are there, but you have to recognize the “tricks” he uses as an editor to make it appear as it the conclusion was not as clear as it appeaars.

    Afther the Senate failed to vote on the CBD, the IUCN attached Article 8 (h) to the 1997 IPPC that went into force on 10/02/2005. Since UN treaties rarely indicate exactly what the real intent of the provision is until five or six years after the treaty is signed, I searched for a post 1997 document and found one published in 2005 that explained how the IUCN used the !PPC to get countries that did not sign the CBD to agree to the same, synonymous principles, that are in the IPPC. In the same manner, countries that did not ratify the IPPC are nonetheless bound to enforce the same principles.

    I’ve focused on the horse issue, but there are bigger issues that we can see through the horse issue. Since the gov is ignoring the scientific evidence that contradicts their ideologue, this essentially means that this pseudo invasive species experts could eradicate any species they choose, but the inclusion of the horse is nothing other than an arbitrary decision. I believe that the Clinton administration agreed with the IUCN that the only way to assure getting rid of our wild horses and burros in the West was to sneak it through an international treaty. This puts the Burns rider and other efforts to slaughter wild horses to be the barbarian hoax it is—which to eradicate horses in the most cruel way possible.

    Why haven’t some of the environmental and animal welfare lawyers given us the heads up before we got to this point? What about any of our friends in Congress on the Agriculture or Interior committees? Not a word??????


    • GG, can you provide links to this information and identify this person please? I have looked but cannot locate this Harvard “scientist” nor does anyone I ask know who he is.
      Perhaps Al Gore should be asked these questions directly!


  20. The legacy of Sally Jewell will be that she was soley responsible for the extermination of the American peoples wild mustang. That she spent millions of dollars of the taxpayers money to do it, that she ignored the wishes of the American people and scientific reports, petitions, emails, phone calls from the American people. BLM now means BUTCHER LIVE MUSTANGS and BETRAY LAST MUSTANGS. Her “regime” has been “round up, incarcerate, death camps and annhilation.” The BLM is the wild horse version of the Nazi party.


  21. I posted this in the WEEK (Andrew Cohen’s article). It was there when I posted it, but now it has disappeared.


    BLM MEMORANDUM (received in a Freedom of Information Act request)
    Joan Guilfoyle (Chief of Wild Horse & Burro Program) & Euthanizing Wild Horses on the Range

    The last part of memorandum says that areas outside Snowstorm HMA will experience immediate large die-offs without water hauling.


    BLM Seeks Comments on Environmental Assessment for Lands
    Nominated for Oil and Gas Leasing

    Battle Mountain, NV – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Battle Mountain District is making available for public review an Environmental Assessment (EA) for
    139 parcels of public land nominated for lease within the Battle Mountain
    District in the July 2014 Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale. These parcels
    have the potential for future oil and gas exploration and development. The
    30-day public review period concludes March 12, 2014.

    The BLM received nominations for 166 parcels of public land to offer for leasing,
    totaling more than 285,000 acres. The BLM deferred several of the nominated
    parcels to protect Sage-grouse habitat. Other parcels were removed because of
    conflicts with existing mining operations. A detailed listing of deferred
    parcels is available in the EA, which is available for public review, click
    here to go to the NEPA

    Project Summary page.

    The remaining 139 parcels (230,989 acres) have been analyzed for potential
    impacts in the EA. Lease stipulations identified in the Shoshone-Eureka
    (1986) and Tonopah (1997) Resource Management Plans are attached to all
    parcels to help protect resources.

    The sale will be conducted on July 17, 2014. Additional information about the sale is
    available at

    If you have questions or need more information about this project, please contact
    Mark Ennes, Planning and Environmental Coordinator, Tonopah Field Office, at
    (775) 482-7835.


  22. Our country wastes water like crazy – our country has the most golf courses of any country in the world, even in the middle of deserts. We’ve got places like Las Vegas, and growing crops and raising livestock in places that would not support that unless water was diverted from elsewhere. The more our population grows, the more of a strain it will be. It is cruel to deprive wildlife of water, but I expect we will continue to do it.


  23. I also posted the BLM Wild Horse and Burro solicitation notices on THE WEEK (Andrew Cohen’s ) article. They, too, disappeared.
    V–Wild Horse & Burro Flight Services
    Notice Type:
    Award Notice
    Contract Award Date:
    January 31, 2014
    Contract Award Number:
    Contract Award Dollar Amount:
    Contractor Awardee:
    Added: Jan 31, 2014 4:41 pm
    Contracting Office Address:
    DOI, National Business Center, AQDDivision 4/ Branch 1300 East Mallard DriveSuite 200BoiseID83706
    Point of Contact(s):
    Haener,Janice 208-433-5043
    Agency: Department of the Interior
    Notice Type:
    Award Notice
    Contract Award Date:
    January 30, 2014
    Contract Award Number:
    Contract Award Dollar Amount:
    Contractor Awardee:
    Added: Jan 31, 2014 4:33 pm
    Additional Info:
    Contracting Office Address:
    DOI, National Business Center, AQDDivision 4/ Branch 1300 East Mallard DriveSuite 200BoiseID83706
    Point of Contact(s):
    Haener,Janice 208-433-5043


  24. I don’t know–when I “met” her in Reno she blew me off so she doesn’t even can’t even put my name to my face. I don’t respect a person like that. She was there to talk, to hear about ideas. Find solutions. Yet all she could do was blow me off. And she blew another advocate off that had brought Wild Horse Robin’s petitions.

    As a side note–Robin went to the next Wild Horse Advisory meeting and was told she couldn’t bring her wagon FILLED to overflowing with petitions up front while she spoke.

    Robin and her mom went back to the hotel and separated out all the petitions–State by State. Then they delivered hand delivered them but not before a security guard tried to stop them. Someone else showed them in…

    If BLM is so innocent why all the games? Why did a couple of their law enforcement guys shoot a man outside of Las Vegas the other day? Why haven’t they yet spoken about the 1700 horses they sold to Tom Davis?

    This agency is corrupt top down. It starts with Smelly Sally Jewell and works downward. I’m sure there are a few good people within their ranks but not enough to change the status quo. And they don’t have enough authority to change things-fire people, get trimmings done that are WAY PAST DUE. Put in shelters.


  25. HEY JOAN HOW ABOUT REMOVING SOME OF THE CATTLE THAT ARE OUT THERE sharing the same Herd Management Areas with the wild horses?? how about giving back all those HMA’s that were STOLEN from the wild ones?? …HOW ABOUT STOPPING THE FRACKING AND MINING OPERATIONS THAT USE UP AND TOXIFY SO MUCH OF THE AVAILABLE WATER?? How about some of those ideas, instead of out and out MURDER??? How about that huh?!! TALK TO YOUR BOSS Sally Jewel and suggest these ideas to her if you care about wild horses so much. pfffffffttttt… spitting on all of this blatant hypocrisy. These people are pathologically disturbed.


  26. Just read he BLM s Report , OMG !!! There are for sure out of their Damn Minds, they need help, they make no sense at all( not that they ever did) but these people are Nazi Like OMG !!!!!!


  27. It is not a Democracy but an Oligarchy and We The People should feel lucky that we can still express our opinion on this Blog The War on WH&B and other wildlife generally is, on the one side, an ideologic one – just like the religious wars abroad. There is no room or respect for real science except maybe a Social Science Study would explain what really is wrong with “those people.” Here’s a perspective on WHATS WRONG nowadays. See link below. It’s a wild read but there is some truth in it (and maybe a few chuckles)


    • LM, I agree democracy is dead. The GMO’s and Monsanto will kill most humans, already farmers in India are committing suicide due to crop failures using Monsanto seeds.


  28. Wild horse sterilization research worries foundation – News –
    Cloud Foundation fears BLM may be on path to creating “dead-end herds”.


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