Horse News

Commentary: Wild Horse Lovers are a Bunch of Head Cases?

Video Commentary by Las Vegas Channel 8’s George Knapp

Nevada Elected Official Says Cows are Cool but Horse Advocates are Sick

In a video commentary, George Knapp nails an elected official who says that wild horse advocates suffered abuse from their parents.

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41 replies »

  1. Mr. Collins appears to be in need of quite a few things:

    (1) respectful tolerance of Americans that don’t share his opinions;
    (2) an understanding that not everyone he represents thinks cows are sacred or that mustangs and burros are the “rats” of the West;
    (3) public lands are just that, not special interest campgrounds;
    (4) a freaking calender that shows the current year, 2011…not 1911.

    But you gotta love the Knapp piece.


    • Mr. Knapp is a real journalist—. So much of the media have chosen to take the easy way to ratings broadcasting unending narratives of the Casey Anthony trial, Lindsey Lohan’s latest jail time, Anthony Weiner’s betrayal of his wife, his future child, and his lies. They get stuck on stories that don’t change the lives of ordinary Americans, repeat them over and over again, and fail to investigate the many illegal and unethical activities that are being paid for with tax payer dollars.

      If newspapers were doing real journalism, they would not be going out of business. Instead of keeping their best writers and thinkers, newspapers let these people go so they could save money. Now, only a very few are worth reading. I hope some of the people who know how to be journalists will teach part time in their retirement at our universities.


      • Newspapers very much want to do real journalism, but they have huge competition with the internet where many people now prefer to get blogs (present company excluded, of course!), opinions and unsubstantial tabloid stories being passed as “news.” As for tv media, their budgets for investigative journalism, ala George Knapp, have been slashed. I wonder if Watergate happened today if we would ever get the real story. Doubtful. Seems the corporate broadcast conglomerate owners prefer the Weiner stories endlessly rehashed for days on end to what actually impacts our world and lives. Silly distractions while we lose so much of our natural world and democratic power. The people have to support real journalists by purchasing newspapers and tuning out the tv yellow journalism, corporate driven foxnews like channels. (at least Glenn Beck is gone, thank god). The question is why do we not demand more George Knapps in our media?


      • Corporate Journalism has taken over and Independent Journalism is fighting to be found! It is online and only at a few choice places these days; Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair, Mother Jones who blew a chance on the wild ones last year by quoting BLM! The internet does have sources and these are getting stronger. Investigative journalism needs support! It is no longer the showcase of the Washington Post or the New York Times! The American Press is at a cross roads and I hope that the seekers of truth will find their audience soon. We all need More accurate news.


  2. Yes !!!RT a perfectly lovely thought, ya gotta just love Mr Knapp, i always like straight to the point reports, he has it all going on doesnt he?????


  3. Ole boy Collins had a statement read at the end of Georges commentary, “that those of us advocates that loved the wild horses didn’t know anything about them”…..hmmm…..I think we had better all show him, again he doesn’t know what he is talking about….any ideas?……Another case where..”it is better to thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”….Mr. Collins!


  4. I wasn’t able to view the video, but I’m glad Mr. Knapp was there to set things straight. Perhaps, all of us, wild horse & burro advocates, were taught respect for all life, love, compassion, empathy, sensitivity to others (including our animal friends!), & to stand up for things that we care about, those that are considered the “underdogs”, those with no voice. Perhaps, we all grew up to love, treasure & cherish all animals. Perhaps, it was “those other people” that were abused by their parents, to make them so indifferent, uncaring & hateful?I myself, do love all animals, large & small, &, even if a certain creature isn’t “my favorite”, I still respect it; that respect I have instilled in my own child. Wild horses are, & have been proven to be, a native species, cows, as cute as they can be, are an invasive creature, like a wild weed, suffocating the native species & contributing to their demise.


    • Valerie, you hit the nail right on the head as it is a proven fact that 98% of animal abusers come from an abusive home environment or a family history of abuse or parents having VERY bad divorces and arguments and literally fights in front of their children etc. I guess this fellow came from such a background to not care for any living, feeling loving creature which could include a mouse to an elephant. I was raised not even to litter as an animal could choke to death on what you throw away. I taught all my four children the same and now they teach their children the same and to respect the world around us and all living things on it. I love all animals as well and respect them, their history, their evolution and everything about them. This fellow needs to get back out from the rock he crawled under and look at every animal as a whole. He may gave forgotten we too are mammals. Love your post Valerie. Have a great week! 🙂 Sharon


      • But then there are people like Buck who are horribly abused and turn out to be the most kind and gentle people of all.


  5. Maybe we were all taught to think outside ourselves and know what compassion and sharing values are versus personal, selfish want.


  6. Having an education does not make one wise or right. This man has an opinion as wrong as it is it is just one mans opinion. It is an opinion who has tunnel vison and that tunnel only leads to the cattle business and its wants and desires. He can think and belive what he wants, he can call the wild horse belivers what ever names he wants, it only lowers his true ability to creditable in his statements and strengthens my desire to save the wild horse and other wildlife from the torcher of the BLM.


  7. Head Case definition:::::: The inability of a person or persons to comprise a decision that has validity, Well I think In a Nutshell ( pardon the pun) this describes the entire BLM !!!! Sorry , if the shoe fits wear it !!!!! Examples: Rounding up Wild Mustangs , when there is no need to do so………


    • Bonnie, anything that is done for the love and preservation of Living Breathing Legends, can never ever be the ranting or works of a Head case, the only head cases are those who would eradicate him, with absolutely no foundation, or basis out of greed The Great American Wild Mustang, he is the very Animal that built America , He is Proud, he gives of himself only to used and abused by those who are selfish and cannot see or think passed the end of their nose, he is environmentally perfect , his attributes are astounding and sure, he is a awesome being, whose purpose is recognized by those who use the Brains they were born with…………….He has so much to show us and teach us…….. and to give.He is the very core of America, I respect and Honor him, for who and what he is and represents ……….He speaks no words , he needs not, for his lessons are clear and meaningful………… His Eyes are the windows to his knowledge, His ears can show to you what he is thinking, and how he feels,His power lies in his ability to adapt to his surroundings, His legs a fragile but strong at the same time, His conviction is to his herd, for he would give his life to save them,He was made with beauty and dignity, and Love as a Gift of pure innocence………… Once you earn his trust he will show you the very meaning of it, His Freedom and Justice will and should be a given………… Instilled him are 10 traits that nobody or anything can breed out of him !!!!!!!!!!!! .Anyone who cannot understand this is a HEAD CASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…..


      • Those are the very things I said in my article for my column yesterday that’s linked above. Those are my beliefs and no one should forget what these magnificent beings have done for the humans on this earth. No one. That’s why I wrote it.

        Any negative reactions to what I had to say is immaterial to me. It’s my column and I said what I feel in my heart. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who can’t see those truths about the value of the horses and the greed that drives these gathers are the real “head cases”, with brain damage from sticking their heads in the sand for far too long.


      • Arlene …. I have been away for awhile and am glad to see you are still here and unafraid to say what you think and say it well. Hang in there! WO


    • I had read your article. I am one of your followers and suggest that others also follow Bonnie’s insightful posts.


    • Bonnie …. Just now took time to read your article. My compliments on a well written and comprehensive snapshot of what has been going on for far too long. The BLM and all their co-conspirators have now brought the wild herds literally to the brink of eventual extinction if these criminal depredations are not stopped NOW. The combination of stampedes, sterilization, and imprisonment programs now ongoing will make the disappearance of the last vestiges of free roaming horses and burros on public lands a certainty. When I look at what is left in the big picture and what is being done or planned as we speak, I am convinced that in another year or at most two, it will be too late. Maybe all the horses will not be gone that soon but the reproductive capability to sustain viable herds will be history.
      Of all the betrayals that have been foisted on the American people by the government, I think this intentional destruction of horses under the guise of “taking care of them” is one of the most egregious, despicable, and down right criminal in nature. Bureaucrat heads should be rolling and prosecutions should be in process. Instead all the public gets is official BS.


  8. I can’t believe a guy with no tact like that made it in politics! Elected by who? I’d be willing to bet that if we took poll of which is ‘cooler’ cows or horses, horses would win hooves down.
    Maybe he should move to India. Isn’t that where they consider cows sacred? I doubt he’d be able to get a hamburger there…


  9. Dear Bonnie, I did not read your article until after i wrote the reply, to your post here, but you know what they say , great minds think alike………….. I loved your article also…………….


  10. Elder’s Meditation of the Day – July 2
    “If I destroy you, I destroy myself. If I honor you, I honor myself.”
    — Hunbatz Men, MAYAN

    I have to believe those who would destroy OUR wild horses will ultimately destroy themselves. Perhaps not physically, yet, but have already destroyed themselves ethically and morally. In this dimension or the next the price that will eventually be exacted from each is certain to be severe and high.

    Be that as it may, the damage they are doing now to the Wild Ones that have managed to survive their onslaughts so far still need the help and support of each one of us. Keep hammering the perpetrators and enablers whether they be in the BLM, congress, or morons like collins. Continue to try to educate the public to a greater awareness of what is being done to these living, inimitable symbols of an irreplacable nation treasure – Freedom. Without the support the horse has provided to humankind we would still be in the dark ages. Some people still are. The trouble is that many of those are in positions of power and can create great havoc. It is becoming more crucial every day that the power they have usurped be taken away from them and returned to We The People where it belongs. Not an easy task now but it will not get any easier with the passage of more time.
    I send out love and appreciation for the passion and committment expressed by each one of you fellow “head cases.”


  11. Wambli okyie words of a nobleman, as always you post with love and compassion,.I admire all my fellow head cases…………….


  12. Well…there you have it. Thank you Laura.

    And this isn’t about tooo many wild equines….this is about not having to respond to massive wild equine deaths because of lack of or polluted water.

    Hang on humans…you will be next. And how many folks outside of LV, Reno, CC, etc rely on wells? This is getting interesting.

    Is Laura possibly the next Erin Brokoveitch(sp)?


  13. Yeah we are Sick we do not like Murdering Horses.I must be really Sick I also fight the Murder of Family -Pets (BSL).Certainly wish there were more Sickos around.
    A Nation is Judged by the way they Treat their Animals–M.Ghandhi.
    Mr Collins hopefully a wild Mustang Kicks you to Death.


  14. Yeah we are Sick we do not like Murdering Horses.I must be really Sick I also fight the Murder of Family -Pets (BSL).Certainly wish there were more Sickos around.
    A Nation is Judged by the way they Treat their Animals–M.Ghandhi.
    Mr Collins hopefully a wild Mustang Kicks you to Death.


  15. The last thing the wild ones and advocates need is a “killer” mustang. It would give the true killers an excuse to roundup/exterminate more.


  16. Why would this numbskull think one has to know about wild horses to appreciate their beauty and their innate right to “be?” Does one have to be a geologist to appreciate the beauty and majesty of mountains or the Grand Canyon? What a nitwit. And unfortunately the nitwits often talk the loudest. Anyone who sees a stunning herd of wild horses and sees rats is not only blind, but dumb as well.


  17. Dear savewildhorses, I agree, very well put, My trips to Nevada, to see the Wild Mustangs on the desert were so very memorable, I made at least 100 trips up until 8 years ago, when the Moronic BLM removed them, The sights and sounds were amazing , they moved me to tears, just to be there watching them, I kept thinking how lucky I was just to be in their presence…. their Beauty was awesome……………………….I am sorry for whomever doesnt see exactly the most Beautiful, horses in the World………………To harm and not help The Mustang is the worst tragedy in American History……………………


  18. They are and have been such a crucial part of American History, In their Honor , A National Holiday should be Declare for them, for Services Above and Beyond , They represent Freedom so eloquently, I refer to them as The Royal American Ambassadors of Freedom……………Their Services to us are always graciously given without hesitation, in all the History books of War they were always their Serving , all the Photos of the the Battle fields there the are right there next to our fallen soldiers ….. This is only a few reasons why they Should be Honored with a National Holiday in their Honor………


  19. Is this where the “Crazy People” come to comment?
    COUNT ME IN. If this is “Crazy”, then I don’t want to be sane.


  20. Actually, my Mom and Dad would have been just as passionate about this as I am and my Grandmother would have been right in the big middle of the battle. She detested arrogance, corruption, and most of all, she detested cruelty to ANYTHING that couldn’t fight back.


  21. Wow..loved the video. I especially loved the commentary directed to Commissioner Tom Collins. (Appropriate name)…I just had to share that video. To Mr. Collins…May I call you “Tom?” Tom……UP YOURS.


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