Horse News

An Equine Thanksgiving: Who’ld a Thunk It?

A holiday message from R.T. Fitch ~ president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“Peace On!”

Moose and his buddy, R.T. FitchThanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for a very simple and straightforward reason; ‘it is what it is’.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that is not tied to any religious custom(s) or overtones nor is it partnered with politics or some governmental event, it is simply about people getting together to give thanks for what they have, be it small or large, and sharing with family and friends.

Granted, there is a tie to an alleged historical event but even that event speaks directly to the simplicity of getting together with family and diversified friends to break bread and publicly give thanks for the simple fact that we did not wake up under six feet of dirt and that we have the power to effect positive change upon life’s upcoming events.

Perhaps, we equine advocates should quietly tick off a few of things that we could, and should, be thankful for this day.

If you are lucky enough to live with horses and/or donkeys you might be thankful that:

  • all of your equine companions were standing on four legs this morning
  • you received a clean bill of health from your vet’s last ranch call
  • there is ample feed in your tack room and hay in your loft (and beer in the barn fridge)
  • you were greeted with loving nickers when you walked out into the pasture today
  • hugging your horses gave you strength to jump another life hurdle last month
  • the sense that the equines breath life into your land and spread magic in your pastures
  • you cannot fathom a life without them

For those who’s hearts are tugged by the wild ones that grace our public lands we are thankful that:

  • we, collectively, have the power to effect change and can protect those wild equines that are a positive addition to our western plains
  • our hearts race when we see the magic and drama of family bands running free and enjoying their freedom
  • the wild ones have taught us about family, freedom and the bonds that hold a herd, tribe or society together
  • we have each other

Perhaps the last entry is the one that speaks the loudest to us, this day…we have each other. When the chips are down and we feel like we just don’t have the strength to fight another battle we do have the ability to look into an equine eye, center our souls and hold the hand of like individuals who not only feel the same pain but also understand the elation of doing what is right, just and required to help ensure the future safety and well being of our equine brethren, be they wild or domestic, for generations to come.

Have a peaceful and thoughtful day today as you gather strength and reassurance from family and friends ‘cause’ we will be saddling up later and hitting the rugged trail as there is a lot of work to do and if we don’t do it, no one else will. The wild horses and burros are in need and we are the cavalry; tomorrow we will pick the sword back up and ride on.

Keep the faith, my friends, and have a happy Thanksgiving.

4 replies »

  1. RT I couldn’t have said it better. But for the Horse Warriors there is a storm brewing. After we give thanks today, I would want everyone to think clearly about taking some action by signing a couple of petitions. I know I read them and said not another one. But as I sat, read and comprehended my thoughts and feelings were on the safety and preservationn of our most precious beings our horses and other equines. There are a few things blowing in the wind…


  2. ●●●HAPPY Thanksgiving●●●

    To all the humble beasts there be,
    To all the birds on land and sea,
    Great Spirit sweet protection give,
    That free and happy they may live.

    And to our hearts the rapture bring
    Of love for every living thing;
    Make of us all one kin, and bless
    Our ways with Your own gentleness.
    “John Galsworthy”


  3. Hi I want to tell you first that I love your post but this one by finch needs to have some research done on it. The reason that i say that is if you go back to the first one and from then on then you would know that thanksgiving has always been a religious holiday in which the Pilgrims gave thanks to God for a good harvest. It was then and always has been a very religious Holiday. Tell him to read his history of this country. I hope that he is not a liberal and will not except the truth? God bless and have a great day.

    Sincerely Preston Walker


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