Horse News

From the Mouths of Babes the Horses are Saved

OpEd by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

The Children Bring Us Hope

Of course, it’s Sunday and we like to stay away from the gross, grim and perverted (so normally we don’t talk about Mustang abuse and horse slaughter).  But today I would like to share with you some good, wholesome and uplifting news, the news about the children of the nation bonding together in an effort to convince our alleged animal friendly President to sign an Executive Order to ensure that horse slaughter plants will never open in the U.S and to stop the transportation of American horses across our borders to be the tainted delicacy on a rich foreigners plate.

We share with you a website where 9 and 10 have put up a page and on that page is the link to the video inserted below.  I would like to ask you to visit their page and to view the video so that their numbers climb and they can actually see something positive from their efforts.  It is so refreshing to see young people practice compassion for our companion animals and gives me hope for tomorrow, I sincerely hope that it refreshes your spirit, also.

The voice in the video is one of our volunteers, when 11 year old Maddie’s grandmother told her about the campaign, she wanted to provide the voice over. She wrote what she wanted to say and practiced many times before allowing her father to video her statement. It is children like this and the others who will participate actively in their government who will affect positive change. Campaign to save America’s Horses emulating the 1971 Wild Horse Annie Children’s Writing Campaign which helped garner national protection for wild horses and burros

Click (HERE) to help!

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28 replies »

  1. FYI, UH is saying our children’s letter-writing campaign is preying on the innocents, and we’ll tell them what to say, or even provide form letters for them to sign. Some contend all letters on both sides should be restricted to children of people who’ve grown up in the livestock industry, and not open to uninformed children who just love pretty ponies. What arrogance!!!


    • I’m so tired of hearing if you don’t have horses you shouldn’t have a vote. Then Sue Wallis needs to STHU. Because Sue Wallis admitted she does not personally own any horses. I have the screen print.


      • I don’t have a polar bear or wolf, but would like to save them too. Their logic is just twisted. Everything out of their mouths is just twisted reality. I pray the light gets in someday.


  2. Jo-Claire, Are there any packets made up so we can bring them to the school board meetings that we attend. This way we could present them and ask to have them distributed to the children.

    Thank you.


    • Got to get this to the teacher’s…Joe at TB Friends has a group of school kids in So CA that do fund raising for him. They couldn’t do it without the teacher’s support or maybe the teacher is “guiding” them regarding science, community involvement, etc..


      • Denise, my suggestion is approach this as 1, a civic lesson on a citizen’s right to petition the government and or 2. as a writing assignment,.


  3. Pamela, you can go to the FB page or to the Equine Welfare Alliance website on the What Can You Do tab, there are flyers and the video. I’m adding another document later today specifically to take to the schools. I suggest using the video as an introduction, the flyer and then the document which talks about the history of the movement and how the letter writing can be incorporated into a lesson plan and other suggestions.


    • Awesome campaign , the children are the ones to benefit from what we accomplish now, with their help , it will be great !!!!! They have sharp minds and many ideas , they can see the importance of the Wild mustangs , God Bless the children !!!!


    • Denise, Congressman Moran is the sponsor of HR 2966 and is supporting the Children’s letter writing campaign. The pro side are attacking Congressman Moran and every parent and teacher and child who writes a letter.


      • Jo-Claire:

        Get ready for the blow back because it is just starting. The horse killers are attacking children and those that support them already.


  4. I am the VERY proud mom of the boy who started this whole page 🙂 As a horse person and trainer and animal advocate, this is something near and dear to my heart. Of course, my love for animals and work to see them treated humanely, has rubbed off on my two boys 🙂 I have been very active on the subject of horse slaughter, working with humane groups and others, since Obama signed into law the legalization of horse meat for human consumption (through equine meat inspection) on Thanksgiving day. Needless to say, my boys and I have had several conversations on the subject and I have been using what I am working on as an opportunity not only to educate them on the humane treatment and care of animals, but also how our government works and what we can do about things our government does that we do not agree with.

    My son Declan (age 9) has a friend from school Joseph (age 10), who started his own website for kids and thought maybe Joseph would put up a link to the Million Horse March Letter Writing Campaign on his site. With one telephone call, the page was born and the ideas were swirling! They have combined forces and their creativity is endless with new edits being put up as they develop their ideas – Declan designing and Joseph implementing the technical piece. Declan has been working all morning on some flyers and artwork to put on the page. He’s sending them to Joseph now, so keep checking out the site!

    Our next endeavor will be to go to the NH State House on January 19th to testify at the hearing on HB 1446 – an act relative to the meat inspection program in NH, which will effectively ban the slaughter of horses in the State of NH by excepting equines from inspection, processing and sale as meat.

    Declan has been working very hard and it is incredible as his mom to see how passionate and tireless he is to help save the horses from slaughter. He has taken the time to research both sides of the argument on his own (with my supervision of course due to the graphic nature) and come to his own conclusions. I have to say it’s been enlightening to hear Declan explain the issue and educate his friend. His conclusions are so simple and frank – “Why would anyone ever do this to a horse? We don’t even eat horse meat anyway! And if they say the horses going to be slaughtered are all old, tired, and sick, then who would want to eat the meat anyhow?”

    Please feel free to send encouragement to Declan via the new email he has created at: He has created several flyers that those of you who have been asking for things to pass out to school kids may want to use – kid to kid.

    THANKS so much for everyone who has encouraged and cheered us on as we have started on this new journey! What a great experience for Declan to see that even his small voice can make a difference!



  5. I thought kids were off limits??? Like you don’t mess with them? Not that some of them are God’s gift I can certainly think of a few that don’t come anywhere near. But picking on a child? That’s a Waterloo in the making.

    If I had a kid of some adult started trash talking them–mother horse on the rampage. Not a pretty picture.

    Just as an aside, I have been paying taxes since I was 12 years old. I think this gives me some say so in how I want my taxes spent. And children today? They will be paying taxes in the not so distant future. They should have some say so. And not every teacher is oh so knowledgeable about horses and the wild ones.

    I fear my old middle school where I use to work will not only blow me off but will claim right now that they don’t have time to teach this. The government class is getting ready for the Constitution Test that every 8th grader HAS TO PASS.

    Maybe English, maybe an extra credit for a class that you aren’t doing so well in…

    I was laid off and still not very happy about how it all ended. In my class I don’t have the foggiest how to approach this. Any suggestions???? Maybe write the County Supervisor??? Then they can assimilate the info and get it back to schools as they see fit…


  6. I am the VERY proud mom of the boy who started this whole page As a horse person and trainer and animal advocate, this is something near and dear to my heart. Of course, my love for animals and work to see them treated humanely, has rubbed off on my two boys I have been very active on the subject of horse slaughter, working with humane groups and others, since Obama signed into law the legalization of horse meat for human consumption (through equine meat inspection) on Thanksgiving day. Needless to say, my boys and I have had several conversations on the subject and I have been using what I am working on as an opportunity not only to educate them on the humane treatment and care of animals, but also how our government works and what we can do about things our government does that we do not agree with.

    My son Declan (age 9) has a friend from school Joseph (age 10), who started his own website for kids and thought maybe Joseph would put up a link to the Million Horse March Letter Writing Campaign on his site. With one telephone call, the page was born and the ideas were swirling! They have combined forces and their creativity is endless with new edits being put up as they develop their ideas – Declan designing and Joseph implementing the technical piece. Declan has been working all morning on some flyers and artwork to put on the page. He’s sending them to Joseph now, so keep checking out the site!

    Our next endeavor will be to go to the NH State House on January 19th to testify at the hearing on HB 1446 – an act relative to the meat inspection program in NH, which will effectively ban the slaughter of horses in the State of NH by excepting equines from inspection, processing and sale as meat.

    Declan has been working very hard and it is incredible as his mom to see how passionate and tireless he is to help save the horses from slaughter. He has taken the time to research both sides of the argument on his own (with my supervision of course due to the graphic nature) and come to his own conclusions. I have to say it’s been enlightening to hear Declan explain the issue and educate his friend. His conclusions are so simple and frank – “Why would anyone ever do this to a horse? We don’t even eat horse meat anyway! And if they say the horses going to be slaughtered are all old, tired, and sick, then who would want to eat the meat anyhow?”

    Please feel free to send encouragement to Declan via the new email he has created at: He has created several flyers that those of you who have been asking for things to pass out to school kids may want to use – kid to kid.

    THANKS so much for everyone who has encouraged and cheered us on as we have started on this new journey! What a great experience for Declan to see that even his small voice can make a difference!



  7. Like I said, those supporting slaughter will do anything. It didn’t the supporters in Illinois from passing out stick horses and telling the children only part of the story. Some of these folks were from the Illinois Horse Council, if anything these state councils should remain neutral. As our group saw what was happening we explained to the teachers and the children about what could happen to the horses. The children went back to the group and gave all the stick horses back and told them that they didn’t want them to kill the horses. In this case it was the opposing group who encouraged the children with the stick horses. So these people will be reaping what they sow. Excellent comments and thank God for our children. Some could be future leaders of this country.


  8. I am also sick of these live stock people claiming to be the horse industry. They are not. I own 21 equines. I DO NOT SUPPORT SLAUGHTER. THEY NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR HORSES. IF YOU CANNOT MAKE A 30 YEAR COMMITMENT THEN DO NOT HAVE HORSES. Starving and neglect is illegal what we need are more prison terms for these horse abusing criminals instead of providing them a legal way out of their responsibility. They are a pack of predatory fools. Let them try to attack children it only supports what is already known animal abusers also abuse people especially vulnerable groups. FYI in an English riding barn Wallis would not be permitted to ride due to weight restrictions. We need something for college students to participate.


  9. Yes Faith, we do need College students to participate in this , their help in this would be awesome !!!!!!!We need all out help , since nothing yet has helped !!!!!


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