Horse News

Wild Horse Advocate’s Photo Snares First Place

Terry Fitch Takes People’s Choice Award 2 Years Running

"Dueling Band Stallions ~ photo by Terry Fitch

Houston, (SFTHH) – Hundreds of entries representing 15 countries and 45 states were entered in the eighth annual online equine photography contest sponsored by the Equine Photographers Network, making this the most competitive contest to date with an incredible array of outstanding equine images.

Coming in with a first place ribbon was wild horse advocate Terry Fitch’s photograph of “Dueling Band Stallions” capturing the top honors for the People’s Choice Amateur award.  The photo was actually placed in fourth position by the judges in the category of “Extreme Action” but public demand and interest rocketed it to a solid first in “People’s Choice”.  Dueling Band Stallions was shot last year in the Pryor Mountains of Montana where Fitch was visiting the herd of wild horse stallion “Cloud” made famous by Emmy award winning cinematographer Ginger Kathrens.

“I humbly thank all of the kind folks who voted for that shot”, stated Fitch, “but I am not the winner, the horses are.  The whole reason for entering that picture was to help draw attention and interest to the plight of our national icons, the wild horse.”

Fitch and her husband R.T., author and volunteer Executive Director of Habitat for Horses Advisory Council, initiated several law suits against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) last year over the agency’s controversial practice of “zeroing out” federally protected wild horse herds.  Likewise, the Fitches are familiar faces at the BLM’s contractor driven wild horse roundups.

“We witness for the horses with our cameras”, commented Fitch, “When we are present and documenting at the roundups we feel that the BLM and their contractors are on better behavior and the horses are treated better.  Not that they are treated well, just better”, she added.

"Last Jump" ~ photo by Terry Fitch

The Fitch’s recently returned from witnessing the early end of the BLM’s Antelope Complex roundup in northeast Nevada and last month R.T. addressed the BLM advisory board in Phoenix, AZ regarding their mismanagement of America’s wild horses.

Terry Fitch’s photography is no stranger to the Equine Photographers Network; in the same contest, last year, Fitch won first place in the same division for her shot of a horse rescued by Habitat for Horses and adopted by Willie Nelson called “First Bite

This year Fitch also garnered an “Honorable Mention” in the “Performance” category with her mainstream shot entitled, “Final Jump”.

As an amateur, Fitch’s work is consistently highlighted in Horseback Magazine and TrueCOWBOY Magazine.

26 replies »

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Terry!!!! YOU DO deserve it. And it was a great shot of a scene that most of us will never see. Thank you!


  2. Congratualtions! A win win situation. One for your many talents and recognition and two so that this will bring light to the very precious remaining Wild Mustangs. A talent well deserved of grateful recognition.


    • Agreed Athena. Beautiful!! And prophetic too of the havoc, the chaotic turmoil between stallions & mares with massive birth control by the BLM. This is captured with the sole mare, the billowing turbulence background of the dark storm a-coming. Congratulations Terry! Thank YOU!


  3. congrats Terri – that photo is very powerful. I wish they all could still live like that, wild and free – it breaks my heart to know how different the reality is for most.
    I am happy you speak out so well with your work and send strong messages – your photos are spectacular. Thanks for all you guys do.


  4. Great capture of a moment in time that evokes deep admiration for the pure wild horse spirit that still exists where humans do not interfere. May it always be so!


  5. WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO R T FITCH WOW ! The Photo is AWESOME………… WOW I love it……….CONGRATS to You…………..


  6. I looked at all the other photos to vote on and really did believe that yours was the best. Congratulations Terry and thank you for bringing notice to the wild horses.


  7. Congratulations, Terry!!!

    You are a wonderful and dedicated photographer. The horses and we are very fortunate to have your love and talent documenting them.

    These stallions would be proud knowing, that you captured their strength and beauty amidst the natural turmoil behind them; symbolic of the relentless, man-made turmoil and devastation which is surrounding and destroying their lives and all of what they hold dear.

    A powerful photograph, Terry…

    Thank you, both.


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