The Force of the Horse

Sidebar: Raccoon Rescue/Relocation

Raw video by Terry and R.T. Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Okay; it’s not about wild horses and burros but it is still centered on keeping what IS wild, wild.

Just a short video interlude as to several of the other aspects of living on “Laughing Horse Ranch”…it’s all about the critters.

11 replies »

  1. R.T. , we have racoons also and a woods so we just keep our horse feed locked up. We feed them dry cat and dog food , and they are not causing any problems. We also keep our 3 pet hens locked up at night. Our cats and dogs have not been bothered by the racoons which were here first. I think humans need to learn to co-exist. We also have deer , wild turkeys, opossums and coyotes ( if neighbors don’t shot them). Am hoping a bear will show up soon. We are surrounded by 1,000 acres of a state wildlife management ( read hunting) area.


    • Barbara – I live in NY & in the country (not far out) our spring bear visitor has apparently hung around a little longer this year. As long as I remember to bring in my bird feeders at night – he (or she) doesn’t seem to bother anything else. Did catch a glimpse one night just as he reached up to the feeder – took off when I spoke to him. Whats the point of living in the country if you don’t see animals?


  2. P.S. I once raised 3 tiny , baby racoons and they even came back to see me and one licked my face. They were never caged and played with our dogs and cats.
    Time to go help Pate muck out. Have a great day.


    • Thanks Barbara, we only get a few coming through a year, probably because of all of the coyotes. But even with the barn closed up and tack room locked they make a mess up in the hay loft…I mean I used to think we had full sized mountain lions up there pooping all over.

      Likewise they tear down all of Terry’s bird feeders even with baffles…and she keeps several dozen hummingbird feeders going throughout the year.

      And on my end, they go after our home grown and raised pet Koi…each fish was born here and has a name. We have learned to keep the Great Blue Herons out with a monofiliment cover over the pond but the raccoons can still end up killing years of fish family development, hence, we move them on.


  3. That video showed your (and Terry’s too!) compassion for all things wild – thank you. We have shared this quote before and it is worthy of repetition:

    We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth. – Henry Beston


    • Thank you, for sharing GG. That is so true and beautiful. Thank you, R.T. and Terry for sharing your video. Truly compassionate. My parents live in rural Maine and have moose, deer, turkeys, woodchucks, raccoons, skunks, chipmunks, squirrels, etc. all around their home. They live between wooded areas, a creek, and a river. They have bird feeders and all the little critters come by each day. Two years ago, I spent a year with my family because of my Dad’s extensive surgeries. I will cherish the memories of that year no matter how difficult they seemed at the time for all of us. I don’t have those simple pleasures of nature in my dooryard like back home.


  4. LOVE it.
    So many of our Wildlife get caught in the crosshairs when people move into their habitat.
    Squirrels, Skunks…Beaver. The list goes on and on. Humans disrupt their habitat and then label them as “pests”. Then Animal Control agencies or services are called in and the removal process is not usually humane, not from the Animals’ point of view.
    I just recently received and signed a petition to stop the killing of Beavers along the Red River in Fargo North Dakota


  5. Nice video R.T. and thank you for sharing. A little compassion can go a long way in helping our wildlife, small and large. You certainly made his day! (-:


  6. I am wondering why if that person has lots of land that it was so important for him to relocate one raccoon. Racoons come into my backyard and they don’t seem to bother my cats so I leave them alone and don’t feel the need to relocate them. I did however trap a scunk after several days of him making himself comfortable in my yard, by borrowing a trapping cage, then covering it with a black cloth, putting him in car and driving him up toward a wooded area and releasing him, and all went very well. A skunk seems more of a problem than raccoons because of the smell.


    • Please read my reply, above, as to why some raccoons become a problem. I think, like humans, it is a matter of personality as we had one family co-exist here for quite some time without damaging equipment or lives.


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