Horse News

Horse Advocates Meet In OKC To Discuss Slaughter House Issue

by Jamie Oberg of OKC News 9

Pro-Horse Press Conference Trumps Canceled Horse Slaughter Summit


Simone Netherlands (Click Image to View Video) ~ photo by Terry Fitch

Animal advocates from across the U.S. met in Oklahoma City and on-line Tuesday to talk about horse meat.

Horse slaughter is legal in the U.S. again, but they want to stop horse slaughter from happening here in Oklahoma.

Currently, horses are not being slaughtered for meat in Oklahoma or any state, but they can be sold and shipped to other countries for slaughter and food.

The horse experts who met on Tuesday told News9 slaughter supporters are trying hard to get slaughter houses here in Oklahoma. Far too often, here in Oklahoma, we see horses in need of rescue sick, abandoned and abused.

Some say it wouldn’t be this way, if we had slaughter houses.

“That’s them trying to scare Americans into thinking we actually need horse slaughter plants,” Simone Netherlands said.

Simone Netherlands went online from Oklahoma City to show what anti-slaughter/anti-breeding groups say is really happening. She is the managing director for, and wants to raise awareness and educate animal lovers and horse breeders.

“They leave the old, sick abused horses so it’s exactly the opposite of what they’re saying,” Simone Netherlands said.

It’s not hard to find horrific images online of over bred, unwanted horses sold, stacked and hauled to Mexico for slaughter, then sold to overseas markets in Asia and Europe.

“Never even thought of eating horses,” Rhona Grammer said.

Rhona Grammer thinks her neighbors are pro-slaughter and sees them selling a lot of healthy horses, so she came to learn more.

“I feel passionate about horses, I was raised in Ireland and had horses since I was a little girl,” Grammer said.

She can’t imagine anyone in Oklahoma would be for slaughter, but Netherlands says a small percentage think of horses as products.

“That’s not who we are as Americans, 80 percent are against horse slaughter,” Netherlands said. “If we open horse slaughter plants, why not just open dog and cat plants? Cause we’re doing it for this foreign industry.”

Opposers say there is another way. There’re plenty of horses that need good homes, and horse owners can pay to have their horses put down if they’re too sick or old. Or contact your lawmakers and tell them you don’t support horse slaughter.

Click (HERE) to view Video and to Comment
Click (HERE) to View Press Conference in it’s entirety

4 replies »

    This is VERY BAD….FOR EVERYTHING. This would allow BLM to REMOVE WILD HORSES FOR TEN YEARS on a CONTINUAL BASIS. They would also be burning and spraying with herbicides.
    Remember to add a comment when you sign the petition so that your name will be counted:
    Take Action: Oppose Removal of Wild Horses from Desatoya Mountains HMA
    Comments must be received by April 4, 2012.
    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carson City District-Stillwater Field Office in Nevada is seeking public input for an ill-conceived proposed “Habitat Restoration” project that will not only hurt wild horses, but also will be destructive to the environment. The TEN-YEAR PLAN plan includes a helicopter roundup of 450 to 525 wild horses in and around the Desatoya Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA) to take place in the summer of 2012 and the CONTINUAL REMOVAL removal of wild horses via bait/water trapping over the next ten years to keep wild horse population within the artificially-low “Allowable” Management Level (AML) set by the BLM.


  2. For the amount that would be required to inspect the slaughter plants, euthanasia could be sponsored for those needing assistance. It is also time for breeders to start baring more of the responsibility for what they are bringing into the world. Time for breeders to buck up and pay towards euthanasia of old, sick &/or unwanted horses. Think backyard breeders would think twice before breeding their fuglies if they needed to pay a surcharge.


    Horse slaughter plant headed to Middle TN?
    Posted: Apr 03, 2012 8:34 PM PDTTuesday, April 3, 2012 11:34 PM ESTUpdated: Apr 04, 2012 4:07 AM PDTWednesday, April 4, 2012 7:07 AM EST
    Posted by Nancy Amons – email
    A bill is expected to come up for a vote in the House Monday that its sponsor says is designed to make horse meat processing plant operators feel welcome in Tennessee.
    REP.ANDY HOLT a Republican from Dresden, says the bill would create jobs and a place for unwanted horses to die a humane death.
    “We’re trying to encourage job creation and economic development in the state of Tennessee,” Holt says.
    Holt says rural middle Tennessee is a likely location, although HE WON’T SAY WHERE OR WHO’S BEHING THE EFFORT
    “I don’t think it’s anyone’s authority to make me divulge who these people are. This has been a controversial issue,” Holt says.


  4. Uncaring people by their thoughtless disregard set these innocent horses up for such a tragic fate as cruel slaughter. THIS MUST CEASE AND NOW!!!! Have a blessed Easter/Passover and think about the message of compassion and conscientious living, reverence for life, that is common to many of the world’s religions.


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