Horse News

Urgent: Calls Needed to Defund Horse Slaughter Inspections

Call to Action from Equine Welfare Alliance and Wild Horse Freedom Federation

YOUR Voice Could Prevent Horse Slaughter in the U.S.

EWA President John Holland presenting Congressman Jim Moran with commemorative award during the International Equine Conference 2011

We have two working days to push the Moran Amendment! The language to defund inspections must be passed!  Here are links to each of the members, followed by their phone and fax number. If you click on the name it will take you to more details.

Be sure to mention the inappropriate use of US tax dollars to subsidize a foreign industry in sending an unsafe product for human consumption!

Phone Fax
Representative C. W. (Bill) Young (FL – 10)              202-225-5961 202-225-9764
Representative Frank R. Wolf (VA – 10)                202-225-5136 202-225-0437
Representative Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (NJ – 11) 202-225-5034 202-225-3186
Representative Ander Crenshaw (FL – 04)            202-225-2501 202-225-2504
Representative Ken Calvert (CA- 44)                   202-225-1986 202-225-2004
Representative Steven C. LaTourette (OH – 14)     202-225-5731 202-225-3307
Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (FL – 21)            202-225-4211 202-225-8576
Representative Charlie Dent (PA – 15)                  202-225-6411 202-226-0778
Representative Norm Dicks (WA – 06)                   202-225-5916 253-593-6551
Representative Marcy Kaptur (OH – 09)                202-225-4146 202-225-7711
Representative Peter J. Visclosky (IN) – 01)          202-225-2461 202-225-2493
Representative Nita M. Lowey (NY – 18)               202-225-6506 202-225-0546
Representative Jose E. Serrano (NY – 16)             202-225-4361 202-225-6001
Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D – CT)              202-225-3661 202-225-4890
Representative John W. Olver (MA – 01)               202-225-5335 202-226-1224
Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA – 34)       202-225-1766 202-226-0350
Representative Sam Farr (CA – 17)                      202-225-2861 202-225-6791
Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (IL – 02)        202-225-0773 202-225-0899
Representative Steve Rothman (NJ – 09)              202-225-5061 202-225-5851
Representative Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D – 02)       202-225-3631 202-225-2203
Representative Barbara Lee (CA – 09)                  202-225-2661 202-225-9817
Representative Adam Schiff (CA – 29)                  202-225-4176 202-225-5828

Representative Betty McCollum (MN – 04)            

202-225-6631 202-225-1968
Representative David Price (NC – 04)                   202-225-1784 202-225-2014
Representative Maurice D. Hinchey (NY – 22)         202-225-6335 202-226-0774
Representative Chaka Fattah (PA – 02)                 202-225-4001 202-225-5392


44 replies »

  1. There is no good reason for horse slaughter except greed. The ranchers want horses of their lands and they have deep pockets and good connections so the horses lose. It’s inhumane, barbaric and unnecessary.


  2. How about if we think about getting USDA inspectors, who back check horses slated for slaughter, here or abroad, and, if they can not be back checked to foaling, then they do not go, and whoever tried gets prosecuted?
    Remember, they couldn’t do it right last time, so this time, then no horse goes, but, this time, folks go to jail.
    Sound like a reasonable concept?
    There’s no one in that job position, or with that authority at this time. (You can feel free to check it out.)
    Of course, the actual job discription of the USDA is to seek to improve and increase commercial activity… so that may be a bit of a problem….
    I’ll work on that one.
    Suggestions are invited.


  3. Oh, the inspectors can be paid through the prepaid “lawful and proper” slaughter tax, applied to each horse that is presented for slaughter or for export for slaughter, and, tax and back check every horse leaving the country while were making new taxes… and notify the authorities at the destination point of the results of the back check.
    We’re talking a 100% back check, of 100% of the horses.
    That should allow for lots of new USDA guys, but much fewer horses going into the system too.
    It would require a adjustment period… but it shouldn’t take long if it’s properly funded.
    Other ideas/


  4. They have scheduled a meeting for 6-19 to address this so calls need to be made quickly. If you call and they ask if you are in that person’s district, just say that you are a US citizen and want to urge the representative to support this issue. I don’t let them get rid of me by asking if I am in their state or district.
    Some of them will not accept emails from zip codes outside of their districts, but they have to take calls.


    • The land belongs to all of us and the horses too and no rancher has the sole right to graze on it and cause all this wasted money and suffering thru the roundups and holding areas. The horses did nothing wrong to be persecuted like this. We need the Moran Amendment to pass and stop this useless waste of time, energy resources ($) and life. Some of the aids tried to tell me to call my own state reps and I told them your Congressman is om the committee and we can call. It is a USA issue not state. Only very few gave me that speech and I politely told them I can call.


    • Sending faxes to every fax number as well, emailing also. Horses arent the only thing be slaughtered for all the wrong reasons. Wolves, Bear, Burros, Coyote all for greed, with the politicians funding it. Corrupt world this has become.


  5. Just completed my 3rd round of faxes today. Does anyone know if you can phone about this even if none of the Reps are from your state?


    • You there is no reason that you cannot contact the office of a representative who does not represent your state, but my experience is that you need to quickly identify yourself and state that you are calling with regard to the vote coming up or for a specific action. You can ask to speak with the person who is working with the issue or leave your request with the staffer who answers the phone. I try to make sure I have a name, date, and time for each call as well as the gist of the message. Some staffers don’t want to give you much time while others are accommodating and pleasant. It is certainly worth your time to call particularly when action is pending as it is here.


  6. I just got off the phone with Diaz-Balart, Crenshaw and Young offices. Each person that answered wanted to know where I was calling from and tried to get rid of me because I am not in their district. I will not let them do that, I say “I am a United States Citizen and I want to leave a message for the Representative because he/she is on the Appropriations committee”.
    I really get tired of the run around in D.C.


    • What should we say? Maybe you should have something here, a script, because a lot of us have no idea what to say to these people or how to answer questions they may have. Like Kathryn just said they were trying to tell her that she is out of the district, I would not have know I can say I am a US citizen and want to be heard.


      • I just say I’m calling the Congress (person) to support the Moran Amendment, that defends USDA inspections for horse slaughter facilities in the U.S.

        Most have been very nice to me. A few asked for my info, I gave it, they very nicely told me to have a nice day as did I.

        Stupid fax machine is on vacation! BWAH! I want a vacation!


  7. When they ask me wher I’m calling from I just think of a city in that state, they got me in Virginia cause my mind went blank when they asked me what city in va I was from , now before I call I think of a city in that state to tell em when they ask, I live in new Mexico and I called valley meats one day and talked to de Los santos or whatever his name is and asked him why he was opening a horse slaughter plant when Americans don’t like it , he said cause he can and he has a right to work, when I told him it would be outlawed he said it can’t cause it’s protected by the cap n trade


  8. I have called my Congress Reps but can you also call the ones on the list if you are not in their district? You can’t email them – I tried and it said that I am out of their area.


  9. Horses are our history and deserve respect in this country!!! They are not food and the only reason to slaughter them is to fill the greedy humans pockets with green and gold. People suck! I eat no meat or flesh as animals are not on this planet for man’s purpose…they have a right to life.


  10. Horses are people’s friends,companions andhelped buildt the United States! people are just out to make money on horse slaughter! Some people who are having trouble selling their horse will opt to have them slaughtered instead! Then there will people who don’t give a crap will do this to! Horses have feelings! Sending a horse to slaughting is sickening,disgusting and hert breaking! I am sure the people running a slaughter would not like this if they were told they were not useful anymore and they were going to sent to a slaughter house to made into meat!!!! They would change their tune right away!!!!




      • I called all 3 NY Reps on the Committee and one of them is Maurice Hinchey from my neighboring county of Ulster. Hinchey’s secretary said they had gotten lots of calls and he is supporting Jim Moran’s amendment! Hinchey has always stood up for the Environment and humane legislation and I am so sorry he is retiring.


  12. This is wrong absolutely wrong. Unless you have ever owned a horse/horses, have had the opportunity to sleep countless nights in outside their barn stall or paddock you will never know how wrong it will would be to slaughter a horse.


  13. Horses assisted in building this country. There is no just reason for us to slaughter them. What happened to humanity rather than greed?


  14. What can i help from Thailand ? What a sad story that USA also is greedy so much that they could kill horses for money reason. It is very disaponting.


  15. I called. I also send the email listed in Christy Lee’s post. Horses should not be murdered. How more intelligent or simple can one get? Stop the greedy, insensitive jerks and save our horses now. I post everything on Facebook. Sometimes repeatedly. Keep up the fight, equine lovers!


  16. When the person answering the phone number told me X person is in support of the Bill I always gave them a nicker and 4 hooves up!


  17. I called the list. Calling is better than faxing. The PA people say they are opposed to slaughter. I only hope enough of us our calling.


  18. And please be sure to sincerely thank Mr Farr for being the one of four who refused to strip the defunding of USDA payroll from the 2012 budget. Kingston (one of the three who did) is chairman of the Agriculture subcommittee.


  19. I received an email from EWA…says Moran’s amendment passed to be included in the Ag bill in the House.

    HOWEVER, last time the SENATE didn’t and it went to be reconciled by those three trolls in reconciliation committee. Don’t QUIT! On to the Senate Ag committee (aka House of Lords).

    Checkout this website for members and contact info and start reviving up those phones and faxes:

    In time, RT will come back with the names and contact info on those in the specific committee marking up the bill at the Senate level. In the meantime, call your Senators and tell them not to let the Farm Bill become the Horse Kill Bill….after that we will call the committee members (unless you know those committee members already…..commence fire!).


    • When is next vote? I watched today on live feed and although it should be a no brainer to pass it, You never know and I was a wreck. Hope the Senate gets their act together and listens to the over 80%. It is not just an emotional issue as one adverse comment was made, wish I knew who he was as his entire train or thought was idiotic. Actually all that spoke were living under an unrealistic rock. Saved 9 billion $ by not funding USDA inspection. That alone should be enough. Do they need more reasons.


      • Patty:

        I don’t know how the Congressional shenanigans called voting, especially the Senate (notoriously the stone wall or populist usurpers) will take place. I’m waiting for EWA, SFTHH or other proactive orgs/persons to advise.

        The Senate will NEVER get their sanctimonious a$$es together. As with an implementation of a segment of the “Dream Act” (immigration), the President can issue an Executive Directive or Order.

        They also saved money by cutting food for humans and not funding proper inspection and real time testing for our (imports and exports) food supply or enforcement.

        And yes, I’ve never watched and/or listened to more ignorant and/or stupid humans than our elected or appointed representatives….and the press and voters let them get away with it.

        Now, on to the SENATE!


  20. HUGE victory, thanks to all of you who called and faxed and emailed your hearts out!! Applause for all horse advocates who stand more united than ever!!

    It is not clear when the senate will vote on it or if they will just accept the house version which is possible, if there is not too much opposition in the senate.
    The senate will need ten times the calls as the house, if and when it comes to that.

    We need to concentrate on the bad guys in the senate and warn them about the wrath that will come over them from 80% of Americans if they stand in the way of the Moran amendment!

    But for today, lets celebrate a victory for horses, thank you everyone!!


  21. actually the defunding amendment didn’t get in the senate version because of max baucus remember? So watch max baucus.


  22. I think it will pass the senate as long as max baucus doesn’t try anything, maybe the best thing to do is not tell the press because then sue wallis, and max baucus will find out, I think the best thing to do is not post it on google news until the amendment passes the senate.


  23. Wow,good news, great work everyone working united together for such a good cause to protect and save our wildlife. Now, lets follow thru with the Senate and pray all goes well. I will do my best too. Remember: we have the power in our vote!!


  24. Horses are loving, precious animals full of spirit and life! It is devastating to think that they are being slaughtered! Stop The killing Now! The inappropriate use of US tax dollars being used to subsidize a foreign industry in sending product overseas for unsafe human consumption has got to stop right away also! We need to all come together and stand up for what’s is right and do what’s right!


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