Horse News

Summit of the Live Horse – April 3, 2012

Summit of the dead horse turns on haunches and runs

Oklahoma City, OK (R4H) – While last year the two conferences representing opposing sides of the explosive Horse Slaughter Debate took place in Las Vegas, this year’s Equine battleground was set to play out in Oklahoma City no farther than one city block away from each other.

Although they had been planning it for over a year, spent a lot of resources and had sold many $150-$300 tickets, the United Organizations of the Horse, (the Pro- Horse Slaughter faction) announced today that they postponed their dead horse Summit to January 2013, in order to focus resources on a rescue and rejuvenation program!

“I believe the ground was getting too hot for them in Oklahoma City. 80% of Americans are against Horse Slaughter, and although they believed Oklahoma was an exception, it turns out that it is not,” states Simone Netherlands, the organizer of the Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference.

The Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference is in no way quitting and the live online broadcast will move forward as scheduled:

The Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference
Holiday Inn, Will Rogers Airport
4401 SW 15th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
12 – 1PM CDT
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

“Just because they canceled their conference it doesn’t mean that they will stop strategizing about how to increase the demand for horse meat, how to slaughter our wild horses and how to open new horse slaughter plants in the U.S.,” says R.T. Fitch, writer and also one of the speakers of the Press Conference of the live Horse.

Will horse slaughter be coming to your neighborhood? Do we need horse slaughter in America? Can horse slaughter be made humane? Is horsemeat toxic? Does horse slaughter solve abuse and neglect? Does horse slaughter encourage over breeding? Will our wild horses be slaughtered? Will it stop horse slaughter across our borders?

The Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference, will have a panel of equine experts and professionals who will answer the above questions and offer solutions and alternatives.

Panel members will include:

  • Scott Beckstead, Senior Oregon Director for The Humane Society of the United States
  • Ginger Kathrens, Filmmaker and Director of the Cloud Foundation
  • Simone Netherlands, Horse trainer and Director of Respect4Horses
  • R.T. Fitch, Writer and co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“We collectively suggest that they take their deceptive name, their deceptive propaganda and their deceptive agenda far away and go pretend that they care about horses and horse people somewhere else,” states Simone Netherlands.

The interactive Summit of the Live Horse Press Conference will be broadcast on, April 3, 2012. This service will give the press conference global coverage and allow anyone to participate in the question and answer sessions afterwards. Search (click HERE) at 12:00 noon CDT to log into the live broadcast. The link will also be available at

Any and all members of the press are cordially invited. Free tickets to the public are available by emailing For additional information call: (928) 308-6718

Footage of last year’s conferences:

9 replies »

  1. There is nothing more beautiful then the TRUTH, nothing more unbelievable and UGLY then the Lies Spewed out about Americas Icons The Wild Mustangs and Horses, Slaughter and needless round ups costing the American taxpayer Millions of dollars all spent at the expensive of Americans 80% of which are totally opposed to both…………………………… It is time to Rise up every American an stop this senseless Murder !!!!! Their is No reason to the suffering of thousands of Mustangs in holding , being treated like dirt , when their contributions to America throughout History are the reason we are !!!! , they are the soul reason that we have a west , built on the sweat and the backs of the Horses………………………. They have been our allies on which we ALWAYS CAN DEPEND ON !!!! The Horses all of them belong Free on the range !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a given !!!!!


  2. To me it seems last year a raffle for a truck, this year tickets at $100 to $300 a pop—both things cancelled and we have no idea how many other schemes this organization has come up with—and if they are not returning that money—me thinks someone is lining their pockets.


  3. Go equine warriors…GO!

    Wishing the best to all participating and supporting this event. I sincerely hope the event keeps spreading the truth about equine slaughter, inhumane death and the destruction of our wild equines.


  4. I found this on another site—–it applies to us and our summit

    ~~~Dare to Dream~~~

    “Each time a man stands up for an ideal,
    or acts to improve the lot of others,
    or strikes out against injustice,
    he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,
    and crossing each other from a million different centers
    of energy and daring,
    those ripples build a current that can sweep down the
    mightiest walls of oppression and resistence.”

    – -Robert Kennedy


    Debbie Coffe
    Horse Meat “Snake Oil” Salesmen Fool Cattle Ranchers
    Cattlemen who fought against the USDA’s National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and thought they squelched it until the USDA revived it as Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) , are donating money to the United Horsemen and the International Equine Business Association (IEBA), which, ironically, seem to be bringing in NAIS/ADT through the back door.
    These two new organizations, promoting the sale of horse meat, primarily to foreign countries, and the reinstatement of (probably foreign owned) horse slaughter plants in the United States, are muddying the waters by trying to tie this to property rights.
    Let’s just grab this bull by the horns.
    If you haven’t heard about NAIS, it required that ranchers sign a PREMISES ID contract. In international law books, premises is NOT property, so ranchers were basically signing away their property rights . They became a “stakeholder” (a third party). The USDA wanted to make this mandatory.
    Supposedly, NAIS was about food safety and “traceability.” However, most food safety issues are due to poor practices at deregulated, self-policing slaughterhouses (where RFID tags end up on the floor) and deregulated, self-policing meat packing plants. Not ranches. And since tags and microchips can easily be reprogrammed, they won’t prevent bioterrorism.


  6. i don’t have the fancy command of the language and am too emotional to go to a public event against horseslaughter, but with teary eyes i told my buckskin, sundance, when his time comes he will not go to slaughter. i think he understood me and lowered his head. he hates when i cry.


  7. the press conference was terrific. i appreciate every blessed person that participated in this enlightening of america. God bless the news stations too and the folks at home signing petitions till their fingers are numb.


  8. “Dare to Dream” is exactly what this is all about… bringing about justice for the innocent, exposing the truth to the real horror of horse slaugter and all it’s implications and the hope that all of our equines will be able to live and die in peace. Thanks to everyone that’s participating and supporting this event. Best of luck to all. (-:


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