Horse News

Breaking News: Oklahoma Panel Approves Horse Slaughter Bill


“Under the bill, the sale of horse meat still would be illegal in Oklahoma…”

Eye of the SlaughteredOKLAHOMA CITY -A state Senate committee has unanimously approved a bill that opens the way for a horse slaughtering facility in Oklahoma.

3/3/2013 Related Story: Debate Heats Up On Controversial Oklahoma Horse Slaughter Bill

The Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on Monday voted 9-0 in favor of the bill by Bristow Republican Rep. Skye McNiel. It would end Oklahoma’s 50-year ban on the slaughter of horses for human consumption.

Under the bill, the sale of horse meat still would be illegal in Oklahoma, but the export for sale in other countries would be allowed.

Read House Bill 1999

Supporters say it would provide a humane option for unwanted, aging horses in Oklahoma. Animal rights groups have fiercely opposed the measure and to a similar bill pending in the House.

McNiel’s bill now heads to the full Senate for consideration.

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Oklahoma Legislature

101 replies »

  1. I didn’t think this was any longer an issue…I thought the people had let them know what their thoughts were about horse slaughter in their state… why do I get the impression that it’s all going to end up like this anyway regardless what ANYONE says or does.


  2. What does this mean? Horses will now be killed? Can it still be stopped? I say go to the slaughter plants on horseback and protest! this is awful


    • You are so right about this. That auction needs to be closed down and people need to have other options for their “unwanted” horse rather then taking it to the auction. The GOOD people of Oklahoma need to rise up and throw these ghouls out of their state.


  3. This is OUTRAGEOUS…Why?????????????????? Answer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    • Stop ALL tourism and boycott ALL beef consumption there. That also means any and all conferences there in oklahoma cities!


  4. I bet the Oklahoma tax payers will be all excited about subsidizing a foreign business while being responsible for shipping drug tainted horse meat for human consumption overseas. That is something to be REAL proud of! Why not serve up a heaping helping of puppy and kitten while you are at it?


    • It still has to PASS in the Senate, am I right ? The Governor can still veto it, right ? What do we do now RT ?


      • Even though I am horrified and totally steamed that this passed I don’t want innocents getting sick. I know I would never eat horsemeat. But if a meat packing plant contaminates the food chain innocents are going to get sick.

        This was one of my many reasons when I wrote my letters. Sadly we were ignored by big business and AG.


      • Oh’s still illegal to sell it there. They know it’s tainted. They want the rest of us to eat it.. Bet it gets into their food chain anyway. Wait till some children die and they will. Just wait!


    • Are the Oklahoma tax payers that naive to back such a cruel, inhumane business that will destroy their own environment and community, for the sake of foreign business?! This is what it’s come to after so many years of fighting this battle?! It sickens me to think there are so many greedy fools who don’t give a damn about anything or anyone, for what??? May I suggest that everyone who voted to pursue the opening of a horse slaughter plant in Oklahoma be MADE to watch the whole process of horse slaughter from the beginning to the end. Have we become that barbaric in this country where we have lost all respect, dignity and compassion for God’s creatures?! This is a no win and the people better wake up real fast!!!!


      • They’re obviously not listening to the people. that bottle blonde blip that calls herself a Congress woman is the kind of woman that i don’t respect..a stupid one! They don’t care about their constituents. If slaughter plants as built, put them in these idiots back yards so their property values can tank, so their sewage can back up into their toilets and bath tubs, so bones and offal can be disposed in their front yards or on their streets, so their water can be contaminated. It doesn’t affect the foreign business owners..


    • The slaughter houses do not want old and sick horses. We all know that they want young healthy horses. There is something wrong with this picture.


    • Unfortunately, Tim, the BLM will be sending our Mustngs there. Remember, the BLM now has 50,000 Mustangs on feedlots. The Mustangs don’t have ‘tainted’ meat. They’ve never had any shots or wormers. These ghouls will make their millions, and then close up when they run out of horses. But if Sue Wallis gets her way, she will RAISE “meat Horses”, like she’s trying to do in Missouri.


      • Excellent resource, Steve. Everyone should go on to these sites and voice your opinion directly to your senators and representative.It is easy. It looked like 78% were for a ban on horse slaughter and 22% against it – about the same as the nation at large.

        If our government works for the majority, this should be a slam-dunk. If this does not even get to the floor to be voted on, we need to find out who is blocking it and demand better government.


      • I have alredy contacted my Senators and others begging them to stop this at the federal level. To all of you that oppose Ok horse slaughter YOUCAN STOP IT AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL support the bill that is going to the house.


  5. I guess it’ll just be ANOTHER thing that state is famous for… some good ol’ home grown tainted meat… mmm..mmmm. good for you!!

    What don’t they get?? okay…’nuff said… I am soo outta here.


  6. Just a lie. They do not want old horses to eat anymore than meat eaters want old cows. So depressing.

    The SAFE bill is the only hope. See Steve’s post above.


  7. I know one little guy won’t make a difference, but while traveling through the U. S. this state wil not see one, dime from me. Not for gas caming sight seeing lodging, not one effin dime.


    • Every “effin dime” counts, McFlynn. I feel sorry for the GOOD people of Oklahoma, but I will read lables and avoid ANYthing made there. The good people of Oklahoma need to protest and I really mean it. They need to be out on the streets with signs


  8. Where is the voice of the People? 90% of the people do not want horse slaughter in this state or anywhere in the USA. If over population is a problem then we need to change how we over breed horses, change how the industry around horses is conducted. We are capable to find humane ways to deal with this issue and not to continuously be irresponsible with our use of thing I am talking about is horse racing. What about the four year old thoroughbred that has no use after he is not a winner?.He/she races for man, then they destroy the horse with violent slaughter because they no longer have a place to go after the track. Look at the ways we allow this continuous abuse!! We have to take a stand for our horses as we have for our dogs, cats and other animals. We can’t allow this abuse, this is not what America stands for. How can we say we care about the welfare of other nations with millions of our tax aid dollars when we can’t even treat our national treasure with humane kindness and respect?


  9. they are black cold heart for innocent horses, (studs, mares, colts and mares preg) they are full of murder…HORSES IS WONDERUL BEAUTIFUL AND CURE 4-H, CHILDREN, AND ADULTS WHO ILLNESS AND THEY WILL HELP THEM GET WELL WITH HEALTH..STOP IT SLAUGHTER THEM, WHY FREEDOM HORSES ON EARTH…


  10. Who in hell is going to buy this meat? The EU and Japan are likely not to accept it due to the toxic residues and recent scandal that has showcased the entire fraudulent industry and disregard for regulations – what a joke it all has been. Then there is the fact that it is illegal to use horse meat in pet food yet they are knowingly sending it overseas for human consumption. What kind of,or better said, lack of ethics does this constitute? Disgusting. Well at least our pets are not subject to it and I couldn’t give a sh*t about those who choose to eat it. And then there is this whole government inititative to reduce the number of inspectors for “regular” disgustingly factory farmed animals for human consumption. How is there any justification to support inspections for an industry that has no domestic value. This is simply sick. I am disgusted and ashamed to be part of this human race. Don’t mind me just at the limit. Thank you all who feel the same way.


    • I think it’s pretty clear from the recent EU scandal that it will be shipped through multiple countries, mislabeled and fed to an unsuspecting public. Also, the Chinese will buy it and feed it to their people. The upper echelon doesn’t eat what they feed to the public, they have their own organic farms where their food is raised, protected by armed guards. So, they’re ok with feeding poison to the populace.


      • Simple – Don’t Eat Meat.

        Your body and the planet will be better off if you find alternative protein. The grocery stores are packed with alternatives. Learn on-line how to cook tofu; it is pure high quality protein. Nuts and especially beans are high in protein. Beans & peas are inexpensive and high fiber. You can do something about this – vote with your wallet!


  11. McNeil and supporters think slaughter is HUMANE??? Either none of them have watched one video or looked at one photograph, or they are truly black-hearted and have sold their souls to the devil. There’s just no other explanation.


  12. What the heck is wrong with the elected officials that are supposed todo the will of the people? I am sick and tired of being helpless!!! Our horses depend on us! Until the Safe Act is passed, only then can we look at the overbreeding/ unwanted problem/ racing/ nursemare foal issues (should be before then, I know). It must be addressed as well. I think it is high time to organize and see what WE THE PEOPLE can do! This is simply dispicable!!! So upset and very angry…WHAT CAN WE DO???


      • Do we need to start picketing on the street corners with signs to pass the Safe Act? Pictures of slaughtered horses and foals, minis, and donkeys? March on capitol hill? What is it going to take and who will be a leader to take a stand? We simply cannot just sit here and comment all day long. OUR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CARE!!! There are lots of issues with our government right now. For now, lets focus on our horses….do we need to make fliers and go door to door? PEOPLE, WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND MOVE!!!


      • yes, we need to act! How?…I am new at this, but can take action with a little instruction.
        I live in the NW, Washington state.
        We need to make sure the SAFE Act gets passed.


      • I am also very new at this. I live in California. I emailed a small local publication today to ask them todo a story as my town has lots of horse owners to help spread the word. Thinking of making and posting signs in my front yard..geez…what else can we do? If our politicians can’t do their jobs, maybe a grass roots movement by the people will get them to take notice?


  13. The Degradation and sickness of humanity is ever increasing and especially now that they have passed this… What is next? Human consumption? might as well say, as the state, the country and humanity have turned to pure evil in my eyes… I am so disgusted and infuriated that they passed this bill… I will never set foot in that state again to visit or otherwise… The fact that they approved it just sets the presidence for more horses to be slaughtered needlessly and cruel methods they use are not suited for anything other than horror, abuse and sick human consumption. Maybe they can think it is right or safe for eating but it is not. Now Our horses here in America and the land of the brave and the free are totally endangered species… SICK REALLY SICK AND REALLY SAD


    • Right on Gussie.. I’ve been saying that too… cannibalism is going to be huge in our country the way it looks,…EVIL lurks our planet more than ever….. When they think it’s no big deal to slaughter our Beautiful horses, beat them to a bloody pulp,. slit their throats still alive,,..numerous blows to the head still alive slaughtered to the bone while dying a slow torturous death..I WANT TO SCREAM!!!!…….What’s next??? PEOPLE???.. This is sickening!
      R.T.— Thank you for cutting off the evil infested people….


  14. I’m hysterical!!!!!..Now this paves the way for CRAZY De Los Santos–Valley Meats and more!@!@!@!@…..OMG what does this mean for our Wild Horses??? I can’t stand this corruption. There’s alot under the table buddy system that is driving this no matter what “We the People do”..Our government is the sickest over GREED!!!


  15. We have received two comments saying that they are glad that this has happened so that old horses have a place to go, blah, blah, blah, blah…in an effort to protect them from public ridicule for being so uneducated on the facts for thinking that old and lame horses go to slaughter for meat, I have restricted them. I refuse to give the darkside a podium, it just is not happening.

    But I do have a message for the horse-eaters who call companion animals livestock, which the Federal government does not do…where I come from, “WE DON”T EAT OUR FRIENDS!”


    • RT I AM SO WITH YOU ON THIS! I am so disgusted by this. The food chain is going to be contaminated and when lawmakers come screaming back HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I can only hope that all of us will be here and say it happened with this group of lawmakers. We warned them. We sent letters. We were ignored. We were ridiculed.


  16. If the Oklahoma people are against horse slaughter then they should vote all these bums out of office. Here is a list of the bums 7 Rep 2 Dem.

    Senator Eddie Fields – Chair
    Senator Ron Justice – Vice Chair
    Senator Mark Allen
    Senator Don Barrington
    Senator Randy Bass
    Senator Larry Boggs
    Senator Frank Simpson
    Senator Anthony Sykes
    Senator Charles Wyrick


  17. So it’s illegal to sell horse meat.. yet it’s being exported? Isn’t that SELLING it? Apparently it’s also alright to export tainted horse meat to Europe. If you don’t know by now, American horse meat is generally being turned away by Europe because of the use of Bute and other medications as well as Vaccines. So if no one is buying it across the pond… then just where is this horse meat going? Even the Wild Horses in long term holding all have had shots of some kind.


    • Good, keep giving those wild horses shots to make them less undesirable for human consumption.
      Are they used for dog food? Always when buying your dog food make sure you know the source of meat. If it says animal by products it could be horse meat. Not good! We don’t want our dogs to be fed tainted horse meat either. There is so much they don’t want the public to know in regard to where our slaughtered horse meat ends up!!! It’s not good for fertilizer either, the toxins can get into our soil and then again effect us. There really aren’t safe ways to use our slaughtered horses other than through dishonest illegal ways where ignorance is bliss…who ever receives the product will have to remain ignorant to consume it.


    • Yes it is interesting that it will still be illegal to sell horse meat in Oklahoma. Why is that? Because they know it’s adulterated? Not fit for human consumption? And I believe it was the same type of State law in Texas that ultimately closed both Beltex and Dallas Crown. That old 1949 Texas law that stated it was illegal to sell, possess, transport, etc, horse meat.


  18. Sorry I meant to say in my last post …to make it less desirable for human consumption. If we keep our wild horsed vaccinated they will be less attractive to those horse meat eaters. :-/


    • It actually would be an excellent idea to humanely vaccinate wild horses and other equines so they are not considered desireable for human consumption. The problem is that they could still be slaughtered for leather/suede. I don’t think pet food uses horse/equine meat, but I think glue is sometimes made from horses/equines. We humans have to learn to live in peace with horses/equines and other animals.


  19. Someone is not telling the truth where our horse meat is going if it’s not going to Europe.
    Where is it going? A lot of dishonesty here, the people are be deceived and soon with all this commotion the where a bouts of this tainted meat will have to be exposed.


  20. BOYCOTT OKLAHOMA!!!!! This is disgusting, 80% of American citizens do not want American horses slaughtered in the United States! Money is greasing the hands of many people in the state of Oklahoma at the cost of horses lives! I’ve written, called, etc. but money is more important to these money hungry people! Slaughter is NOT humane euthanasia. “The captive bolt is not a proper instrument for the slaughter of equids, these animals regain consciousness 30 seconds after being struck, they are fully aware they are being vivisected.” -Dr. Lester Friedlander, DVM & Former Chief USDA Inspector


  21. Skye has a TOTAL OF INTEREST! Her family owns and runs an auction house. It doesn’t matter if she lives with them or not. Her grandparents will benefit financially from this.

    I PROTEST MY TAX DOLLARS BEING USED FOR INSPECTIONS! This is all our business when a state uses FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS! Property rights? We can’t come and dictate how they manage state laws? A big fat cows rear end!

    Those hellholes are being financed with my tax dollars!

    Where is the profit if all the resources are being spent on testing meat? And the idea that every single carcass will be PROPERLY CHECKED and TESTED is bogus. It will cost more money to conduct all those tests ARE WE THE TAXPAYER FOOTING THE BILL FOR THIS TOO?



  22. Old and sick my ass. They will be fattening them up and pumping them up with every kind of drug to keep them alive and unnaturally ginormous just like they do all other food animals, just you wait. What also makes no sense is that we don’t allow sick animals to enter our food supply. Why is it ok to export sick meat elsewhere? This is bullcrap. I hope the Fed’s bill banning this human consumption idiocy passes.


  23. RT~Be careful what you put into words, I remember a time not to long ago when our meat would look funny or taste funny and we would make the statemet “what the hell is this – crap, horse meat” or when we would see a posting for a lost dog or cat and comment there must be an oriental resturant around close – just thinking out loud then – but seems all our nighmares are coming true. It appears in our drive to have diversity in our country and to become a multi cultural society – everything American and what Americans hold dear and all our ideals~~Be Dammed


  24. It looks like they are just using Oklahoma for the execution sight. It’s a facility to do the job but nothing else will benefit. I kind of wonder who will the workers be to work the site? If they are illegals then one better take a look at that whole picture. I can’t really see the locals wanting such a killing job. It’s not the American way!!
    Can’t they be more a reasonable type of work for the people that live in those desperate areas?


  25. Putting more money into inspections really doesn’t mean there will actually be inspecting DONE! Read the FOIAs that EWA posted a couple days ago. They actually inspected 199 loads out of 3 or 4 thousand?????????? What do they do the rest of the time to earn their keep? And what they call inspecting? They fill in a checkmark saying no injuries! Then duplicate this paperwork over & over. If this is how they inspect beef – well, doesn’t make me feel like eating it. This whole mess is just unbelievable. Where are the people in Oklahoma who do NOT want this? I would think they would be standing outside their statehouse & screaming. The video from Russia doesn’t seem like it could be from a slaughterhouse – more like a snuff video. I didn’t watch it – the description alone just plays over & over in my mind.


  26. re: the Russian slaughterhouse video – I just meant it didn’t seem the meat could have been used for anything after all they did to the horses.


  27. Actually it was 199 loads “inspected” out of over 6000! Now that sure does make ME feel better, how about you?


  28. What is the point of Canada closing its horse slaughterhouses if American ones are opening? Isn’t it bad enough that Mexico is not currently planning to close its horse slaughterhouses? Whatever happened to Thou Shall Not Kill? Also, vegan/vegetarian companies are doing well so Animal Rights activists should ask these companies to donate money for horse/equine rescues until breeding is more controlled. The reality is that Canada, Mexico and the United States have to work together to ban horse and equine slaughter, whether for human food, leather, pet food (I think already banned) and so on.


  29. I’m in the UK. Our recent scandal has highlighted so many other ‘underhand’ activities involving horses and the slaughter of equines. Many, many horses have been stolen (70,000 in Ireland alone are unaccounted for that’s not including England, Scotland and Wales), or rest of Europe for that matter. Where money can be made, there will always be people who will be willing to take advantage of the situation. Brace yourself America, this is only the start. Lock your horses up safe of a night.


  30. It’s a little different in Canada and the United States. The horses and equines aren’t stolen – the so-called owners give them up and “no one wants them” and they wind up at auctions and sold to Kill Buyers. Although I do believe that “wild” horses/equines are also being shipped for slaughter. We need limits on breeding, we need government funding of horse rescues (which create jobs), and we need vegan/vegetarian companies to sponsor and look after “unwanted surplus” horses/equines. At first, it looked like good news that Canada was closing its horse slaughterhouses and expanding its larger horse/equine rescues, but what good is it if the United States is opening them? How does this help horses and other equines?


    • Some of them here are stolen too. I remember reading that when CA banned horse slaughter in 1998, horse theft dropped by 34%.


  31. I am too stunned at this number 70,000 in Ireland alone… Hopefully with the scandal of horsemeat this will put a very large bright light on this disgusting business. Please assure us that in the UK this does not go away quietly! That the ‘thugs’ with no place to take horses will be stopped. Tell me, is it well advertised of the stolen horse situation, I sure hope EVERYONE is on high alert. Guess the folks there are not armed with guns to protect theirs & property?


  32. For our Oklahoma residents: Let’s come up with a slogan or logo that shows you don’t support this legislation.
    It could be used on your correspondence, in your emails, as an avatar on FaceBook or WordPress, hell, even on a bumper sticker.
    Encourage the business owners you may know to also adopt the logo – in the window of a shop, on a Yellow Page listing, in their correspondence.
    It doesn’t have to be big or ostentatious, just a simple bright color or mark – something akin to what the Better Business Bureau uses to endorse a business.
    Part of this would be to publicly show your non-support of the bill. The other part would be to avoid the boycott of goods and services in Oklahoma. Residents could conceivably NOT shop where the logo isn’t displayed.
    The people of Oklahoma, specifically those who didn’t support this, should not be punished for the actions of it’s legislature.

    “Horses: Friends, Not Food (H:F.N.F.)”
    “Shop Where You See This Sign.”


    • Yes, I agree….lets do it. I would love one of those bumper stickers. It’s needs to be done now!
      I don’t normally display bumper stickers, but certainly will this one!!


  33. Before they OK the bill to torture and murder horses they should be required to walk through a horse slaughter plant while the horses are being murdered. Then let’s see what they say.


  34. Yes, that would work…or a red circle with a figure of horse in the center and horse slaughter written underneath [all inside the circle] with a slash across it.
    Also something stating not for human consumption. Historically we have always killed our horses, but not with the intent for food as a commercial business. Somehow we need to convey visually this idea on a bumper sticker so it could be read very quickly. Most out there have no idea this is even happening to our horses, so we need a simple and fast way to get the word out.


    • Google ‘horse logo’; in ‘images’, there are some excellent ideas. Keep in mind that these may be copyrighted images, but it’s at least a starting point.

      (There is a company that will ‘sell’ you a custom logo for about $145 and print anything you wish. And that image would be ‘yours’ forever.)


      • I could easily illustrate a bumper sticker for you…you wouldn’t have to buy an image on line.
        I would love to do it for you. Just let me know when you get the idea organized. The simple idea with a red circle and a horse with a line through it is a great idea. How do we get them printed up and passed out. I would buy some from you to pass out up here in WA state.
        Lets get on this now!


  35. In Texas we have a group with a logo. Its a white circle in red. It simply says Horse Slaughter with a big slash thru it. That way, Its simple. and can easily be read. I have a pin size 3″‘ I received it at a meeting with the State Ag commisioners to stand up against the shooting of burros on tthe range here. They (commissioners) didn’t listen. Some left in the middle of the talks and others “texted” So much for government “for the people”


  36. I think the legislators are behaving like it’s still back in the times when horse slaughter was an active industry in America… have they been standing with their heads in the sand so long that they don’t realize times HAVE changed. The latest scandal in Europe should tell them that there is no market there anymore. People now know the truth about horse-meat and how bad it is right from the start, to the finish.


  37. Just some thoughts…and more questions….. WHY is the Biotech/Biomedical industry moving to Oklahoma?
    A Matter of Economics; OK Gov Fallin Talks Biotech
    At the BIO International Convention in Washington, D.C., I met bioscience professionals from numerous states and countries and discussed with them Oklahoma’s commitment to recruiting and developing a robust state bioscience industry. I shared with them that bioscience has already become a major economic driver in Oklahoma, generating a $6.7 billion impact on Oklahoma’s economy and supporting more than 50,000 jobs. I told them about Oklahoma’s strengths in plant genomics, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular research, infectious disease microbiology, and vision research. And I described our outstanding support infrastructure, including first-rate, affordable research facilities, state research funding through EDGE and OCAST, and technology start-up assistance through i2E.
    Equine Serum
    Donor Horse Serum is serum collected aseptically from a standing herd of healthy equines, OR LIVE ADULT EQUINES PRIOR TO SLAUGHTER. The serum is separated aseptically from the blood of the animal and allowed to spontaneously clot. The raw serum is stored frozen at minus 20 degrees C or below until processed by aseptic filtration. Material is collected from animals located entirely within the U.S. The animals are inspected periodically by a licensed veterinarian and are certified free of diseases of clawed animals.


    • So, biotech researchers want this donor equine serum to perform animal based experiements and they “harvest” this material from horses just prior to being slaughtered. Therefore, Oklahoman biomed industries will benefit from having a horse slaughter facility even though they export the meat. Then they sell slaughter as “humane” since horses will not have to be transported to Canada or Mexico. Pretty slick. I wonder who is being paid off by biomed (large donor) “campaign contributions” to promote this.


  38. Some thoughts and a whole lot of questions.
    A Matter of Economics; OK Gov Fallin Talks Biotech
    At the BIO International Convention in Washington, D.C., I met bioscience professionals from numerous states and countries and discussed with them Oklahoma’s commitment to recruiting and developing a robust state bioscience industry. I shared with them that bioscience has already become a major economic driver in Oklahoma, generating a $6.7 billion impact on Oklahoma’s economy and supporting more than 50,000 jobs. I told them about Oklahoma’s strengths in plant genomics, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular research, infectious disease microbiology, and vision research. And I described our outstanding support infrastructure, including first-rate, affordable research facilities, state research funding through EDGE and OCAST, and technology start-up assistance through i2E.
    Equine Serum
    Donor Horse Serum is serum collected aseptically from a standing herd of healthy equines, OR LIVE ADULT EQUINES PRIOR TO SLAUGHTER. The serum is separated aseptically from the blood of the animal and allowed to spontaneously clot. The raw serum is stored frozen at minus 20 degrees C or below until processed by aseptic filtration. Material is collected from animals located entirely within the U.S. The animals are inspected periodically by a licensed veterinarian and are certified free of diseases of clawed animals.


  39. If the meat isn’t going to Europe, then where is it going? Is that a lie? Is it going to China or staying here in our food supply or to dog food? Know one can tell us where the meat is going. Pretty darn scary if you ask me. Maybe it’s in Kraft hamburger helper [which I never eat, no meat for me!] or our hot dogs or other types of processed meats


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