Horse News

BLM to Stampede Alleged Thirsty Wild Horses to Protect Them?

Unedited BLM Press Release

Water Shortage Used as Excuse to Decimate Paisley Desert Wild Horse Herd

Lakeview, Ore. – On August 20, 2012, a BLM Lakeview District staff member and a local permittee discovered that horses in the Paisley Desert Herd Management Area (HMA) had been out of water for a few days.

Hauling water to horses at dry waterholes began on August 22, 2012. Access in this area is difficult and the expectation of the loss of resources such as engines and water tenders to fire emergencies, led to the decision to remove horses from the HMA.

The BLM determined that the emergency removal of the Paisley Desert wild horse herd is needed to ensure their survival until fall/winter moisture comes. Congregating on limited water sources and traveling great distances to other water sources will begin to negatively affect the horses’ health.

Approximately 200 wild horses will be gathered using a helicopter and then transported by trailer to the Burns Wild Horse Corrals. The Paisley Desert horses will be separated by sex and retained in separate corrals. Depending on environmental conditions, some of the horses may be returned to the HMA in order to bring the wild horse population to the Animal Management Level (60-150 horses.) The rest of the horses will be placed for adoption.

Contact: Kevin Abel  (541) 947-6237

55 replies »

  1. I cannot believe that if these horses are in such dire straights that the BLM would choose helicopters to gather these horses up! How many will suffer and die in the process!? Talk about making a bad situation even worse for these poor creatures.


  2. Didn’t we already do this kind of roundup with devastating effects? Why not use water trapping–bait trapping showed it CAN be done.


  3. Why dont they just bring them some water??????? Cheaper less stress ??????? What does it take to do this???? seems logical and cost effective just plain ole deliver the water to them ??????


    • I think the BLM needs to hire you as a citizen consultant before they do any gathers. Your comment sense would save the horses and quit wasting our tax dollars.

      It sounds like this herd is in a pretty remote area and it is doubtful that the horses are hurting anything if it is that hard to get to. Horses can actually adapt to live on relatively little water for a period of time.

      Of course, the adaptability of the horse and its ability to survive despite extremely difficult circumstance, is exactly what this group fears. Whoever herd of gelding, sex rating, and PZPing members of the same herd? These guys ought to wake up and start to get a grip on the reality that the Creator intended for these animals to thrive and multiply. Research now indicates that the type of coat a horse is born with is determined by the weather conditions on the day or evening preceding his birth. Pretty good for a nomadic species.

      We have so much to learn from these animals living in the wild. Even though they are the same species as domesticated horses, there are many smaller genetic and behavior differences that they have developed that allow them to survive, but the only place there is active, ongoing research on wild horses and their ecological effects is at Shackleford Island where both Duke and Princeton Universities are witnessing the reforetation of an island that once was just grass. As the only grazing animal on the island, all ecological effects from the horses are easy to study because the variables that the presence of other grazing animals might add have been eliminated.

      If Interior were intestested in any legitimate scientific study, it would be a really good idea for them to partner with several research universities and create varied herd management areas dedicated to only wild horse grazers in order to isolate the types of effects that wild horses have on land, water, forage, and non-grazing wildlife.

      I fear Interiors determination to remove free roaming wild horses and burros is a large factor in the deforestation, match-stick style grasses leading to these devestating wild fires, and other factors that are affecting not only the West, but our entire country. Read an article last weak that the Mayans became an agricultural people and as a result deforested the regions where they lived, and they may have eventually died out due to the effects of drought on their food supply.


      • Dear Hoofhugs, I would love that !!!!! It is all just common everyday sense all they have to do is use what was given to them !!!!!!!The Mustangs are here to guide us in many areas, their job is not done here they belong here , what the have given to us was pure innocent knowledge, they have always had the Key to all survival , what they have has not even been explored for yet……. Give the mustangs a chance and they will give without reservations as always !!!!! The BLM is making the biggest mistake of all, and sad but true will will all pay for it, they must be stopped !!!!!!


  4. Why is it that the killers find permanent removal with all the injuries, stress and death it brings as a solution to a temporary, repeat TEMPORARY environmental problem??? Why?? It is ALWAYS REMOVAL! I suppose they are removing all the protected and endangered species in that desert, too…right?

    This is just another brick in the extermination wall. And I don’t understand why litigation advocates can’t use this consistent, removal mindset to attack in the courts..go after the entire program.


  5. I just don’t know what to say anymore. It seems le they will use any excuse to put the Wild Horses through stress especially during times when they are already stressed, like foaling season and now so called drought. This is clearly an effort to exterminate these horses. If the stress ans estrangement from their herds doesn’t do it; then I guess they are hoping they’ll run till them till they are dehydrated. Their plans are almost as diabolical as Hitlers were during WW II. I am surprised they haven’t added gas to their so called roundup camps. As far as I can see they are concentration camps and extermination to extinction is their true goal.


  6. Burns wild horse corrals. Yea they will be returned. Yea right. If they aren’t “fenced in”, they will find water. I’m sure the horses endured a few droughts before the blm came along to “save” them.


  7. Again, “LEAVE those WILD HORSES ALONE”!!!! Again a LIE from the BLM, ” the Brutal Lawbraking Mismanagement”, NO WATER?????????????????? a BIG LIE !!!!!!!!! What is wrong with our court system, who are our JUDGES, why can’t they see through all these excuses, these horrible LIES ??? How come, the catle can be on the lands, taken AWAY from our Horses? No Water???? The Horses can take care of themselfs, they have lived throughout aaaaaaaaaaaaall these years, LEAVE THEM ALONE !!!. The BLM are suposed to be “the Stewards”, not the “Nazzis”. We all know what that means!!. What can WE do, , “WE”, the people of America, to save our wildhorses? Contact Radio stations, T.V programs,, ask the organizations, to send you fliers, to give out to the American people, [so many do not know,] what the BLM. is doing, do not know what is going on “RIGHT NOW”, ; “the ROUND UPS’. IT will be SO much cheaper, to bring water, [if needed], to the Horses,, instead of paying thousands of our tax money, to keep horses [ torn away from their famileis], in those holding pens, [concentration camps!!]. for Adoptions? Are they serious??? From where did all those horses come, beeing trucked to be “SLAUGHTERED” in CANADA , to be “SLAUGHTERED” in MEXICO, their flesh ending up on dinnerplates in Europe!????? Can we let this happen?? Well, it is happening right now, We have to make phone calls, ask our organizations, what we can do. I am grieving, for all those Horses, already beeing CAPTURED by the NAZZIS,, the BLM.


  8. Sorry, I know some people won’t agree with me, but I truly believe the only thing that’ll save our wild horses & burros are huge taxpayer SIT INS and DEMONSTRATIONS against this administration who has no regard for our HERITAGE. I’m ready….


    • Yep, I agree Barbara Leonard, “regular”, normal, everyday citizens en mass (like by the hundreds if not thousands) WOULD have an impact because it would garner MAINSTREAM MEDIA attention—too bad one or two of the really BIG non-profits that rake in millions of dollars annually from donations won’t finance some people in terms of at least paying for their gas, and also for tents, portable toilets, camp food and water for people to go and camp out and protest……our opposition knows that most people have the WILL to do this, just not the FUNDS to do it……….anyone have any connections at the Humane Society or one of the other large non-profits so they can maybe finance at least paying for people when they’re out in the boonies protesting to have tents, food, water and reimburse for some gas perhaps?
      I believe people would show up if they had at least the essentials to live out for several days in these rugged, remote areas, and I’m sure they’d camp out and get some attention for this issue instead of most “regular” people who are NOT heavily involved in this issue as most of us are believing the well placed blurbs in newspapers, on the radio and also on the TV in places like Reno that convinces people that the BLM is “helping” the wild horses and burros instead of plainly ERADICATING them and using ANY and ALL excuses to do so…….the easy solution if this weren’t ALL about ERADICATION would be to haul in water, otherwise, as someone else said, these horses have been through droughts before, they are geared physically to walk a long ways to get to water sources, they go longer periods of time between getting drinks, (and my formerly wild horses, of which I have or have had over 50 of them, are very different then my domestic horses in regard to their water consumption and how often they leave their food and go to the troughs…..IOW, they go longer periods before they go get a drink, so they obviously have some “hold over” behaviors from being in the wild where getting water was NOT just a 100 yard jaunt and they instead walked for miles and miles to get to water), and they also have the ability to smell water where humans may not know it exists (and I’ve seen wild horses locally paying holes and finding water out here in the desert…..they are very smart and savvy).
      The BLM needs to leave the wild horses and burros alone, however, because of the CONSTANT pressure from the cattle industry (and also the mining industry too), and the FACT that these factions literally “OWN” and dictate procedure to the BLM, exposing this RACKET to what I call “the naive, uninformed, general public” is what needs to happen in the form of huge protests, crowds of people camping out in the desert with signs, tents, porta potties, food wagons, etc, and WOULD get the MEDIA attention we need to get other “regular” citizens (so the BLM and the factions wouldn’t be able to accuse everyone of being “horse huggers”, “horse activists” and other negatives that they always use to describe us and turn other taxpaying citizens against us and our cause because we are portrayed as whackos; we NEED “regular” everyday, urban and city people out there, and also people who may not care about the wild horses so much as they care about recreating on OUR public range, hiking, biking, motorcycle riding, camping, fishing, etc, and they know they will lose their ability to be on the range once all the horses and burros are removed because the public land will be fenced off by the loser-user socialist factions and we will be either fined, arrested, or charged a fee to even use our OWN land that we pay taxes on!) and taxpayers to get on-board and stop this crap that is not only ILLEGAL, it also wastes A LOT of our taxpayer dollars all in the name of the socialist, corporate factions to take over OUR PUBLIC Open Range/LAND but still have to pay for THEM to run their private businesses at our expense with NO RETURN to us of any kind, NOT even having OUR wild horses and burros on the land where they BELONG!.


      • Laura Bell, I agree with everything you said, except I think we need demontrations in ALL big cities, notjust out west. If nothing works after RT & Terry delivers the letters, I thnk HUGE demonstrations are our best bet. We need to make the people running this country aware that we’ll stand for no more from them. I’ve heard befor from people wantng to do this in the West and I’ll go along with that too. ANYTHING is better than puttng up wih the way things are now.


    • Dear Barbara, I have been ready for years to do something , the longer we talk and try to do something the worse it gets for our Wild Ones !!!!!! I dont think anything else but UNITED ACTION will help the MUSTANGS, I have been sick of the murdering of foals, maiming of Stallions and Mares, Can not get The Mustang named FREEDOM out of my mind who risked his life for FREEDOM……………………… FREEDOM IS THAT IMPORTANT TO OUR MUSTANGS……………………….. Just like for all of us, without FREEDOM we are not AMERICANS, Congress gave the Mustangs their well deserved FREEDOM unanimously in 1971 it must be upheld or who the heck are we anyway !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • Arlene, someone here posted something about picketing at the DNC Convention. I think that terrific idea, but it’s toolate now to start getting everyone together for it. We need a huge crush of people, and unfortunately it’s hard to get that cause a lot of folks just won’t get off their butts. I find the same thing when I try to get people to sign petitions….they’ll “like” but won’t “do”. I find it very disconcerting and I think to myself, “no wonder our horses are being slaughtered, everyone has their own agenda & refuses to get together”. I know there are a lot of us spending a LOT of our time trying to get something going and my heartfelt thanks go out to these folks. I personally think right now, our wild horses are more important than ending horse slaughter. I say that because they are in IMMINENT danger of being eradicated. I’m not very good at organizing things bu I think we need to organize demonstrations (huge demonstrations). I just wish I had the secret to getting people to come together, cause right now I don’ see that happening. Just wanted to bring up one more thing. I in no way trust the BLM and their proposed private sanctuaries. This is just their way of trying to PLACATE the public. The wild horses & burros should be returned to THEIR land…period.


      • Barbara and Arlene, I agree but there have been demonstrations- just not huge ones and meetings also. With the cost of everything now plus our own horses to care for it’s hard to go anywere.


      • Dear Barbara, I know things are tough but the horses need us to make a showing , I have been laid off for 8 months and I will come no matter what !!! I will find a way !!!!!! It the only way now to save them …………………………………………..ACTION


      • Dear Barbara, right now is the most important time , our Mustangs are so close to being eradicated if we dont do something rash there will be nothing left to fight for !!!!I know people have heavy agendas of their own to deal with , and I know everyone is just trying to make it through , but Our Wild Mustangs are in more then dire straits they are about to be wiped out for no good reason havent they suffered enough for us to put a stop to this Sham yet????? If we whole heatedly want them to survive we must find a way to Unite and stop this Disgrace to the American people, and this horrible display of murdering and maiming of the Most beautiful animal,s on the face of this earth, who have already shown that they will do anything to help us………….. To me they show who i am and want to be , how to respect and admire this earth and America………….They are pure magic , they have skills that we havent even be shown yet , they have everything , i am in awe of all of them…………………. They are here for so many awesome reasons it would take this whole page and then some to write them down here , and what for we all know them like the back of our hands !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are Free because we say they are free and we must enforce that !!!!!!


      • Arlene, I agree we have to hurry with this. Hoping the election will bring salvation for our horses is useless, both candidates mean nothing but disaster for them. I just don’t know what the secret is to get people MOVING. I understand a lot of people are financially strapped, I myself am on social security and that’s all I have to live on (no millions stashed away). And you, yourself, said you’d been unemployed. I have tried everything from being very polite to screaming at people. Nothing works. Granted, we have more people now than ever before aware of the horses’ situation and it’s now or never or, you’re right, there won’t be any horses left to protect. Please, someone that’s good at motivating people, get something going and I’ll be there wih my picket sign.


      • Arlene, got to thinking about the DNC Convention, probably a bad place cause if you wanted a hotel room they would be way over priced and from looks of it, there will be tons of other people protesting one thing or another. I hope the hell RT’s letters do the trick, we’ll know soon enough. After that, these mass demonstrations need to come quickly cause for every day Obama & Salazar have the upper hand, many wild horses will die. Every day counts. Still have my sign from Mountain Grove MO protest.


      • Barbara, I was thinking more along the lines of stopping them at the round up site a wall of people preventing their entrance ????????


      • Thats about what I’m thnking too because THAT will get major media attention, especially if some peole are arrested and its fully caught on hidden (because agents have a way of confiscating cameras if they see you filming something) and blatant video.


      • I’ve been to rallys and protests here in Reno, and while it has gotten SOME attention, I still think most “regular” people (in other words, those that don’t really know how wild horses are being systematically eradicated and these are people who live where we see wild horses all the time….problem is, the “regular” people believe the propaganda put out by the BLM) think people like us are just kinda nutty and that it is EASY to protest, but we don’t really face any serious challenges from our action.
        Rallying at an actual capture site (or as close as we’re allowed to get to it) would should more serious intent on our parts about the issue because we’ve had to put ourselves out in the boonies with no amenities, left home, taken time off work, etc, then only standing out in our city or town with signs…..and I do think those kind of rally’s work though when they are run in many, many cities and towns on the same day at the same time Nationally or Internationally (in other words, if its planned for 2 PM central time, then whereever you are in the country, or in the world, you rally when its 2 PM central United States time….that would mean that some people that are in the United Kingdom that are rallying for instance, would be rallying after dark at 10 or 11 PM their time.
        We’re coming on winter here pretty soon in many of the cpture areas, so rallying sooner-rather-than later would be best because otherwise we could need 4-wheel drive to get in and out of areas if it snows.
        I’m going to hopefully have Craig Downer on my radio show Animal Matters in a week or so and I think he’d be the one to talk to about this because he is a Native Nevadan and has been fighting this war for 40 years….I’ve just ordered his book The Wild Horse Conspiracy from Amazon and I’d advised everyone who can to do the same so that everyone knows what we’re up against. I’ll also post on the and groups when Craig will be on my show and the info of what day and time we tape the show and the number people can call or text to with their questions so we can take your questions live. I’ll also post the email address for people that want to email questions for Craig. My show airs on Saturday nights on 99.1 FM Fox/Talk News and is also plays on 24/7.
        The more people we can get as far as wild horse lovers and then also the heavy hitters who have been fighting the good fight for a lot of years (my husband and I have been fighting for 20 years now and there are a lot more people ho have been at it a bit shorter time and some that have been at it a lot longer than we have), and have dealt with the BLM, the ranchers, the mining industry, politicians, etc, I believe the more serious attention we can get. I’m on board if we can get everyone on the same page, however, I have an animal rescue/sanctuary with over 45 horses and numerous other large and small animals which keeps me busy plus also working full time in our business too; in other words, I’ll help as much as I can but won’t let my main responsibilities suffer.


      • Arlene, I’m no authority on the law, but I’m pretty sure blocking entrance to a roundup site would end up with all of us in jail (which may not be a bad thing). City demonstrations would be safer, thus hoping this would bring more people. Some may still end up arrested and again that may not be a bad thing. I got thru the 1960’s demonstrations without being arrested, so I’m sure up for getting arrested now, would be a badge of honor. If people decide to do the roundup block, I’d be with them.


      • Dear Barbara.what ever we do it must be huge, nothing short of that will work !!!!!!!!! I wish everyone would know the Importance of this whole thing !!!!!! Sometimes I wonder why We can see this all to clearly and others dont !!!!!!


      • Arlene, yes it has to be huge or will do no good. Still hung up with the empathy I come across every day. Everyone says they want to save the horses, but then every day life and lack of finances makes a lot of people put these horses on the back burner. I honestly don’t know how to make this “huge”. I know it has to be done before elections.


      • Another thing I’ve done is sign up for campaign stuff from both Obama and Romney that is sent to my Facebook page……for instance, one came from Obamas camp yesterday regarding keeping our National parks open to the public, so I wrote something in the comments like “President Obama would get A LOT more support if he would help us STOP the eradication of our wild horses and burros off our public land out west that mostly the corporate factions are taking over….the horses and burros are supposed to be primarily managed in the wild as per Federal Law of 1971, will you help us stop this travesty President Obama?” I’ve also done a few posts to Obama regarding horse slaughter when stuff is sent to my FB page, and also some regarding both issues to Romney’s camp too.
        Maybe if all of us whom are on FB signed up for both Obama and Romney campaign stuff coming to their Facebook account and then leave comments on various things as much as possible regarding the wild horses and burros and also banning horse slaughter, it might get shared to a lot of different Facebook pages and it would catch on with people forcing Obama and Romney to address and maybe even support our issues……


      • Yes, it has….and you should see some of the debates I get into with some “regular” people on Facebook who really think that “those poor wild horses should be captured so they can be taken care of” and/or “well, with so many people turning horses loose, we need horse slaughter so those horses don’t starve to death”….really outrageous stuff they truly believe until I educate them on the real rackets that are being run by the various factions and the user-losers in the horse mass production breeding industry, with trainers, in racing, showing, and other events, etc.
        It does help in many cases (and I never used to even understand what Facebook was but found out about 10 months ago what a valuable tool it can be) and I know I have politely educated a lot of people to our side and the side of the horses, both wild and domestic…….


      • Dear Barbara, being from Ohio I am very far from the Round up sites but I am compelled to help the Mustangs , I will come there if we can decide on a plan to once and for all stop this Betrayal…………………


  9. ONE average water truck per day would more than give these 200 horses their needed water – and it would be temporary ’till it rains.
    You can bet your bottom dollar that water would be hauled to livestock!


  10. Well, just an idea although maybe a little late. The Democratic National Convention is being held in Charlotte, NC, next week. The National Media will be out in force, as will most of the major Democratic boosters. I expect perhaps some lobbyists may be in Charlotte as well. The city is expecting protesters at this convention. It will hotter and more humid than the bottom three rings of Dante’s Inferno, but you can get a round trip ticket to Charlotte from almost anywhere. It is possible that someone with a horse farm or space in the Charlotte area would be willing to allow people to camp in a pasture, and there may be other more dorm style possibilities available in the area.

    We were living in Atlanta when the Democratic National Convention was there—many years ago. We went to a “special place” restaurant to celebrate, and while we were there, Senator Ted Kennedy and several other members of his family and members of his entourage were seated at a table near ours.

    Originally, Congress was to be out of session until September 13, but I don’t know if this is still the case. Anyway, in this day and age, I suspect security will be much higher now, and that it will be much more difficult for the average person to have an incidental encounter.

    However, the National Spotlight will be on the Democrats and Democratic policies. I am certainly blaming the wild horse holocaust at the feet of the Democrats entirely, but they are in charge now when the ante has been upped to high gear. I know that many Democratic members of Congress do not agree with these policies, but it is the leadership and Senators such as Max Baucus who requested a GAO report so full of the AQHA’s fingerprints that Congress should be ashamed of itself.


    • Hoofhugs: The DNC is a terrific idea, but you’re right it comes a little late to do any good. But something like this is what we need. Someone smarter than I am would know if we’d get more people all going to one place or having demonstrations throughout the country in large cities.


  11. More wild horses being “removed to ensure their survival”, what a crock of crap! I absolutely hate & despise our government, they (most, at least), are all corrupt, greedy liars! Those horses will NOT “survive” , they’ll join all the others being castrated, separated from eachother, some will die, some may get “lucky” enough to get adopted, most will never again taste freedom, or, at least not in their home ranges. More lies trying to get the public to agree that “they’re doing the right thing, for the horses welfare”, yeah, right, tell me another one. Oh & this upcoming joke of an election, is really going to be something. I am not political, I don’t care much about any of it, I am not either “party”, but, I wouldn’t know how to vote this year if I wanted to, simply because both candidates are lousy choices, in my opinion. I detest both. It seems Obama hates all animals, especially wild ones, & Romney is best at bashing the other side. There are too many urgent issues at stake, & this one, the one close to all of our hearts, our horses.


  12. The horses are already being delivered to Burns corrals. They are underweight but are beautiful. Go to The Modern Mustanger facevbook page to see them. They needed to come in – the forage was not adequate and they may not have made it through the winter.


  13. Two centuries ago there were droughts, fires, forage problems via Mother Nature and around 1880 there were estimated to be over a million wild equines; in 2012 we have the same situation with an added, insurmountable twist…..HUMANS and we are now down to less than 30,000 roaming and twice that locked up.

    Tell me humans are saving wild equines and I’ll tell you you can’t do basic math (or you work for the killers).


  14. BLM Lakeview Field Office….Oregon:

    Click to access 2011-037-DNA_RubyKFRA-CathodicFacil-sig.pdf

    Determination of NEPA Adequacy
    Ruby Pipeline: Cathodic Protection Facilities
    October 5, 2011
    Page 23
    Potential impacts on Wild Horses and Burros from the Ruby Pipeline Project are assessed in Section 4.5.7 on pages 4-112 to4-115 of the FEIS. The FEIS states that construction of the pipeline could also affect wild horses and burros by creating safety hazards for the animals due to open trenches or vehicle collisions and increasing the likelihood of harassment. As with livestock there would be a temporary reduction in forage for wild horses until vegetation is re-established.


  15. The whole removal of Mustangs has always been a crock of Crap from the very beginning , it is way past time to stop the talk and show the Action !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We should all be DONE TALKING NOW and put our action where are Mustangs are concerned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY Mother had a saying Talk is cheap action speaks !!!!!!


  16. Dear Barbara Lenard !!!!!! You are right the hardest thing to do is motivate , for me the only motivation I need is to see words do nothing to help Our Mustangs , after years of trying to talk and wait for them to listen, especially since WE PAY THEM to PROTECT THE MUSTANGS, they spit in our faces and make this horror for the Mustangs because they CAN and get away with it !!!!! Without consequences !!!! That is all the Motivation I need !!!!! They is a saying its like peeing in the lake and waiting for it to rise !!!!!!!!Talk does nothing it only in this case makes the Mustangs suffer more………………………..The Mustangs have proven without a doubt that they are essential to all survival….. The Mustangs have been given by the BLM and Ken Salazar a greedy based sentence with no basis that is UNACCEPTABLE BY ANY AMERICAN STANDARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEREFORE I conclude them to be terminated from any further Horrors to be placed on the Innocent Mustangs …………….. It is as simple as that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that isnt motivation at it best I dont know !!!!!!!!!


    • Dear Arlene, Ditto to you, you are so right! Talk does absolutely nothing at all, except give the assinine BLM/government more time, & the opportunity to round up, remove & cause the death of these wild, beautiful, free spirits, America’s wild mustangs (& burros!)! The American government sucks, simple as that. They won’t be happy until all the wild ones are gone, forever. Until the wild is no longer wild, until all we hear is silence, no more thundering hooves, then, they will be happy. When the wild ones are gone, part of us will have died with them, then our government will be happy. Think also, now our once almost exterminated wolves are once again fair game. Our government has decided to de-list them, & allow mass slaughter of these beautiful wild creatures in several states. America may well earn the world-wide title of the most “animal-hating nation on earth”, if she continues on this one-way path of relentless attacks & persecution against animals. For anyone who might have their doubts, wild horses have learned to become strong & extremely hardy, in all global temperatures & conditions, they have survived, on their own, for hundreds & hundreds of years, all without mankind’s interference. So, who exactly “died”, & left us in charge to “play God”?? Answer, NO ONE!! All humans know how to do, is to screw everything up!


      • Dear Valerie, you Right also, when you take the peoples horses away you take away our souls , i believe we are one with the horse throughout the ages of time he has been our Ally he not only carries us on his back but he carries with him the nobleness and wisdom of the ages also, he has seen it all participated in it all and forgets nothing !!!!! The only way to defeat the people is to take away his horses,…………..I have seen the Mustangs thundering across the Nevada Desert hundreds of times , it everytime an inspiration of the most wonderful kind, if you have ever witnessed this pure poetry in motion it is and always will be embedded in your mind, it t literally takes your breathe away ,everyone of them so unique yet so different , just like us, i believe we are all extensions of the Horse with voices to fight for them , when we fight for their lives we fight for are own lives……the only way this government defeated the Indians is they took their horses from them ……………….


  17. In what I have witnessed in my later life of the Mustangs , they mirror image the Perfect Human Being , , Loyalty courage ,Pride ,beauty , Trust need I write any more of the Attributes?????/ Everyone here has to know and understand that !!!!! To Just Observe the Mustang in the Wild is to know that the Mustangs have to be here !!!!!! They let you find with there help who you are and what you are and what you should be………………………………………. The Image of the Mustang in my mind is Pure Freedom and what it should be and what we should all want so badly that we respect what it takes to have Freedom !!!!!!!!! A Thank You to the Mustang for all they have done for each and everyone of us in one direct way or another is to fight for THEIR FREEDOM, Just as they have always done for US !!!!!!


  18. When I read all these comments, I know, we are all on the same wave-lenght. But we can’t go on like this,” while the Wild Horses are Going”.!!! What we are doing, we do just words, we are writing down our feelings, our anger, our frustration. But that’s not enough. That doesn’t help the Wild Horses. Please call organizations like “American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign” tel: 650-248-4489, ask for Deniz , ask her to please send you FLIERS , fast, “many”! Call the “Cloud Foundation”, call the “Wild Burrow Freedom Federation”, call the “Humane Society of the United States”, even call the A.S.P.C.A’s, Just get fliers from. anyone, who has information and fliers about the wild Horses.[ Can not harm to ask,] perhaps they have an idea, what ELSE you can do. Once you receive the fliers, give them to activist’s,, to anyone, who is involved with animals, resque, adoption, dog walkers, cat sitters etc. get THEM and ofcourse PEOPLE involved.. Yes, Demonstrations would be good,, would be wonderful! We HAVE to get people involved. I am giving fliers to Pet stores, to Vet’s , for in the waiting room, if you know stables, that would be good, those people are involved and care about Horses. And again, if you know anybody who is involved with TV or Radio, would be very HELPFUll. So, no more WORDS, but DEEDS!!! We HAVE to do it. We are the Voice of the Voiceless more then ever.


  19. Arlene, I live in MO so I’m not close tothe roundups either. It’s gonna take more than you & me to get this started. Another thing I was thinking about was if we could combine everybody….all those against BLM, all those against horse slaughter and make it one massive movement. We need somebody with some national connections to get this going… of the wild horse advocates or I’ve been thinking of asking Wayne Pacelle, the HSUS is sure big enough to rally nationally. Contacting him has been on my list of things to do….then I get side tracked with shit like Salazar speaking t the DNC Wed. nite. Been FBing and tweeting like crazy about that. Will try to contact Pacelle ASAP.


    • I have a very sour taste in my mouth with Wayne Pacelle, I believe we will get no help from him, but at this point maybe i am wrong about him???????>>> I met him in Aurora Ohio in 2004 at a meeting, I brought up the Wild Mustangs and hit a brick wall, Wayne was red faced and changed the Subject ??????????


      • Arlene, I know a lot of people don’t like HSUS. I’m not real picky rght now, we have to find someone to help us. I’m just not sure where to go. Somebody out there smarter than I am have any ideas?


    • And as I’ve been saying for the past 15 years, we need to put aside any anomosity we (horse lovers/horse back riders) may have for motorcyclists, hikers, fishermen, campers, etc when it comes to sharing the public land to recreate on because if all the BLM wild horses and burros are eradicated, the PLAN all along has been for the factions whom seek to control our public land will fence it off and EVERYONE from the public who pays taxes on our public land will either be cited and/or arrested for trespassing and/or we will ALL be charged a fee to utilize it.
      We ALL need to BAND together like a BAND OF HORSES (citizens who love wild horses and burros and/or wish to recreate on the public land) and make our demands known to the BLM instead of letting them divide and conquer us over and over…..and whatever you do, don’t join the Sierra Club because THEY are against the wild horses and burros being out there on their rightful and native land….I went to a Reno Sierra Club meeting a few years back because they were going to be discussing wild horses and burros on public land and I was sadly astonished by their negative stance toward the wild horses and also how insulting they were to those of us who seek to preserve the herds…..they didn’t count on me with my big mouth questioning them after the presentation during the question and answer session, but they sure knew they’d been in a fight and adjorned that meeting really fast when they couldn’t or wouldn’t answer my questions…..very vile, corrupt people for sure….


      • I found that out about Sierra Club also !!!!!!! Bravo to you for asking questions they could not answer, just like Wayne Pacelle just avoid the issue !!!!!!!


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