Horse News

Wild Horse Freedom Federation to Deliver Letters to the President

An open letter from R.T. Fitch ~ volunteer president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“Stop the Stampedes” Campaign is Launched

Saddling up to “Stop the Stampedes”

Dear fellow equine advocates;

Over the past several years the frustration and agitation surfacing in common everyday Americans over the rapid and unnecessary roundup and removal of federally protected wild horses and burros from their rightful public land has been growing exponentially.

Said frustration has pushed average citizens, such as ourselves, to extraordinary measures in an effort to either facilitate dialogue with the offending governmental agencies or to effect change through legal litigation in an effort to insist that the violators follow the very laws they are charged to uphold.  To date, our efforts have paled in light of the intensity and volume of disputed roundups and continued mismanagement of the very equines that the Bureau of Land Management is tasked to protect.

From our personal perspective, Terry and I have had enough.  Our fight through Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) is ongoing but we are turning up the volume by hand-carrying over 6,000 individual letters to the President asking him to “Stop the Stampedes” so that appropriate science and sound management techniques can be applied before our western states are devoid of America’s most treasured national icons; our wild horses and burros.

In mid-September Terry and I will be traveling to D.C., at our own expense, with our cargo and through the help of Rep. Jim Moran we will ensure that the wishes of over 6,000 voters will be delivered to the seated President prior to the upcoming election in November.

We have kept this project close to our vest during it’s development but now is the time to release the news and let it fly free so that all who share our passion and concerns can participate in this event by simply pointing and clicking.

If you will take the time to fill out the form, below, and add your personal message to the President, or utilize our sample letter (Click HERE), Terry and I will print out your note and physically carry it to D.C. ourselves, it’s as simple as that;, no fancy fanfare or hoopla just an average, tax paying, married American couple who wants to see the office of the Presidency do the right thing, full stop.

We promised those before you that we would do this and I offer my personal pledge to you, today, that we will do the same for all that care to participate because if we are nothing else, at WHFF, we are volunteers who stand by our word, put our personal resources into play and hold sacred the trust that fellow advocates have in what we say and what we do.

It’s Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s “Stop the Stampede” campaign and we kindly invite you to join us in our fight where we will carry you both in print and in spirit to the White House and beyond.

The horses will surely thank you for it.

May the “Force of the Horse©” be with you.


“Stop the Stampedes” Note to the President

Update: Sample Letter as Requested

Dear President Obama;

I have asked R.T. Fitch, volunteer president of the Wild Horse Freedom Federation, to personally hand carry this letter to Washington D.C. and to represent me in calling for an immediate halt and stop to the cruel and costly roundups of our wild horses and burros being carried out by your own Bureau of Land Management on the public lands of our western states.

Both R.T. and his wife and co/founder Terry join thousands of voting American citizens who are insisting you order the unwarranted roundups to cease so that appropriate science and humane management technics can be deployed before the wild equines of the U.S. become extinct on our public lands.

The delivery of this simple yet critical message is facilited through the assistance of Rep. Jim Moran and endorsed by a plethora of elected officials who stand shoulder to shoulder with their constituents in demanding that the icons of our American west be protected through the unanimously passed Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 versus being managed into rapid extinction by the BLM and their federal contractors.

Elections are only weeks away and we hope that you will heed the call of thousands of voters who ask you not only to think while under the influence of your heart but to put case law and established science before the demand of special interest groups and the pressures of isolated lobbying efforts.

Americans want their wild horses and burros running free with their families and not separated to live out their lives behind barbed wire and fencing.  Imprisonment of the innocent runs contrary to American morals.

Thank you, in advance, for doing the right thing.


John Q. Public

45 replies »

  1. Can you carry more than 6,000 letters? Do you need some help?

    How about children’s letters too? The kids would want to help, I know!!!

    Great idea R.T. and Terry!


  2. R.T. and Terry,

    I’m using a Mac and the sample letter does not show up.

    Can you attach a PDF file here?

    Maybe you could get a temporary P.O. Box for hand written letters to be sent?


  3. Copied the letter in Word, signed and sent. Thank you for all of your efforts to save our wild horses and also your efforts on stopping horse slaughter. Your work has not gone unnoticed and appreciated.


  4. Did you get mine?? Tears of hopeful joy and gratitude this morning! I’m so excited! To say thank you just isn’t enough! Mrs. Janet Garcia


  5. Just did my letter – I believe it went through okay. Thank you, for all that you do – and wishing the best in this venture……


  6. if you wrote a message to the President, submitted it and then “went back”…….is it gone and has to be rewritten and resubmitted.


  7. Done. Thank you, R.T. and Terry. Godspeed.

    It is never too late for our President to repent — that is, to rethink his motives and reform his actions. Saul-to-Paul can vouch for that!


  8. Thank you for giving me the chance to personally be in one of the 6,000 letters delivered to the President. I also want to thank everyone you are associated with in their effort to make our horse’s lives better and safer. Pat Dewar, GF, Mt. Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 12:32:00 +0000


  9. Sample letter added to body of post, too:

    Dear President Obama;

    I have asked R.T. Fitch, volunteer president of the Wild Horse Freedom Federation, to personally hand carry this letter to Washington D.C. and to represent me in calling for an immediate halt and stop to the cruel and costly roundups of our wild horses and burros being carried out by your own Bureau of Land Management on the public lands of our western states.

    Both R.T. and his wife and co/founder Terry join thousands of voting American citizens who are insisting you order the unwarranted roundups to cease so that appropriate science and humane management technics can be deployed before the wild equines of the U.S. become extinct on our public lands.

    The delivery of this simple yet critical message is facilited through the assistance of Rep. Jim Moran and endorsed by a plethora of elected officials who stand shoulder to shoulder with their constituents in demanding that the icons of our American west be protected through the unanimously passed Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 versus being managed into rapid extinction by the BLM and their federal contractors.

    Elections are only weeks away and we hope that you will heed the call of thousands of voters who ask you not only to think while under the influence of your heart but to put case law and established science before the demand of special interest groups and the pressures of isolated lobbying efforts.

    Americans want their wild horses and burros running free with their families and not separated to live out their lives behind barbed wire and fencing. Imprisonment of the innocent runs contrary to American morals.

    Thank you, in advance, for doing the right thing.


    John Q. Public


    • I may be showing my igornance by asking this but , am curious why the sample letter addresses the president as, DR. !?!?


    • I forgot to look at the sample letter before penning my own words. (Oops, penning is a bad word here.) I love what you wrote, R.T., especially the line “Imprisonment of the innocent runs contrary to American morals.” I see that line touched others here, too.


  10. R.T.-
    I used your sample letter but ended it with this:

    I wish you to leave you with this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say”. We are all watching what you do.

    PS I also use this quote on all letters I send to BLM.


  11. Dear President Obama;

    I have asked R.T. Fitch, volunteer president of the Wild Horse Freedom Federation, to personally hand carry this letter to Washington D.C. and to represent me in calling for an immediate halt and stop to the cruel and costly roundups of our wild horses and burros being carried out by your own Bureau of Land Management on the public lands of our western states.

    Both R.T. and his wife and co/founder Terry join thousands of voting American citizens who are insisting you order the unwarranted roundups to cease so that appropriate science and humane management technics can be deployed before the wild equines of the U.S. become extinct on our public lands.

    The delivery of this simple yet critical message is facilited through the assistance of Rep. Jim Moran and endorsed by a plethora of elected officials who stand shoulder to shoulder with their constituents in demanding that the icons of our American west be protected through the unanimously passed Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 versus being managed into rapid extinction by the BLM and their federal contractors.

    Elections are only weeks away and we hope that you will heed the call of thousands of voters who ask you not only to think while under the influence of your heart but to put case law and established science before the demand of special interest groups and the pressures of isolated lobbying efforts.

    Americans want their wild horses and burros running free with their families and not separated to live out their lives behind barbed wire and fencing. Imprisonment of the innocent runs contrary to American morals.

    Thank you, in advance, for doing the right thing.


    Debra D. Stephens


  12. RT
    I have tried repeatedly to send this. I keep getting a go back message. I don’t know if my letter went through or not. For now, I’ve given up…


  13. Thank you, RT and Terry. I wonder what the ‘climate’ in DC will be like. This gives us all a moment to vent, politely, over the inequities of the Wild Horse and Burro campaign. We can hope they are read. If they are, we can hope we are ‘heard’.


  14. oh god bless you! i’m so happy to see so many equine enthusiasts here. thank you in advance, rt and terry, for going to d.c. and handing over these letters! we have time so why don’t we try to get an exponential amount written? let’s all post this on our facebook pages to spread the word! keep up the good work. god bless our equines!


  15. Thank RT for the letter and the opportunity to participate. FYI…I downloaded in Micosoft Word, changed the Dr to Dear and made many copies to pass on for signatures. Will mail all of them to you at one time, after getting hopefully, lots of signatures. (-: When will you be delivering them?


  16. Thank you, R.T. I’ve written & submitted my letter. I wish you all the best of luck, for America’s wild equines. I hope our letters are actually going to be read. Please keep us all posted & have a safe trip!


  17. God Bless you for what you do and God speed you on your honorable mission – you are not alone!
    You have one more devoted warrior to this cause here and I will do my best to bring in many more..


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