Horse News

Call President Obama on Promise to Stop Horse Slaughter

Wild Horse Freedom Federation Joins Equine Welfare Alliance in Push to Call Obama Daily to Stop Horse Slaughter

Occupy Obama's Phone

Here at WHFF volunteer headquarters we are besieged with emails, calls, press interviews on the atrocity of 3 Congressman covertly working to bring foreign owned horse slaughter plants to the United States and we, have had enough.  To echo our good friends at the Equine Welfare Alliance we are tired of mailing, faxing, calling our legislators only to get back canned and condescending responses, we are MAD and mad enough to do something about it, TODAY!


We ask all able bodied Amercians to pick up the phone and call the, Animal Friendly, President to do something to head off this inhumane and un-American action NOW!

Spread the word to all your friends on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Yahoo, Google+ and all the social networks to call the President’s comment line at 202-456-1111 and give just one simple, to the point line that addresses the issue such as the following suggested from EWA, in your own words, of course:

– As a Senator, Obama cosponsored legislation to ban the slaughter of American horses and to stop their transport over our porous borders.

– During his campaign Obama promised to be a voice for Americans and our animals

– Ask/demand an immediate Executive Order banning the slaughter and transport to slaughter of American horses.  Obama has the power with one stroke of his pen to end it.

And we at Wild Horse Freedom Federation will be asking the President to also, in seperate messages so as not to blur the intent:

– Declare a Moratorium on the deadly roundups of our native, wild horses and burros until an accurate accounting can take place and humane management practices can be implemented.

Our federal government has not only made it easier for foreign mercenaries to come upon our American soil and prey upon our U.S. horses for their flesh, the Feds are also killing our national icons out west as we speak.  It must come to an end.

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108 replies »

  1. …and to add insult to injury, a team of Clydesdale horses pulled the “holiday” tree to the White House! What now? “horse” d’oeuvres for the guests? Sue and Dave on the guest list? Your taxes, their decision? Hypocrisy to the max ! Occupy the phones!


    • …and when he pardoned the two turkeys for Thanksgiving his youngest daughter had on a shirt with a horse print…


      • Not to mention Steven Spielberg’s epic new movie, WAR HORSE, opening in theaters on Christmas Day!


  2. You can also call or write to the President:
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500
    Please include your e-mail address

    Phone Numbers
    Comments: 202-456-1111
    Switchboard: 202-456-1414
    FAX: 202-456-2461

    Comments: 202-456-6213
    Visitors Office: 202-456-2121


  3. I would like to add that if you if the White House comment line is busy PLEASE call the switchboard! 202-456-1414 and a live operator will answer. When they do ask for the White House Comment line and it will patch you right through! You might be on hold but that’s okay. A real person will come on and take your message. It beats calling and always getting a busy signal which can happen. But here is ALSO another way that is highly effective…..occupy his mail with POSTCARDS! That’s right postcards! They don’t have to be examined like regular mail, and the number of postcards thrown on a desk or taking up space in the mail room is very real. Get your schools involved….have children write postcards asking Obama to save our horses! Have all your co-workers write a postcard to Obama. They will still need to put their name and address on the back, but keep the message simple and action oriented! 🙂 I live in Oklahoma and I will be darned if a slaughterhouse is coming to MY state! Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman) has 3,000 of our wild mustangs on her ranch through a contract with the BLM as a lot of ranchers are signing up to do these days. I want them protected!!


    • I just called the White House comment line. The woman I spoke with took down all my comments and was very interested in what I had to say. She told me that they were receiving several calls about this, but she did not know what the legislation incurred. I explained that this gave legitimization to the slaughter, and exportation of horses for slaughter for human consumption. I told her that one state already has a slaughter house that will slaughter horses and sell the meat for human consumption, and that two more states were getting ready to dedicate slaughter houses for that same purpose. It seems to me that this is happening very fast in that these facilities were already ready to begin this barbaric practice, and though the signing of this legislation on November 18th was well known by those who would profit from it, but most people were unaware. This is not something that was voted on or that had hearings or legal examination. It was in legislation signed by the President into law, and I am making the assumption that it was part of something containing other legislation as well. I think that they call that “pork barrelling” and is common practice when Lobbyists are involved. She too was appaled at this. I explained that I did not believe that Mr. Obama would condone this, and if it is true then I and many other people could no longer support him. It is my plan to make up fliers to circulate on Social Media sites and to pass out (if allowed) at theaters showing the movie War Horse this Christmas day. Please call the White House, 1-202-456-1111 and voice your opinion and please share this with as many people as possible. God Bless and many thanks.


    • Ooooh that’s a fabulous idea! You can go to Staples and buy postcard packs. Then off to Costco for printer ink. Plus you can print those cards in black and white!

      Okay, have some things to do here at the house but THIS IS DEFINITELY on the agenda to be accomplished by Sunday night so all will go out with the mail on Monday.

      Get ready President Betrayal–a landslide in postcards IS HEADED YOUR WAY!

      By the way Jerry Finch has an excellent post up as to what to say.


  4. How would the president like it if they had passed a law to slaughter his dog? It is deeply disturbing that some has taken this kind of action against such a beautifull animal and so kind, what did the horse’s ever do them? I know what the horse’s haven”t done, pass a bill to slaughter mankind, has these people ever been around a horse? Probably not, let alone owne one of these beautifull animals, that is a gift from GOD, Hey Ann I gree with you, it is a insult to injury, How could these people even consider this, what are they thinking with, certainly not thier brains! Yes I am a horse lover and have 9 beautifull horse’s, and they are my pal’s!!!!


  5. I have made the necessary phone call and have emailed everyone i know and they know , i asked that everyone call the President now……………………….I am sure all will do this !!!!!! Now everyone here blast that Presidential comment line…….. This is an imperative action !!!! and email everyone you know !!!!!!!


  6. Appreciate the contact information. Will write until my voice comes back…what a time to have lost it. It’s time we hold Mr. Obama accountable for ignoring promises made to keep our horses safe.


  7. The line is always busy 😦 I did sign the petition that the Humane Society has up. This is sickening. Horses made this country!! Over breeding, profit and greed. Nothing more!


    • Frankie yes the did build this country !!!!!!Put the Comment line on speed dial you will get trough I did…………………………………..


  8. Normally I am the one on here to join in and echo everybodies sentiments about calling, writing and faxing your Congressmen and Senators. But this time I must tell you the truth about my experience the last time the call went out for us to “call President Obama about stopping the wild horse round ups.” I am not one to shy away from calling my Congressmen and Senators or for paying for Grassfire to send 20 to 50 faxes to certain ones on the hill or from calling the President’s comment line when I feel it is necessary on any topic. But the day that we were asked to call the President’s comment line, I don’t know if this young lady had had a bad day or what her problem was, BUT I had not even gotten why I was calling out of my mouth when she hung up on me! Now, since I used to work for the United States Information Agency a long time ago, hanging up on someone is something you just do not do, so when I called back the line was busy, CONSTANTLY for over one hour as I have caller ring back when the line is free for the call to go through, so I just gave up. I think that we should all remember that President Obama APPOINTED Secretary Salazaar to the Department of the Interior, the head of the BLM, which is continuously rounding up our Mustangs AND HE SIGNED the bill making horse slaughter legal again, when he could have VETOED IT!! You keep on reminding us what he promised BEFORE he was elected, has he done anything that he promised on time if at all? The only reason he taking us out of IRAQ now is so it looks good so he has a better chance of getting re-elected. His numbers are lower than Jimmy Carter’s. We would have a better chance of trying to get the Congress to go back and re-write a special bill only concerning the slaughter of our horses and the funding of inspectors at the first of next year at this rate. But as for me, I won’t be calling the White House and be hung up on again.


    • Dear Tracielynn, You are ever so needed here Please dont let one phone discourage you i have also talked to rude people , our horses have no voices, without us and are continued support they are doomed, please we need you and every single person here to scream rant and rave, and demand that they be set free and have no worries about inhumane Slaughter hanging over their heads, they are here because we want them here, they need to be here for many reasons so many I have not enough room to write them here……please dont let them down now when it is so important that we are heard …………. Make that phone call I did and it was easy !!!! Remember Silver King ??? Do it for Him, remember The black wild mustang who wanted freedom so much he risked him life , went through a barbed wire fence because it was so dear to him to be free, do it for him , do it for all of them……………….. These are loving breathing representatives of what Freedom stands for , and what it is visually , Stand strong like they do !!!!!!


      • I don’t know how phone lines work but I do know a couple of weeks ago that the Red Cross called me for a donation. Somehow the line disconnected me. I know it was them cause of caller ID.

        I agree. Even late to the party we still need you. You are one of the 70% of folks AGAINST horse slaughter. By not speaking up and letting your feelings known–the horse lose your voice.

        The black stallion alluded to was named Freedom cause that’s what he was fighting for. We fight for all FREEDOM’s. Be they domesticate or wild. Be they horse, burro, zebra.

        I confess to being weary of the fight in recent days. This has brought it up full circle, I’m rejuvenated and ready to plunge in to the fight again.

        Pres O’Bummer get ready for a landslide in postcards! Let’s bury the WH in them!


  9. Everyone here one more time watch the Movie called In the Pursuit of Honor !!!!! It represents what True Honor is !!!!!!!!!!!! These men stopped at nothing to save the horses………………………………. They are worth risking everything to save them………………….Just as they would for us , they have never not answered are call for help……………………….


    • I’ll have to watch that one, arlene. Right now, with all the ugly here in the US and then watching the trailers for “War Horse”, I just weep for the equines. Anyone ever check out the numbers of equines used in WW1? It is staggering. Anyone know how many came back? It is sickening.

      And this is the thanks the world bestows on equines…Human Consumption Horse Slaughter????? Sick, arrogant, disrespectful, cruel and more than ugly.

      Never give up…never!


      • DEAR DENISE, the strange thing with this movie is you will not find one word bout this true movie based on fact on the computer or in any book , you know why the government erased anything to do with this true story as told by one of the officers involved with it………………………………..YOU KNOW WHY ?????Because it mared the reputation of General mac aurther he is the one who gave the order to machine gun down in a mass grave 600 Calvary horses…………….Please this is a must see DENISE,…………….


      • arlene…I hope you are talking about “In Pursuit of Honor” when referencing Mac Arthur. War Horse is based on a novel re WW1.

        If you can gain any satisfaction re: MacArthur, Truman fired him which is a total disgrace for a 5 star general hoping to be president. And he had some family issues that were fairly scandalous….what goes around, comes around?


      • OOooops…history brain cramp! I think MacArthur was in the Phillipines during the Spanish-American war too and spent some time there as a military governor prior to WW1 or WW2.


  10. If I said what I really want to say the FB people would shut me down…so, instead I will be politically correct and say that EVERYONE needs to call the White House and get this action reversed. There must be a line drawn somewhere….


  11. Called and spoke to volunteer on comment line and about to send a postcard saying “Stop slaughtering us now” to the White House….


  12. Just wanted to add that I own 2, 10 year old American Quarter horse geldings. I have spent the better part if 7 years working with my own horses. As a horsemen, I can say with absolute certainty that horses understand fear. They are prey animals after all. It is only though trust and commitment that one may gain the grace and power of a horse. Not to mention a friendship like no other. Though I love all animals, no animal on this planet is as noble a creature than the horse. They have carried us on their backs since the dawn of time though unknown lands and vicious wars and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.


  13. Who are those 3 Congressmen? I want names. Who/what’s really behind this? We need national outrage on this. Dec. 13 National Day of the Horse. Dec. 15 Vigil Day for our Horses and Burros. Man –am I mad. BETRAYED. So much for TRANSPARENCY and CHANGE! 70,000 warriors–dial 202 456 1111


      • Dear Maryann Rielly here are the Names of the three men…………………..Herb Kohl, Wisconsin Democrat……………………………Roy Blunt, Missouri , Republican……………………………………………..Jack Kingston, Georgia Republican………………………………


  14. I have been holding for 15 minutes on the White House comment line – I have called this line before the and hold has never been this long. I am so sorry that I voted for this President. He doesn’t support animal rights or the environment. Bill Clinton would have never signed this bill! What has happened to this country when we are willing to eat an animal as sacred as the horse – a symbol of the American West – you know what, let’s start serving Congressmen as the next “dish of the day.” “Congressmen on a plate,” is my new favorite dish!!!


  15. Care to Occupy Salazar’s office ???——I think he has more than one office—is there enough people to Occupy them all???


  16. Dear Mr. (Me<— LOL)

    Thank you for contacting me about your concerns over horse slaughter. It's good to hear from you.

    I absolutely agree with you that we need stronger laws to protect horses. That is why I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011 (S. 1176). This bill would impose fines and criminal penalties against anyone involved in transporting live horses or horse meat abroad for human consumption. This legislation is especially important to stop the transport of horses for slaughter to Canada and Mexico.

    S. 1176 is currently pending in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Knowing of your support for this bill was helpful to me.

    Again, thanks for writing. Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance to you in the future.

    Barbara A. Mikulski
    United States Senator


  17. Horse slaughter is wrong and why would you even consider having it brought back. Muslims don’t eat horse so why would you want to kill a horse.


  18. I called! You bet I did! I could hardly speak from crying, but I got it out. The agent told me that they were receiving many calls on this issue. That was somewhat reassuring. God I pray that they stop torturing our horses! Any horses! i could just scream!!!!!


  19. During the 2008 campaign President Obama said, “Federal policy towards animals should respect the dignity of animals and their rightful place as cohabitants of our environment. We should strive to protect animals and their habitats and prevent animal cruelty, exploitation and neglect…. I have consistently been a champion of animal-friendly legislation and policy and would continue to be so once elected.” President Obama announced that he had co-sponsored legislation to stop the sale for slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros. During the 2008 campaign President Obama signed on as co-sponsor to the bill to ban horse slaughter for human consumption. When asked specifically during the campaign, “Will you support legislation …to institute a permanent ban on horse slaughter and exports of hor ses for human consumption”, President Obama gave an unqualified “Yes”. (HSLF questionnaire) from “The Persian Horse”


    • Don’t we all know these politicians will say “yes yes yes” to anything that favors them getting into office. Obama needs out as soon as the polls open, he has brought our country to her knees and now he is taking the animals out as well as the economy. What a horrible man he is. I think he went into office with a desire to ruin the USA. Look at his preacher, go to the library and check out his books and some of his quotes. He would be happy for all of us to die so we know damn well he doesn’t care about our animals.


  20. Here are the 3 dirt bags who let our horses down: Senator Roy Blount – R-MO,
    202/224-5721, Representative Jack Kingston – R-GA 202/225-5831, and Senator Herb Kohl – D-WI -202/224-5653. The one lone supporter for our horses was Representative Sam Farr-D-CA 202-225-2861. I took the time to call the 3 above and share my thoughts. I also called Repr. Sam Farr’s office and thanked him for his lone vote. Most of these Legislators voting against our horses has never owned one, rode one or has any idea how wonderful the horse is. We at one time were almost there with the passage of this bill. But the Congress ended without its passage in one of the legislative houses. We can never give up even in the darkest hours. I am going to get several packs of post cards to distribute. I guess the mesage should just be basic: PLEASE
    SUPPORT S.1176 – Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011. I know my two Senators are supporting this bill as well as my Representative. The fight has just begun and we can never give up. I also called Salazar’s office and was met with a very rude women who hung up on me. Hey maybe it was the same person, just filling in. At any rate I called my Legislators and reported my call and reminded them that we are paying their salaries. The call was noted and I have not received any negative behavior when I called Salazar’s office. I am going to get on the post cards as this is what the Legislators look at. The more documentation the better it is its passage. Remember, all of our equine friends are counting on us for they have no voice.


  21. I called the white House comment line and really voiced my opinion on this matter!!These animal’s can not call so everyone who love’s them should make it a point to call for them!!This is so very wrong for the USA to do this!!1-202-456-1414 for a live operator!!Please help these horses!!!


  22. Please stop the slaughter of are horses, we are their voices,they need are help,i have seen horrible things that go on behind the sceens,at horse sells, please stop this.


  23. They are showing a report on the issue on CNN any minute. (Brooke Baldwin show 3:50P EST). Of course they are going to show someone who is all for it.


  24. MILLIONS of Post Cards with this message cannot be ignored:

    Ask/demand an immediate Executive Order banning the slaughter and transport to slaughter of American horses.


  25. It really comes down to this….
    Americans DO NOT eat Horses
    70% of Americans are opposed to Horse slaughter…so
    WHY are American taxpayers expected to pick up the tab for a USDA Horse slaughter plant inspector?
    WHO is supposed to profit from this?


  26. Sue Wallis (Speaker for Wyoming) on CNN saying horse slaughter is humane, etc. She has had horse meat, etc. She stated that the Humane Society lied and it is not a “Bloody and barbaric” procedure and that they are treated humanly. “Horses are left to be hit by cars so this is better.” How about a ban on over breeding and profit? Why are they not euthanize? Because you cannot “sell” meat that has been drugged.


    I feel sick.


  27. Just placed my 25th call to The Presidents comment line, if i can get through 25 times everyone can get through, spoke with the volunteer she received lots of calls today concerning this matter, come on people blast that comment line with calls dont let up, I demanded that The President sign an Executive order immediately !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that he also calls a complete moratorium on the deadly inhumane round ups……………………


  28. I just saw Susan Wallis from Wyoming being interviewed on a news program..Perhaps Ms. Wallis would care to be treated the way these innocent horses now bound for slaughter are being treated-what a fat, insensitive slob.


  29. This is VERY INTERESTING! I posted the link so that everyone can read the rest of the article:
    By Stephen Dinan
    The Washington Times
    Wednesday, November 30, 2011
    Mr. Obama signed the spending bill by autopen Nov. 18. He was traveling in Asia at the time the bill was presented to him, so he used the automated signature machine for the second time in his presidency.


  30. President Obama signed the bill by AUTOPEN?
    This is only the SECOND TIME in his presidency that he has used the


  31. I just have one small request of everyone here who has a horse. Since I don’t own a horse could you guys give your horse an extra hug and kiss for me?

    I prefer to donate to rescues cause I can’t afford a horse of my own. So if I could borrow your horse for some extra love that’d be cool!


    • Done…and they are old, young and fed, trimmed and watered with their shots.

      And let me tell you…it is tough to find hay….but they got it and hugs too.


      • Thanks Denise. I’m just heartsick at what Pres O’Bummer has allowed to happen. I wonder if he repeal his auto pen sig? Cause he didn’t actually sign the thing–his auto pen did…


  32. My goodness gracious..he is not killing your horses. I grew up with a pony, larger pony for 4H and then a Three bar Quarter horse. They are wonderful animals and I cried like all hell when my dad sold my last horse cuz I got more interested in boys. My feeling is..all of you should go out and adopt all these horses that are”homeless” and will be sent to slaughter. I am sure if you all were by the “supposed” slaughterhouses, with trailers and cash, they would be glad to give them to you. Noone is going to allow this type of business in their area and “OCCUPY” if they do. I feel the same way about abortion..adopt the babies of these you know that everyone says they will help them but noone ever does..REALITY..
    Keep up the good work but my gosh, more Republicans voted for it than Democrats..OBAMA can only do so much..he has noone from the “OTHER’ side ready to negotiate anything with him.its is a man thing..
    My sis neighbors “rescue” horses…they are left out til unheard of hours, get loose all the time, have no protection from flies/bugs in the summer and constantly get onto her property and in the road. And she is leaving the farm..taking the horses but leaving all the barn cats to fend for themselves. Hell, I have a daughter in college who can’t get assisitance for food..I am a single mom of 2 college kids. Lets start worrying more about “people”, TOO!!!


  33. I will be calling e-mailing and making post cards over the week end about 50 of them.WE all must carry this to the end. This is sick, but this is what AMERICA has come to. The greed and the fast buck in the name of the HORSE. It just makes me want to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


  34. This is discusting!!!!!!!!!!!! I would go to jail for this cause!!!!! These are helpless animals!!!!!!! We can’t allow this!!!!! We have to do something!!!!!


    • Mariette, I agree with you I would go to Jail also for the Wild Mustangs, allegiance for them very strong …………………………………..


  35. I agree, but we have to understand that what enabled this to happen originated in the Senate Agricultural Appropriations Committee in 2010 when someone got the idea to request the GAO to produce a study that made way for the return of horse slaughter to the U. S.

    It was the release of this report that precipitated the action that took place. Without this report, these Congressmen would have had no cover.

    I really want to find out who the people are who were involved in this set up and abuse of tax payer dollars to create what is being sold as an endorsement of horse slaughter.


  36. Lots of great information from all you wonderful and compassionate people…I sincerely thank all of you for standing up and trying to do what’s right for our beautiful and innocent horses! For everyone that’s concerned for their future, please, please do everything and anything you can ….make the calls, send post cards, emails, alert others, such as family and friends. If you’re a teacher, have your children write letters or send post cards. Everyone must take an active role and really bombard the administration and media, if we are to make a difference. The will of the American people MUST prevail, not the interested of foreign owned businesses!


  37. Please, everyone, make your voice heard and speak out for the welfare and future of all our American horses, domestic and wild! Our millions of tax dollars will be spent on the brutal slaughter of these beautiful, innocent horses, which were never raised for human consumption, thus questioning the health issues that apply, our environoment WILL be affected, while foreign businesses will be profiting, after all is said and done. Please, take a stand for the welfare of our equines. They have served us over the centuries, in so many ways, don’t let them down.


  38. My understanding was that the Ag bill was no allowed to be amended (no line item veto?) when it came out of the conference committee and that it also had the funding that would avoid a partial govt shutdown either that week or the following week. Those 3 who removed the Moran amendment (defunding slaughter) are especially devious and I can only hope they get booted at their next elections.

    I didn’t know an Executive Order would take care of this! I think it could be more effective to call offering a solution to this mess and will definitely be demanding that. And I will also be demanding my congressmen support and pass H.R. 2966. One way or the other the pipeline has got to be shut down. Such great info & tips!


  39. The question that comes to mind: What’s the rush to get this bill signed into law, that it couldn’t wait a few days till obama returns from his trip. They have been sitting on dozens of other, urgent matters, year after year, and not making a bit of progress but they rushed this bill through that would escalate the evil being done against our friends, the horses of America.
    There is nothing sane about the all-out war being waged against the horses. Why?? I just can’t figure out why! Why would anyone want to deliberately destroy these beautiful living beings.
    The answer may never be known. But, in the meantime, we have to be up in arms in the defense of the equine. Letters, postcards, phone calls, occupy, whatever it takes to make a difference for good, and stop the insanity that would otherwise wipe out tens of thousands of innocent living beings, in the most horrific and brutal way.
    Nothing short of victory for the horses will be acceptable. Nothing less than stopping the insanity of slaughter and shipping to slaughter of the horses. And nothing less than stopping the insanity of the roundup and removal of the wild horses and burros from their freedom in the wild. We just can’t stop or slow our pace. No, we must re-double our efforts and our resolve to settle the matter for their protection, so they will more than just survive, but will THRIVE!
    The American people OWE it to the horses to treat them with decency. Just think of all they gave, in several wars, in the development of this nation, and even long before that, they were the “reliable transportation” for the Indigenous people of the tribes of the Americas, and other peoples of the world. Nobody deserves the abuse and brutality that the equine on a whole have suffered. Especially after all they have given.


    • I believe this was hurried and covertly done because it had the continuing resolution for the entire government through December 2011…remember the Senate and White House can’t agree on annual budget(s); so we have continuing resolutions. It was part of the Ag Appropriations Bill…btw, I thought this Ag Bill was a 4 or 5 year deal. Anyone know?


  40. I will be calling today as well and have been posting out so that all my family and friends can call! DON’T GIVE UP!!!! We are at a crucial impasse and the pressure we exert over the next couple of weeks have to be strong and consistent…..I am intent of flooding phones DAILY!!!! We owe it to our horses! Together we can do this, there is strength in numbers!


  41. Those of you who have time and ability, how about organizing anti-slaughter pickets outside of Saturday showings of The War Horse? Speilburg might not be happy about that and it would get some press and attention…


  42. There is an argument that those who oppose Horse slaughter should adopt unwanted/abandoned Horses. The problem is that slaughter encourages overbreeding and actually produces a market for those excess Horses. The money that is being spent to promote the slaughter plants that 70% of Americans oppose, could very well be spent in a productive manner that would help People as well as Horses. Live Horses generate MUCH more revenue than do DEAD Horses.


    • Louie ~ I certainly understand the argument re. adopting unwanted/abandoned horses; I think it’s a great idea. And I certainly agree that slaughter encourages overbreeding. My barn is home to a number of rescue horses and 1 pony; most starvation/abuse cases, and 1 PMU rescue, and range in age from 4 years to approx. 28 years. With the horse market as it is, all will most likely live out their lives here rather than being re-homed~ I wouldn’t dream of taking a chance that any of them could end up anywhere near where they’ve come from.
      I believe education is part of this ~ owners taking on more than they can afford and in tough times know only of horse auctions (not necessarily what may well happen to the horse). In the meantime, we’ll continue to fight to protect our horses.


  43. I adopted 4 of these wild Mustangs. It is ridiculous to just kill these beautiful animals. These animals have been around a lot longer then this idiot President. They are the heritage of our Country.


  44. I handed out some flyers I printed with this site & my donkey Fred on it when I was on campus today for class. People have no clue the decisions that are being made for them by our representatives. Most important is they wanted more information and listened.


  45. I think PeTA has done a disservice to the plight of horses with their statement. Also, the President’s children should be left alone. Appeals to the President are more than enough, and I don’t think he’ll allow this sneaky tactic. 🙂


  46. Magiclady,
    It’s the Wonderful People like you that keep trying to take care of the abandoned and unwanted Horses. I see slaughter proponents throwing the problems back on to those that are trying to help a situation that they did not create. The slaughter industry, if allowed back on American soil, will produce more Horses than ANYONE can help or rescue.


  47. And, of course, you know, the BLM will use legalized slaughter as an excuse to annihilate the wild mustangs for fun and profit. And, of course, this will increase the level of horse theft because the thieves now have a legal outlet to profit from stolen horses. I say start a letter campaign also to flood the White House with letters condemning the signing of this bill. Just another item on the list of things I do not like about that guy in the White House.


  48. President Obama Why aren’t you keeping your promise to Ban Horse Slaughter in the USA, I for one voted for you and we all deserve an explanation, there is a so much information out there for you to read and see that Americans do not eat horsemeat and they do not want the inhumane and cruel horse slaughter plants reopened they didn’t work once why now when you can use the money for so much more that is needed. Please have congress pass SB1176 and HR2966 to ban horse slaughter for good. Thanks


  49. Horses should be under pets instead of livestock as they are loved by all. Americans love their horses and would never think of eating them for dinner that even sounds awful. Bet your daughters love them most girls do I have since I was a little girl. Please stop the war on horses they deserve to live. Also they are flight animals and can you imagine how scared to death they are to go into those crowded slaughter trucks with no room to turn around no water no food and if they fall down they get trampled and can’t get up. Why do they deserve such treatment does it seem fair to them. They have alot of feelings for people yet people are sometimes their predators!!! In all the polls I have seen on the internet Americans SAY NO TO HORSE SLAUGHTER.


  50. We are and will continue to be the voices of our beautiful horses since they don’t have one. There is always a home to be found for an unwanted horse. NO to horse slaughter now and forever!!!!!


  51. I live in a rural area and there are horses and farmland all around – and I feel blessed. Horses are one of the most beautiful and noble of creatures. To think of them being handled and treated in this most base of ways is upsetting.

    This barbaric practice was banned in 2008 per our President. I can’t believe he’d allow an underhanded tactic to bring it back. Is there anything our country won’t do for money. Very sad and disappointing news.


  52. I should add also that even in this economy, they are loved, cared for and well treated – and should a problem ever arise, there are vets and shelters to care for them. There are riding stables, horses perform therapeutic functions for disabled children and adults, and they are working animals. Plus they are beautiful!


  53. What better Day to free them???????? What better Day for the President to pick up that darn PEN and Stop the Slaughtering , Stop The BLM and its costly and brutal round ups,,,,not to mention unnecessary ……..Obama has one shot and only one shot at being even close to being re-elected , he MUST PUT THAT PEN IN HIS HAND AND END THE ATROCITY concerning the horses on all counts…..HOLLOW PROMISES Will not Cut It MR> PRESIDENT…………..He and he alone has the responsibility and with 80% of American Voting Public TOTALLY Appalled AT THE TREATMENT Of OUR WILD MUSTANGS AND OUR HORSES OUR ICONS AND AMERICAS SYMBOLS OF FREEDOM………………….. Quite Frankly Mr. President this is your no BRAINIER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  54. Killing Horse now, unbelievable ! In Quebec they make a lot of money slaughtering horses. This is what it is all about. disgusting to say the least. it should be stopped one way or another.


  55. It is just sad to me that LAWS have to be in place, in the first place, to protect creatures of the Earth. Man will destroy all living things at some point….laws for endangered species, laws not to torture, etc. It is unbelievable that we have to have these laws when the laws should be on the those that kill, mutilate and so on. The laws for punishment are nothing but a slap on the wrist… horse slaughter………..all public servants need to go to a feed lot, a slaughterhouse, etc and witness this…and have it on their watch


  56. Please call. These horses don’t have a voice to protect themselves. Is our duty as human beings to do what is right and protect them from animal slaughter. Together we can do this.


  57. Oh Lord I have a headache from reading all this information. I did call the White House today and expressed my concerns about the horse slaughter bill. I felt like the operator didn’t really care about what I was saying. When I asked if she understood what I had said and she informed me that I should write a letter to the President. So, I’m trying to do a letter to the President but have a couple of concerns. If I ask him to stop the inhumane and cruel roundups of these horses and sending them to holding pens for the rest of their life, it will sound stupid. If there are to many horses in holding pens, which are costing the tax payers a lot of money, then the solution would be to send them to slaughter. I’m trying to get my point across and don’t quite know how to compose this letter. I want to make sure I get this right. Any suggestions on how to word this correctly?


    • Dear Lethie Lanham, please !!! do not include that about slaughter, Slaughter is not the solution never has been the solution………………………and never be the solution…………………………… . what WE WANT TO DO HERE IS RESTORE THEIR PROTECTION……. RETURN THEM TO THE land THAT BELONGS TO THEM TO LIVE FREE AND PROTECTED FROM ALL HUMAN HARM……………….. RESTORE THE ROAM ACT OF 1971


  58. Hopefully the operator has been inundated with calls, that’s why it seems like she didn’t care. 😉

    It would never sound stupid to express your feelings and throughts on the matter. I’d just do a little research online to find out what exactly goes on, separate the fact from fiction, that sort of thing. Blogs devoted to horse welfare are a good place to start, such as this one. Slaughter is not the only, nor the best, solution.

    Good luck! 🙂


  59. I have made over 100 calls in the last week to the Presidents comment line, all who answer are pleasant and sympathetic to our Wild Mustangs………………..And Promise to deliver my message promptly to the President………………………….202-456-1111 continue to call every chance you get…………………..


  60. Horse wears a straw hat and beams into CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s live coverage. On the hat you see Support S1176 & HR 2966 ! They have the technology wizards to accomplish this promo in support of Or, walk a horse out onto the live coverage and hope he doesn’t poop all over the set. Got my call through to the White House and the operator said….”Okay,I’ve got it.” “Wait…we want to beam a horse onto the live coverage of CNN too”.That’s why they call it the United States Of America.Who are these PETA people ? Dog and cat lover’s ? Five miles til’ the crow flies ! See ya’ll back at the barn for S1176 & HR 2976.The Savage Nation is in support and Dr. Savage is giving you air time.Brian Todd on CNN is on it and Channel 8 is asking to cover the story.It’s a “Down Home Shake Down” No Horse Slaughtering In America ! Are the baseball hats selling yet ? You got the horse to walk out for live coverage and a straw hat that says ? Keep your multi-million dollar horse slaughtering business and 70% of Americans are not going for horse slaughtering in the interest of human consumption.Do they know ? Not yet but they will ! Yahoo’s hill-toppin and cut the hounds loose on Horse Slaughtering !


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