Horse News

Video: Wild Horses: On the Trail to Freedom!

2013 American Equine Summit: Ginger Kathrens

We will be featuring key presentations, everyday during this upcoming week.  The information contained within each is invaluable in fighting the horse-eaters and their propaganda.  Direct YouTube link for Ginger’s presentation is:

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3 replies »

  1. Ginger, My respect for you grows every year. You have been steady on your target to help change the management and secure a safe future for the wild ones. I have tried hard to see a way to get from where we are now to a functioning Wild Horse and Burro Program that has minimal to no removals and adoptions and will allow the family bands a natural life on their designated lands. Trusting BLM is really hard. Enforcement of the ’71 Act seems to be lost and from my viewpoint BLM is committing crimes against the wild horses and burros which will never be dealt with or fully reversed. The tens of thousands of acres that former BLM Director Bob Abbey told you were out there and could be used for repatriation need to be used to release short term held animals as you said. But when and how do we get there while the removals continue?

    We are losing precious herds and unique heritage bloodlines of all kinds. There is to be a roundup schedule this year. I have not seen one yet. We, the advocates, still do not have a clear vision of the herds and lands that comprise our wild horse and burro world. If we do not have local and advocate presence showing the desire to be involved with every HMA we are in danger of losing the families that occupy it. They need local and regional representation from stake holders and those who want to create eco tourism which also creates jobs and community outreach and education albeit on a small scale.

    I see investigations and expose’ putting pressure on BLM that they need from us to help slow their removal machine and to counter their deliberate inaccurate and misleading propaganda. Yet we do need to find the tipping point and be there to speak and reason and bring about a future that has protected wild horses and burros in it.

    Thank you for always seeking a route for positive change and for telling and showing so eloquently what you have learned and seen. The heading and healing you filmed in the Pryors in 1994 is so horrific and criminal that it tears my heart each time I see it. Getting it right and doing it right are the only priorities. How we turn this tide will have its roots with what you have done and continue to do. mar


  2. Thanks, RT, for putting these talks up here. I will be watching more. I did watch your often funny but still serious talk at the conference also. I have never seen you speak except at the BLM meetings and the press conferences. You had so much to cover. Please use it on a Sunday because there are some good smiles and great laughs between the serious stuff. I will watch Stephanie next. Vickery was great. Many more to go. What a nice little conference.


  3. I fell in love with Ginger all over again when she announced she was getting the foal from her recent documentary “Anatomy of a Roundup”. As I recall she gets him this Saturday…I swell with tears everytime I think about it. There are still people on this earth that give a damn and Ginger’s is high on my list.


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