Horse News

Anti-Horse Group Stumbles in Attempt to Justify Horse Slaughter

OpEd by R.T. Fitch ~ Author and President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Horse Eating Lobbyist Fails in “Repudiating” ASPCA Slaughter Poll

Horse-Hater's Hollow Screams Fall Upon Deaf American Ears

On February 1st of this year the American Society for the Prevention for Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) released the results of a poll compiled by one of the country’s most respected pollsters, Lake Research Partners, which clearly identified that 80% of the U.S. public is resolute in the fact that horse slaughter should not be reintroduced into the United States.  Within 48 hours of the ASPCA’s news release the latest in a long list of dubious horse slaughter “front” organizations headed up by infamous Wyoming State Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis, the International Equine Business Association, issued a hollow and fact-free press release attempting to “Repudiate” the qualified and quantified ASPCA report only to fall flat on it’s face as it repudiated nothing and supplied no evidence to counter the ASPCA’s poll results.

Pro-horse groups have long stood firm with the number that over 70% of Americans were opposed to not only horse slaughter on U.S. soil but also the transport of American horses across our borders for the purpose of slaughter in foreign countries for human consumption abroad.  The ASPCA sponsored poll not only reinforces those figures but, likewise, adds significant detail to a higher number.

Click (HERE) to read ASPCA Press Release.

Lake Research Partner expertly polled 1,008 registered American voters, across a wide variety of demographic and sociology-economic boundaries, by asking if they approved or disapproved of allowing American horses to be slaughtered for human consumption.  The results clearly indicated that a stunning 80% disapproved while only 13% gave the question a positive response.

Refined poll results further indicated:

  • 71% of Horse Owners said no to butchering horses
  • 21% of Horse Owners were in favor of killing and eating horses
  • 81% of Non-Horse Owners were against slaughter
  • 13% of Non-Horse Owners indicated that they were in favor of the killings

The above statistics fly in the face of trumped up statements from both Wallis and the President of the pro-horsemeat organization United Horsemen’s Dave Duquette who have continually been quoted as saying that “horsemen” want and need the re-introduction of predatory horse slaughter so as to keep the price of horses high while ignoring the current global economic trends and the simple business concept of supply and demand.  Wallis recently resigned from her position as VP of UH leaving it, allegedly, in the hands of Duquette, an advertised horse trainer, who promptly sent the organization into a tail-spin by promoting an equine “conference” who’s agenda is loaded with comedians, unknown singers, jokesters and then rejecting the attendance application of a noted equine magazine, “Horseback”, in a poorly articulated public posting that could be fodder for a First Amendment violation law suit.

In referencing the editor of said magazine Duquette posted;

“Your lack of integrity and inability to just report (Like your (sic.) supposed to do) and all the assertions you make leave us at the United Horsemen believing you are NO better than (name omitted) and You or your staff will not have access. You can hang out with your friends across the street.”

In the same unprofessional manner Wallis’ group impotently attempted to rail against the American public in their release, likely penned by professional meat lobbyist Steve Kopperud,  saying:

“On February 1, the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (ASPCA) issued a press release claiming “80% of Americans oppose the slaughter of horses.” It did not release the text of the actual survey questions, but based on the group’s press release, it is obvious those questions were chock full of misleading, misrepresentations designed for solely one purpose — to tug on the heart strings of animal loving Americans and to convince them horses are being horribly mistreated, and most importantly , that Americans with any heart need to send lots and lots of dollars to refill ASPCA’s ever-empty coffers so it can continue to pay six-figure salaries and finance all of those heart-rending TV advertisements.”

It has been a common practice for Wallis and Duquette to hurl unsubstantiated comments and threats at animal welfare organizations and individuals who care for the well-being of not only companion animals but neighboring wild creatures as well.  Their past targets have included the  Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the majority of American celebrities and horsemen, both living and dead, who have ever shown even the tiniest morsel of compassion to members of the animal kingdom.  Such individuals are called Animal Rights (AR) radicals versus advocates and are painted as anti-American/agriculture Eco-terrorists to their meager following while ignoring, as the ASPCA survey verifies, that the bulk of the Pro-Horse movement is made up of horse owners who are engaged in agricultural business’ themselves.  The ASPCA has now been added to the Anti-Horse movement’s hate list, as well.

Wallis’ anti-horse organization continued to flail uselessly throughout their ill-conceived release (Click <HERE> to read) only to close with a question that makes no sense nor do the numbers correspond to any slaughter or excess horse issue ever raised:

“Who do you think should pay for the care and upkeep of the roughly 200,000 horses that will cost a minimum of several thousand dollars each, every year, for their entire 30-plus-year life span?”

It is obvious that the Anti-Horse movement has not only lost momentum but clearly is faltering in it’s ability to cajole the public into believing in something that is not founded in either fact or science.  In reality, their bumbling and bombastic public dissertations only furthers the cause and viability of the Pro-Horse stance as the Horse-Eaters slowly sink beneath the waves in their leaking vessel built upon lies, conjecture and fantasy.

With the likes of Sue Wallis and Dave Duquette at the helm of their sinking ship; there lies great hope and promise for the future well-being and safety of the horses of the United States of America.

In God we trust.

51 replies »

  1. This all adds up to the fact that Wallis and all her coherts are a bunch of idiots and are in it solely for the green backs. That they would want to exist on the backs of inhumanely killed horses, foals, and donkeys is only evidence of their twisted minds and that they deserve to be silenced in the same manner as the horses are put down. They are a disgusting group of individuals that can’t sink much further as their demise is slowing coming. LEt’s hope that 2012 will be the year of the reviving love and care of all of our horses, wild and domestic, and that there will be an avalanch of hatred toward killer buyers and auctions that work with them, not to mentioned the disgusting BLM.


  2. There is absolutely without a doubt nothing those two morons can say that will ever ever have any validity, there is and never can be any thing said to validate any reason for Horse Slaughter , it is what it is and that is HORRIFIC and can never be condoned by any humane person………………….


  3. I cannot believe people would vote FOR eating horses….SICK! How about a doggie burger too? WE WASTE FOOD HERE! People that agree to horse flesh eating get your head out of your a**. That’s MY opinion.


  4. Their maniacal raving took me several times to get through (I had to wait till my head quit spinning and my stomach settled down.) When I finally reached the end my only impression was that they should gather this press release with them when they go down to the county dump get naked and roll around while someone takes their picture. Its the only thing that this garbage is good for. I guess Sue figures if she puffs up and blusters enough someone will believe her. Not working honey.


  5. Same garbage..different day..what is notable about this is that Sue is using the same group of bloodthirsty people to form “new ” organizations to give the appearance that there is widespread support among horse owners.for slaughter—.this” new” organization proclaims to represent the equine business…I would like to see Sue offer some proof that either she or her cohorts are in fact involved in the “business” of horses..which according to the IRS, must meet certain requirements-and provide the bulk of your income..Lets see the tax returns of these people..because I think most of them are not making a living with horses and are misrepresenting themselves as such..I believe their business is butchering


  6. Wallis’s last statement:

    “how do you think they will respond to the follow-up question: “Who do you think should pay for the care and upkeep of the roughly 200,000 horses that will cost a minimum of several thousand dollars each, every year, for their entire 30-plus-year life span?””

    Is, to me, chilling in it’s implication that Our wild horses and burros in short and long term “holding” are specifically be targeted FOR slaughter. This is very scary !!


  7. My answer to that question is that it costs less to pay to feed our wild horses in holding than it does to subsidize welfare ranching—really, $1.35 for two animals—-one bottle of water a month. Even if you allow credit for the measly 17.5 million dollar grazing fees collected, we still spend $50,000 more in ranch replenish funds not to mention the salaries, health care, and pensions of employees who administer this plan. This does not include how many millions we are spending on predator control, and yes, and our taxes are being used to pay legal fees for environmental groups who sue the government to force the BLM to follow the law. If Congress is serious about saving money, our horses are not the place to look. Those horses need to be returned to their rightful range.

    Horses thrive in low nutrient range. Cattle need nutrient rich forage. Send the Public Lands Ranchers and their cattle to Oklahoma where slaughter is king (that is OK, beef is a food animal) and return wild horses to the range. Equus caballus is a returned native species. It is cattle that are feral. All these ranchers had to do is play fair and be nice, but instead they unleash Lady MacBeth II, Wormtail, and Iago on the horse world.

    These people aren’t horsemen. They are stockmen. They don’t understand the first thing about horses.

    However, I would like the see Wallis’s tax statements. I want to know who is pay rolling her exploits. We know whose behind her, but I am not sure where her income is coming from. She could be a butcher. Now that is bone chilling. That might explain how she got to be the chosen one. Maybe her quest to continue her horse culture lifestyle has never been about live horses at all.


  8. This is for those who have a living suing the government for several decades, but who now want to prevent other citizens from suing the government. As you said, the government does make mistakes. Indeed, for an agency to repeatedly not follow the laws of the United States in order to be able to protect the special interests of their personal friends, is just plain wrong. That is why we have the Equal Access to Justice Act in the first place. It gives citizens the right to sue the government when the government does not follow our laws. If the BLM and FS were spending more time managing our land instead of thousands of horses every year for the benefit of public lands ranchers, perhaps they would have enough personnel to do those environmental assessments properly, and in the process see for themselves what is happening on the range.

    Trying to take away the rights of citizens to sue the government to make the government follow the law is the only road open to law abiding citizens who want the government to follow the law. We don’t want politicians like the current Speaker of the Senate to be pressured into creating riders to slip in legislation that will undo an act that passed by 100% of Congress and pronounced constitutional by U. S. Supreme Court. Still, for 40 years the BLM has been quietly undoing the law through the use of Resource Management Plans probably written by members of the PLC. Now, shock of shockers, Jon Marvel and the WWP is about to do what Congress has refused to do, and the Judiciary has been reluctant to do, and that is insist that the BLM and FS follow the law.


    • It’s about time somebody makes these sobs do what they should have been doing all along. BEtter yet, make them return all our wild horses and donkey back to their home ranges. AND, MAKE THEM SHOW WHERE EACH AND EVERY WILD HORSE IS OR WHERE THEY WENT. It’s about time there’s an accounting to all the American citizens.


  9. Suzie is still spreading the lie that horse meat has twice the protein and half the fat. There is virtually no difference in protein levels of pork and horse meat, and beef is only very slightly lower in protein. Horse meat does have about half the fat, but is also 30% lower in energy than beef or pork. If we are going to feed starving countries we need high energy foods, not high protein.


  10. I think Wallis is dropping out of sight because she knows she can’t win. No one knows how much money she has had donated to her and her buddy that has went into both of these crooks bank accounts. She may at one point be audited by the IRS I sure hope so. As I have said before, shut down horse slaughter in the US and most of the slaughter plants in Canada and Mexico would close for lack of business. Neither country raise enough horses to keep more than one plant going in each country and if the Canadians wake up to the cruelty it might in the end close all of them except Mexico. That third world C-Hole and the rest of South America thrive on cruelty to anything on four legs.


  11. “how do you think they will respond to the follow-up question: “Who do you think should pay for the care and upkeep of the roughly 200,000 horses that will cost a minimum of several thousand dollars each, every year, for their entire 30-plus-year life span?””

    Here is how I respond: If she is talking about the wild horses and burros….LEAVE THEM ON THE RANGE and NO ONE WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM.

    If she is talking about domestic horses: the owners of the horse must pay for them.


  12. When on the slaughter debate page that was on face book, which is now shut down, Sue Wallis publicly admitted to owning no horses and one of her fellow UH members admitted they would have no objection to marketing dogs and cats for food, if there was a market for it, it was apparent that their greed knows no boundaries. Their only hope for success in lining their pockets is deceit, propaganda and ignoring the true facts of this industry. They stand for horse welfare and humane euthanasia is the biggest put on since the Martians landed on earth.


  13. There is only one propellent In Horse Slaughter and that is Malicious Greed……… It remains to be the most Horrific death ever imagined, There never was or will there ever be a Humane reason for it………………………………… There is no pro to it , therefore there is no VALID reason for it !!! Those for it have no creditability, only Pure Greed…………………………..


  14. Wouldnt it be great to Challenge to a televised debate these people who are so bent to reinstate Horse Slaughter , ????????? it would be a Huge WIN for the Horses……………………. They would have no argument ………………………………………


  15. I don’t know if you all remember a few years back when sue raised her ugly-rear..she stated her brother-in WYO-was going to have a breeding program with draft horses-specifically to supply sues Wyo slaughterhouse with meat..that statement would be illuminating in any conversation about sue “solving” the excess horse problem..they intended to DO the overpopulation.


      • I find it outrageous that our military bases are being cut and downsized-and we are trading the war on terrorism for a WAR on Wild Horses??? Salazar needs to be drug-kicking and screaming from office-we should make a list of all the programs that are being cut by a billion-to show what this “war” is costing Americans in REAL help


    • THis sob is no better than Hitler. If the Congress is stupid enough to grant this, they are all sobs and need to be replaced PRONTO. This has become one nightmare and it needs to stop. These monies need to be put to better use – like protecting the USA and its borders. Put all the wild horses back to their ranges from whence they came to be with their families, get rid of all these bureaucrats , get rid of all the cattlemen and their cattle on the ranges as the horses come back home, and make sure no horse is sold for slaughter to a killer buyer, and no horse or donkey is transported across our borders. And make all those that have harmed our horses, wild or domestic, pay the ultimate price, and I do mean ultimate price, for hurting these animals. There’s no excuse for it and no exceptions, including SW and her crew.


  16. Just as I said their goal is to raise horses as cattle for meat then no problem with BUTE. I cannot believe that a woman who did not it appears even receive a college degree and majored in american studies has the nerve to attempt to refute a well respected survey group. She is absolutely clueless regarding representative sampling and statistics. Her brain dead followers actually believe she is concerned with their best interests. Folks the so called horse industry is a group of meat industry people who plan on raising US horses for meat plain and simple. Are we going to allow this in the US??? She really belongs behind bars for conspiracy to defraud the brain dead proslaughter folks.


  17. Besides the obvious, as pointed out in the article and comments here, I wanted to mention that the number of unwanted horses has magically gone from 100,000 to 200,000 for the likely chilling reason, that SH Sue’s pro-slaughter “business” hopes to kill that number of horses every year in America. What a sick, lofty goal.


  18. There is nothing worse than dealing with and listening to these self-professed do-gooders. We continually put the godforsaken dollar above all else and ultimately that will be our downfall. People must stand together (without hurling/blasting these idiots) and fight.


  19. At least 21 percent of people understand the horse business.To all you bleeding heart idiots horses are livestock.What the hell do we do with the bad horses lame horses or old.Not all people can afford to have a vet put them down or what ever.My family makes a living raising horses and do love them,but with out slaughter are business has been crushed.Why because a bunch of bleeding heart bunnyhuggers who lead with there emotions instead of common sense is cutting the peoples throat trying to make a living breeding better horses.That is the problem with this country.With horse slaughter there is jobs exports income dont you guys realize we are in a recession.If people cant get rid of horses for a good price they wont replace them,and that means more will get turned out starved and neglected. WOW I dont understand what gives people the right to tell people what they can and cannot do with their own property rather they eat or can it its none of your damn business.


    • In regard to Rob’s post, above; it is so tiring to answer the same lame arguments and slanderous comments over and over and over again that often we just don’t even bother to let them through. As in the case above, it is a total embarrassment to the commenter and to the issue that they know so little about. But, this one was allowed because it speaks so well to idiocy that pervades the Anti-Horse side.

      First, he is way beyond the 8-ball as this post is a week old. Secondly, no insult intended, Rob cannot construct a sentence or spell a word correctly if his life depended upon it which speaks to very little education and world experience. I am not trying to sound like an elitist as I did not acquire my last college degree until I was in my 40’s but the narrow-minded, self-possessive shrill scream of “mine, mine, mine the horses are mine and I can kill and eat them if I want to” is so very asinine and uneducated that it barely deserves a response. It shows the fear and threat that is felt by those who know that they are out gunned, not only in numbers but in intellect by 80% of the American public.

      Rob is so single-minded that he insists the minority, his extreme and perverse minority, is correct and will not even consider the other side’s opinion…I think that all of the dead dictators of the world shared that same twisted feeling that “I am right and everyone else is wrong!”

      Rob, for the love of God, get out of your postage stamp community and open your eyes to a more global perspective of what is really, truly going on. Just because Uncle Jeb and Grandpa Jones thought that eating your life long friends was okay does not make it right in contemporary American society. We are a much more compassionate lot than the shoot from the hip and lets blow their bloody brains out, past.

      Open your eyes, your ears, your heart and see the real world for what it is. The U.S. is to be run by the majority not the twisted few who never bothered to further their education or open up their eyes to what is going on around them. Step up before you step into it and I am afraid that you not only stepped into it but your fell flat on your face into a pile of cow crap…and it appears that you like the view.

      Join the bulk of the United States and move on….


      • Very well said, RT.

        I could add a few rebuttals to Rob, but how does one try to reason with a human that refuses to accept 2+2=4? Can’t be done.

        My favorite is “slaughter: isn’t available any longer. Really, Rob? Don’t you know how to read the weekly/monthly/quarterly reports from USDA? Apparently not.

        I hope your horse business is “crushed”….horses would live longer and better lives without the likes of you owning and/or breeding them.


  20. I did not realize you guys were english teachers.I know horses are still being slaughtered we just want them slaughtered on US soil, and maybe get a little more money for our bad ones.What are you guys going to do whe the gov. runs out of money.I bet the one of the first things to go is your wild horse herds,and hopefully replaced with cattle.No matter what you think people have to eat rather it be cattle,pigs,chickens or horses.As for not constructing sentences right ,and your uncle Jed remarks they were the only ones with common sense.Horse Slaughter will happen in the US again.There is no other way to take care of the problem.You guys are the ones who dont get it.Its going to happen sooner or later.It cant be controlled people will not stop breeding.


  21. Rob, I really feel sorry for you, after reading what you wrote here, one must come to the conclusion that you are completely void of all the good human qualities, compassion is the first,commonsense is the second,conscience is the third, respect the forth ,your greed seems to encompass your mind leaving you devoid of making any sense whatsoever………To say that barbaric horse slaughter is the answer is really boarding on stupidity, it is a real shame you are a caretaker of these magnificent horses……….you missed your calling, maybe you should have been a rat exterminator………………………


  22. Aiso I would like to know how anyone who has had the wonderful opportunity to work with the horses has not been able to learn all the beautiful things they have to offer has not be able to grasp anything from them…….This is a real mystery to me, I have to only be with them for a second to know they have so much to offer………………………


    • RT and Arlene: You are so right. This individual should wake up or get stamped on by his horses. THat someone works with these gorgeous and intelligent animals and cannot see the light of day when he is with them and what they mean to the human beings in terms of family members and companions in dressage, trail riding, etc. means Rob is incapable of compassion, love, any induring quality, and is blind sided. I feel sorry for him because he is not a person that deserves compassion, love, or anything having feelings attached to it. Rob, I pity your horses and hope they can find their path away from you to a loving family that will care for them the way they deserve to be treated because you are not that person. Thank God that most people are not like you because this world would be a very terrible world if it only encomposed people like you.


    • You know I also wonder why this person would even come to this site , did he actually believe that he would actually be well received or did he come here just as another deterrent or just a person looking for argument, any of those cases , there is no argument for horse slaughter, Wouldnt we just love to do a broadcasted debate on the Subject………….


      • Arlene, I think all of your comments above are correct. I do know that if he were in a debate, he would lose badly and want to run out as soon as he could. There is no justification for his thinking the way he does and we all know, if we have any compassion or love for all of God’s creatures, especially our beloved companions of horses, dogs, and cats, that there is no place in this world for this kind of thinking — and man is supposed to be the most intelligent. HA! HA!


  23. Dear Lynne, Boy I would really love to see a televised debate on this , Advocates vs BLM wow. Since there is no viable reason for the BLM to assault our horses I am sure they wouldnt want to debate, but sure would like to see one………..


    • Dear Arlene: I’m with you. I would love to see this debate. Can we brow beat them to agree to one. Oh! what a great day it would be. I think they probably wouldn’t get out of the room without substantial brusings. Maybe not even make it out of the room. HA! HA! That would be GREAT! But, honestly, I think they would be afraid to have a debate because they know they are dishonest in their feelings and intentions, and that they would end up in a more volatile position than they are now in.


      • Dear Lynne, HEHEHE The BLM has no foundation, they would never agree, The cowards dont need to, they look at us as no threat whatsoever , no matter what we do, they proceed undaunted, they view us as a mosquito on their arm…………………………. nothing more …… I believe that the BLM has only 25,000 horses in holding they have already started the Horrible deed, we must , i cant stress that enough do something very quickly or they all will be gone forever…………….. In fact can we forceor demand them for an accurate counting of exactly how many Mustangs there are????????? in holding by an independent service??????


      • Dear Arlene: I hope you are wrong in your thinking that only 25,000 remain in holding pens. Too bad, we don’t have an attorney’s office that will help in securing so many subpoenas for all their paperwork and demand by law, by an independent service, chosen by us, the horse loving community, and a visual inspection of all horses in holding pens (this would prove their numbers) and all horses they have “supposedly in sanctuaries in the midwest” of the accurate number and their condition. I believe there is a part of the 1971 roaming act that says “no horses are to be sent to slaughter”. If we find the BLM having done that, we have them in our hands to raise hell with them and they will wish they had never been born. Oh, how nice that would be, as we wouldn’t be having to worry about our horses as we are now. Too bad, we can’t find an attorney’s office that would do this pro bono. For their work, we could set up a sanctuary for viewing these beautiful creatures, like Madeleine Pickens wants to do, and name it after the attorney’s office as a “thank you”.


      • Dear Lynne, this is so important and so big, I am sure there is a Attorney that would do this, the exposure would be awesome, and i am sure that there is a attorney that also realizes that this shear betrayal of America…………………….and would love to nail The Bureau of Lieing Murders………………..


      • R.T. or anyone: If anyone knows of an attorney’s office that is a horse loving organization that could take this one pro bono, I think they woulld have an outcry of people supporting their efforts and as Arlene said above the exposure would be awesome and the BLM would be shown for what they are, a disgusting agency that has gotten out of hand and in the pockets of big business.


  24. Well I am glad you feel sorry for me and my family, horses and whatever else.We run about 50 head of horses counting mares,2year olds and above on 2500 acres.If you have seen my horses you wouldn’t feel sorry at all.These guys have a very good life.With saying that I dont believe in canning horses that have a use.Our horses rodeo,rope and doctor cattle year around when they are done with that its usually around 12 to 15 depending on how they hold up.After that these good horses go to good homes,and I am really strict about where they go.Our horses are known all over, and I have a list a mile long of people wanting them.You guys seem to have all the answers,but what the hell are we sapposed to do with the cull horses.I am talking about the bucking ones lame ones wire cut ones you name it it happens.I give every one a chance,and when all is said and done I cull about 10 %.With that we have not bred a mare for 2 years.We cant afford to raise them when people will only pay 100 bucks for them.Its easy for you guys to say change a business that my family and I have worked a lifetime to build.What gives anybody the right to say that.Before the plants closed my baby colts sold for 1000 to 2000 dollars after they closed it went to 100 to 500 in less than a year.I shoe horses all over the state for alot of ranches,and there is not a one who doesn’t want horse slaughter that I shoe for. The number of horses I see starving and lame I cannot even count and it has got 100 times worse in the last 5 years.All I am saying is getting out of hand.Last month 2 horse sanctuaries were fined for starving horses in the Helena area it made the local news.That is what is happenning so who is being cruel and heartless.I feel sorry for you and your families for not getting in touch with reality.I don’t expect to change any minds just to tell you a little about the otherside of the problem.We need slaughter in the US to make cull horses worth more than 15 cents a pound so people can REPLACE them.Horses are livestock my tax statement says so.BLM horses have to be culled too over population causes inbreeding and a lesser quality of animal you have to know that.Again sorry Rt about my backwoods ways and the way I spell and such.


    • Ron: I don’t care what anyone says, there is no excuse for the slaughter of our horses. This is an easy way out for those wanting to make money by supplying overseas countries for their mouths. Horses are not food animals and they never have been. Whoever thought of this was and is an idiot. And anyone going along with it has no compassion or love for these animals. Obviously, anyone that wants to see slaughterhouses open again do not consider their horses as a member of their family. THey think the horses are like an old piece of furniture that can be thrown away at will. This is a disgusting way of thinking and shows exacting what this individual is. I hope everyone having anything to do with this disgraceful practice gets whats coming to them when he leaves this world Enough said.


  25. All I hear is no slaughter whining about compassion.That is not an answer to over population or what to do with all the unwanted horses.When the horse sanctuaries are starving them to death what do we do thats not compassion from my point of view.That is way more cruel than slaughter at least their suffering is over.There is 2 sides to every story at least the gov. is starting to figure that out.


  26. No Ron !!!!! you will no hear whinning here , just the truth , of which you seem very blind to … There are many ways to control population Slaughter is not one of them , those who believe that Slaughter is the answer are cowards, to every problem there is an answer that is acceptable for all concerned to feel that Slaughter is the answer is an complete lack of respect ….. is cruel inhumane and disgusting ……………………. Quite frankly I will not answer anymore of your posts unless you want to talk intelligently and constructively…………….. A one track mind is a disaster, if you have no respect, and concern for what pays your bills and trusts you to do the right thing…………If you want to talk of death and destruction, go to another site…………………….


  27. One track mind tell me some other ways to solve the problem.I am open to ideas that doesn’t cost the horse owner alot of money.I really don’t care if you answer or not.You have a one tract mind the other way there is no point to argue


  28. Cant people see that as long as there is horse slaughter it will make it impossible to ever stop the over breeding of horses . Slaughter perpetuates more slaughter. How ever and where ever there is a market and demand for horses. That many horses will be bred to fill ALL those money making purposes. Including slaughter. Follow the profit. Take away the profit in horse slaughter and you would see how quickly the unwanted horses would be reduced. When 92% of horses slaughtered are young horses in good condition it plainly proves we are the same as breeding for slaughter. It CANT stop as long as there is horse slaughter.
    I’m also so tired of the reasoning and excuses that if slaughter plants are not reopened opened in the U.S, then the horses will be shipped out of the country for slaughter. Which is a lot worse. The plain and simple solution is too also ban the shipment of horses for slaughter out of the country also. You go forward not backward. If the fines are made high enough. It will work


    • Gloria: I concur with you entirely. This is a $$$$ industry. All these idiots care about is the bottom line and their pocket books. WE need to stop the idea of a slaughterhouse anywhere in the U.S. and the stopping of all shipping of our horses out of the country. We need to police the auction houses as well. They make money off these killer buyers and I feel the killer buyers names should be publicized all over the U.S. so they will be ridiculed from everyone. I firmly believe their children will give them a very bad time at home when they realize their dad is doing this for a living. Out of the mouths of babes might also make a difference with this. We need to continue to push to save our wild and domestic horses. There is a killer buyer in New Mexico that is so bad — it’s too bad the investigators there aren’t doing their job – they let him let horses die a slow death in his pens — attempting to get up because they know if and when they go down, there is no survival at that point.


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