Equine Rescue

Oklahoma Lawmakers Ramming Horse Slaughter Bill Down Constituent’s Throats

Source: Tulsa World Editorial

The horse-slaughter train is roaring down the track and it appears there will be no stopping it.
Oklahoma Lawmakers

Oklahoma Lawmakers

House Bill 1999 would allow the slaughtering of horses in Oklahoma and shipment of the meat to other countries. Horse meat is not consumed as food in the United States.

The measure has passed the House, cleared committee in the Senate and might be taken up on the Senate floor as early as Tuesday.

There is something about the rush to pass this misconceived legislation that doesn’t smell right. The measure passed a Senate committee last week on a unanimous vote, with no discussion or debate. It is ludicrous to think that an issue as controversial as this would not prompt debate, or at least a few questions raised.

What this suggests is that lawmakers know that many, perhaps most, of their constituents oppose the horse slaughterhouse bill but the word has come down from the leadership that the bill is to be passed regardless, and with as little fuss as possible.

On Thursday, Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman lent his support to HB 1999, an unsurprising but still disappointing development.

Bingman doesn’t see slaughtering horses as an embarrassment to the state. He sees allowing slaughterhouses as a humane alternative for dealing with old, feeble or sick horses. That’s been the constant refrain on the horse-slaughter advocates.

The idea that humane care for old, feeble and sick horses is the primary motivation for permitting a practice that as of now is not permitted by any other state is laughable. There is no way that there are enough such animals to profitably operate a slaughterhouse. Healthy animals will have to be imported from other states and ultimately horses will have to be bred and raised for slaughter.

The pro-slaughter crowd touts the economic benefits but in fact the practice will be of minimal economic benefit, with most of that accruing to the state’s horse auctioneers, including the family of Rep. Skye McNiel, R-Bristow, author of HB 1999.

The horse-slaughter crowd claims that there is no difference between slaughtering horses and cattle, but that’s not really true. Cattle are raised to be food. The slaughter of any animal can be a difficult process, but it is the nature of horses to resist, to escape or even fight back when threatened. Horses, at least in this country, are not raised to be food. They are bred and trained to be work mates and companions for people.

It’s probable that a majority of Oklahomans find the slaughter of horses for exported meat repugnant. But it’s full steam ahead for the Legislature. If HB 1999 passes the Senate the only roadblock remaining is the scant hope that Gov. Mary Fallin would veto it.

Get ready. If you liked cockfighting you’ll love horse slaughter.

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38 replies »

  1. #IMPEACH #Ok #Lawmakers! U weren’t elected 2 Ram #HorseSlaughter Bill Down Constituent’s Throats! wp.me/pyapj-577 via @rtfitch
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


  2. Tulsa World Requires a subscription to read or comment! Grrrr! & site “doesn’t exist” 0r “temp UNavailable” to create a new acct….
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


  3. #MaryFallin get 0ff ur b*t & DO someThing! U weren’t elected 2 Ram #HorseSlaughter Bill Down #OK ppl Throat$! wp.me/pyapj-577 via @rtfitch

    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


  4. When are the proslaughter, Ag Hag idiots going to realize human consumers don’t want to eat feeble and sick anything?!? And last I checked, sending a sick animal to slaughter is against US food laws. Talk about DUMB statements!

    At least the editorial was more than half way decent…still don’t understand why journalists NEVER catch the illegality of the “sick” horse for human consumption comments from these trolls.


  5. Whoever is behind this, I hope they spend and lose millions of dollars invested in this despicable enterprise. When they are all broke, maybe the horses will be safe.


  6. This Bill HB 1999 has corruption written all over it. The OK Government is corrupt. Going to send old, sick, feeble horses to slaughter, they have to be kidding right?


  7. Just think about their prospective victim: old, feeble and sick horses (Ms. McNiel adds abandoned). Is this what you’d want to eat? You know where the expression ‘a tough old bird’ comes from? Ever eat an old chicken? They are chewy to say the least. Denise is right about the sick horses…not allowed. As to abandoned, the lovely Ms Tobin mentioned yesterday it would be impossible to know any medical history of an abandoned animal.

    Somehow I just don’t see the streets of OKC plagued by old, feeble, sick and abandoned horses but if I did I think I would look for the source i.e. breed associations…oh but they aren’t producing old, feeble, sick and abandoned horses only 2 to 4 year olds in most cases healthy and muscular that they write off then sell off. So where are the old, feeble, sick and abandoned horses coming from…SHERIFF?

    Around here our Sheriff and his deputies watch for such treatment and on occasion find a horse tied to a tree and have it taken to a nice pasture while they look for the owner. They are not looking to reunite them but to press charges. Maybe Oklahoma should look at strengthening their animal abuse laws and penalties. But instead they are looking for an AG GAG bill.

    This whole scam is to protect breeders, farmers and ranchers financially no matter the odious treatment of the animals.


    • There is also a problem with a “stolen” equine….owner v thief, certainly the owner doesn’t want slaughter….how do you decide what a stolen versus “abandoned” equine is?…much more the medical treatment history?

      Beside, the USDAs own export stats say those quoted in Okieland are liars or just plain stupid.

      I vote they are both.

      BTW, USDA still has not decided to fund US HCHS.


    • Of course it’s corrupt. An Ag gag bill is not necessary unless they are doing something illegal. They don’t want people to know about the atrocities that happen in Oklahoma. I told my congressmen both just that. The Ag gag laws should be against the law. As far as I’m concerned, homeland security is a terrorist organization in and of itself. It has been used against the American people, not against real terrorists perhaps they should enact against the terrorists inn our own government…..


  8. If slaughter is only for the old, sick and lame then why do they have to go through the auction? Why can’t a horse owner haul it right to the plant to drop it off themselves? Why do they have to haul it to the auction house to sell it? Oh, that’s right, mcneil’s family is in the auction business. I see how this works now…..


  9. I never thought this would ever happen again in the United States. It is both disgusting. Why is no one planning any type of a rally on the capital steps? We were tired of Cavel, Intl and stood out in the front of the steps of Springfield, Illinois with our signs and spoke to people visiting the capital who did not realize what was going on. Someone in Oklahoma must have some Kahonas somewhere to demostrate against a business that will put all of our horses and other equines in danger. I’m sorry, but is seems no one in that state is doing anything to show the majority of the people living in Oklahoma are against it. Its all well and good to take survey after survey and spout the statistics. Its another thing to get your asses out to your capital and fight for the animals we all love and will be put in danger. Organize it and ask for some help. I am tired of writing about this and callling my Legislators because of the stupid asses in Oklahoma and New Mexico.. Most people do not even know who their state or federal legislators are. This is exactly how our country is taken over by all the foreign companies. Its about time that we as Americans told our state and federal legislators that we have had enough. Our tax dollars are being taken away from the seniors and other social services needed to line the pockets of the foreign companies. All I can say is we all better ask for God’s help if the slaughterhouses ever open again We all as Americans cannot and should not be assuming that the everything our legislators do is in our favor. It starts in our communities..Oklahoma is a good example of that…Its about time that we held OUR Legislators feet to the fire..We no longer can be asleep at the wheel because this is what happens..All our horses(both wild and domestic) and equine friends are in serious danger..The BLM will see this as a way to get rid of the horses on private ranches and how the hell will we ever know..There is no accounting anywhere to know the exact number. Its just shameful!


    • Yes, where are the protests?????? Come on Oklahoma and New Mexico – the rubber is hitting the road here. It is your states – show them what a NO means?

      If this bill is passed, it will be up to the people of Oklahoma (and possibbly New Mexico) to take matters into their own hands. You as citizens can create law. You can put a measure on your state ballot and vote a ban on horse slaughter. California did and the measure won hands down.

      I’ve watching these excruciating debates, rallied to gain support by politicians, begged national organzations to rise their memberships up to force spnsoring the federal ban, and hate to say this, but you cannot depend on your elected representatives to pass the laws needed – not unless the lobbyists and deep pockets say to. If you want to ban slaughter – DO IT! Put the ballots out there ands VOTE the ban in. It is the American way. PLEASE take this matter into your hands. State by state – and get it done.

      Equines are dying people. Use every bat in the bag if you have to – but don’t stop swinging.


      • Great Advice Jan, Come on OKLAHOMA,show them you mean business !!!! NO HORSE Slaughter iN any state the people have spoken !!!!


    • Well said Gail and i know you fought hard when Cavel Was open. I remember! If Oklahomans don’t get out there and do something, physically do something they will lose, and so will we all. They say that Oklahoma doesn’t wasn’t our interference but this does affect us all. I’m sell under the impression that we need to get the safe act fast tracked through Congress and get it to Obamas desk for signature. Show your faces Oklahoma. Let them see who they are up against first hand. Thank you Gail for reminding me.


  10. Hard to believe Oklahoma people are that out of touch with reality, THERE IS so many Horrible facts when Horse Slaughter comes to town, and its awful ramifications , Oklahoma you will lose everything in its wake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Immediately any creditability will be the first !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ms Skye you have already lost any you might have had !!!!!!!


  11. The other poll I found on Horseback was from AgriTalk and confused with the SFTHH put up:

    Are you in favor of the resumption of horse processing?

    Total Votes: 91

    View Results

    Link: http://www.agweb.com/multimedia/agritalk.aspx

    Now, I will grant you it is a very small sampling, but we won…..not that state houses and Congress are listening to US/us similar to gun safety and the NRA.

    I’m getting sick of special corporate interests hijacking our right to a better country.


    • This so odd… Now the poll says total votes “16”. It’s like they cancelled out the volume of people who participated. I swear these ag people manipulate and distort every bit of reality they can!


      • I noticed that too…last few days it was over like 400 people. Today, can’t vote and less than a hundred.

        Gee, what a surprise.

        Horse slaughter is cheating; why would the poll be any different on an Ag Hag site?


    • I just voted and it went to 90%. maybe they will see that people who read their articles asst not really in favor of horse slaughter. Perhaps this is just a select few who wasn’t it. Maybe the Ag community does have some sense.


  12. Well, my last post vaporized.

    Here is the link on the Horseback featured poll at AgriTalk:


    Please note the “partners”…..not one “living” horse industry professional among them…they are all meaters (well, almost)…BUT NO HORSE ASSOCIATIONS; just like you won’t find horsemeat competitions at university or fairs or 4-H level.

    But we won.


    • Yes, i did too and they were very nice to me. Then i read that she changed her opinion. I was floored. I think she needs to know that she’s being used and lied to and that it isn’t only the Oklahoma people that are affected, this if a national issue.


      • It is a national issue. Every barn’s door will lead to this Oklahoma slaughterhouse. It is not right that our out of state voices are not pulling weight!
        Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


  13. why isnt there a petition circulating to get the president or congress to pass a no kill law..or sanction those bizz that practice this insane act of violence on a animal.. i know in the state where i live.. if i killed a horse.. my ass goes to jail.. time we do more than mouth work on these corperations that ignore humanity and treat them the same has they treat horses… karma.. if ya do more then whine.. these states,and corperations wouldnt survive how hard so many hands can push… ..


  14. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and those that support her on this issue should all be impeached, they are not intelligent enough to hold the power positions that they have. Europe has stopped importing Canadian horse meat due to the recent crisis there and as a result the prices have been cut in half. Governor Fallin knows this and still she wants to pass these bills. The Oklahoma government wants to slaughter their horses, ship the “meat” worldwide yet their own people are not allowed to ingest it. This verifies to the world that Oklahoma doesn’t have any confidence in the quality of their states horse meat and WORLD beware because it will most likely be contaminated and not fit for human consumption. The world is watching, the decisions made by the the Oklahoma government could severely hurt the economy of the entire state.


  15. Now that this dumbbell law has been passed…(excuse me while I BARF my cow lunch)can anyone sue for this to be overturned. Like Prop 8 keeps coming back in CA.


  16. With everyone finding out the horrors of even eating the horse meat where are they even going to SEND it? EU has banned it from their sights. it’s only a matter of time before everyone else does too. It’s stupid to have passed this law by necessity.. And.. yes.. This law SHOULD be overturned.. It’s time we start taking this nation back. =/ who wants to Sue Obama next?


  17. Slaughter the Senate. Rid of them all. Need new blood in congress. All the ones in office should be hung up on one leg or something else and see what they have just done I am so outraged. What a hateful scam to the American public. We are not stupid folks standing on the side lines. Sweep the Senate clean. I read $$$$$$$$$$$$ all over this one. Our wild horses gathered for this? Damn every single one of them and you have lost my votes forever, you thugs. How can you support this horrifying bill when we fought so hard to keep horse slaughter out of American soil? Now you want pools of red blood on your hands? Are you all nuts? Tainted for life. You partake of horse you will be tainted forever.
    I just gave my horse some bute today and he fractured his leg a few days ago. He has a cast on his leg and he is on the mend. So you stupid fools in Government, you do not know horses unless you work with them, love them, train them, nurse them back to health, treat them with dignity and respect. Horses are incredible animals and will work hard to please the owners who love them. My horses do and I love them through blood, sweat and tears. I WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHT OF OUR HORSES TO BE FREE FROM MAN AND WOMAN’S CHAINS WHEN THEY SAY SLAUGHTER THEM, NO WAY. READ MY LIPS, I WILL NOT ACCEPT HORSE SLAUGHTER, NEVER THE RIGHT THING TO DO. THE AGONY OF SLAUGHTER IS TORTURE BEYOND WORDS. THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE FOR HORSES. I AM SO OUTRAGED AT OKLAHOMA, SPIT ON YOU GOVT, SHAME IS ON YOU THAT VOTED FOR THIS TAINTED BILL. PUSHED THROUGH BECAUSE OF GREED, GREED, GREED AND MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
    When you all go to sleep tonight pray and get on the phone, flood Washington with phone calls, call, and keep calling until they hear it in their sleep that we will not stand for this bill being signed into law ever. We will fight like hell to keep every horse we can from experiencing this horrible death sentence, we will not stop until we close this bill down once again. Oklahoma if this starts, look for your water, environment, torture, squeeling, screams, blood everywhere. Then tell me you love horse slaughter. Damn NEVER, NEVER, NEVER YOU FOOLS. Believe me you will hear them in your sleep and you will not ever be able to sleep when you experience the pain and agony our horses go through. Put yourself in their shoes. STOP HORSE SLAUGHTER NOW, STOP THE TORTURE NOW.


  18. The fact as to what’s happening in Oklahoma are simple. The first is the protesters were there out in front of the capital building, but the United Horsemen and other political string pullers diminished it and stated only a handful of people showed up for the rally. The few camera’s that took pictures made the 100 people seem like 3 or 4. Then when the other side rallied they did it inside-United Horsemen asked the people to show up and bring their hired man with them=in other words force anyone to come. They had less than a hundred took a picture of the room which the news people filled the back half of the picture and sent that one to press making it appear as though hundreds showed up. This is a sickening, ridiculous twisting of the truth-they have been explaining to cattlemen and ranchers this will take away their future rights to slaughter any animals-so don’t let them get by with stopping horse slaughter, then they push facts about abandoned animals, they own personal seen then myself stories, pictures of ematiciated rescue horses from God knows where and what year as a leverage. They also used the assurances this is safe and we will prevent horses from being slaughtered for 21 days to get the drugs out of their system. The average person even the smarter ones don’t know how to look up the drug schedule to see what happens to be a minimum of 6 month withdrawal for many drugs and for the most formidable much longer and no withdrawal period on some, keep in mind they are using the old data from drugs older than 10 years ago-we have had much more new technology and pharmaceutical changes since then they don’t consider. As well, these people are brain-washed into believing a horse owner is the enemy we want to remove their rights by stopping horses from being killed, their latest angle is the soring issue. RT this is really important the SAFE Act has just become a TARGET and public news release from the backers of the bill need to express the soring issue is a fragment. This may possibly have to be removed to give reassurances for the greater good, people are being told in all types of emails, webpages, and such that they are being set-up for all breeds of horse shows to be shut down. This is ridiculous-an outright lie, and the most inexperienced horse owners I know is pushing it-Dave Duquette. This is an outrage. I cannot believe that my 3 children have earned more in their horse careers up to now-3 kids in 7 years showing have earned a combined total of 178,000 dollars he’s been in the business twenty years=50,000. My kids know more about reining than he knows about his ass! I am really insulted that this is getting pushed around by a person who cant even play with the BIG DOGS who are little kids! My kids know the entire book on 3 different organizations breed rules and regulations. My oldest said mom-this guys looney-the soring those poor Walker’s go through just send them straight to the slaughter house, then he says-that’s why he doesn’t want it stopped, walla! So see even children see through the garbage-so we need to pull together across the country and separate the lies from the facts and get people re-assured through media sources and the co-sponsors of the bill need to step up and explain this is NOT A blanket for the entire horse industry-the organizations have to uphold certain laws and regulations, and by-laws they put into practice, but when one, just a very specific handful of persons refuse to co-operate then something needs to be changed. When the practice is so irreversible and damaging to the animal and done with the intent of making an animal more beautiful its not only disturbing it brings to light we don’t always know what goes one behind closed doors. More specifically we have entered the NEW age of Natural Horsemanship and softness and companionship with our horses and these trainers need to come into the new age of horses. It’s a tried, proven, and necessary change in the Tennessee Walkers industry and MORE people would show at the shows if they didn’t have to compete against the sored horses! IT would draw more spectators than it would run off, and broaden the number of horses that can be entered instead of diminish it. So they are trying to make it appear as though they are the ONLY hope the true horse owners have-when in reality when their horses are dead and they want 20000 to buy a new one those people will be standing their brainwashed with empty halters wondering what happened. Do they not realize they have given their names, addresses, and information on how many horses they own to the ACTUAL slaughter people? In the past, no one wanted slaughter people to know where their horses were and where they lived-why? You are as smart as my kid, cause when they run out of volunteers to kill off, they have to know where to locate more FREE horses. So these people who are in the United Horseman may really wake up one morning and find out they LITERALLY gave all for their pro-slaughter cause -when the barn doors open and the horses are gone! What a haunting image-the person’s with an empty halter standing at the opening of their empty stall……where has the American horse man gone? WELL, this one is doing all she can to correct this garbage-we need anti slaughter press all over the place-RT help us get it out there. Maybe we can use their words in this case! Rally everyone within striking distance we need support FOR the anti-slaughter bill! Whatever you do don’t look into their eyes though-all you see when you do is chicken shit!


  19. It makes me sad. Oklahoma is so dimished by this kind of thing. I am deeply disappointed by everyone who voted for the bill and ashamed of our governor for signing it. Shame on you all! I will not forget & I vote.


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