Horse News

America’s Horses Are Counting on You

Reader Alert Issued by the ASPCA

Urge Congress to Ban Horse Slaughter in 2012

Dear Equine Advocates,

Thank you for contacting U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack last week to urge him to reject any application to operate a horse slaughter facility in the U.S. Now we need your voice again—we must remind Congress and the White House that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. Help us keep the spotlight on this important issue!

Now more than ever, it is critical that we do all we can to get Congress to pass theAmerican Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. If passed, this legislation would achieve two things: It would prohibit the export of our horses to other countries for slaughter, and it would completely ban horse slaughter for human consumption in the United States.

While there is no commercial horse slaughter occurring here currently, proponents are working to resume it. A slaughter facility in New Mexico has already applied for government approval to slaughter horses.

The ASPCA is working on many fronts to stop horse slaughter, but Capitol Hill must hear from you. The federal budget bills for 2013 are coming soon, and as advocates work to get the horse slaughter ban passed, we must also make sure that no tax dollars are allocated for inspections of U.S. horse slaughterhouses.

What You Can Do
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online right now to quickly email your U.S. senators to thank them if they have cosponsored S. 1176 or, if they have not, ask them to cosponsor the bill and stand up for America’s horses.

Please also call the White House message line at (202) 456-1111 and urge the Obama administration to stop horse slaughter! Here’s all you need to say: “Please use your power to prevent any horse slaughterhouses from opening in the U.S. and to prevent the slaughter of our horses in other countries. Horses are not raised for food. This is industry is cruel to horses and endangers consumers, who are eating a toxic product.”

Act now, before it’s too late! Thank you, America.

12 replies »

  1. thanks for the kick in the hinder mr. fitch. it seems it’s all i do these days is fight for the horseys everywhere. it’s a battle alright;;;;but every morning when i greet my sweet horses it gives me the gumption to keep it up.


  2. Done, done and done. I will tell you the best response so far came last week from Sen. Marco Rubio, R Fl. His office actually addressed the issue but failed to say what his actual stance would be. I emailed him back to press the point noting his Latin heritage gave me pause about his decision…I have yet to hear back from that yet. Think I will?


  3. I have done all of the above many times over and just did them all again. We have to keep the flow going strong opposing horse slaughter and maybe someone will finally listen to us. At the very least, I know what I’m going to do at election time.


    • I too know what I am going to do next election, Barbara. NOT vote again for betrayer Obama. Rocky Anderson will get my write-in vote.


      • Msalabama, Geez, I’ve been a democrat since 1965 but for the first time I won’t vote for a democratic president (won’t vote for a republican either). I hate not to vote but ashamed I helped to put Obama and his animal death squad in office. Betrayed!


  4. Please everyone continue to remind Congress that we need SB1176 and HR2966 passed to stop the war on horses. NO TO HORSE SLAUGHTER. Call, write, e-mail comments on Facebook, please everyone help before its too late:(


  5. Even our wild horses are in danger of being slaughtered especially with 2 pro-horse slaughter members on the BLM Advisory Board.


  6. We have all been Betrayed by the President , whom while compaining promised to to preserve the Wild Mustangs and our horses, the worst thing is he betrayed the Horses, many will be slaughtered because of him, is there any candidate we could trust to preserve our Mustangs , burros and horses……………………?????? The preservation of our horses is extremely important issue………………………………..




  7. Sgt. Reckless Aka. War Horse
    She was injured twice in this battle; once in her left flank, and once above an eye. Her ears were also hurt from barbed wire, but the injury was not a serious one. She was awarded two purple hearts for her troubles. Reckless fought so bravely, she was officially promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps while in Korea. And she retired with the additional rank of Staff Sergeant at Camp Pendleton, California.

    Other medals include the Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Unit Citation with star, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal and Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation. She wore them proudly on her red and gold blanket whenever she was paraded around at official functions and simple fun outings.

    You honor one horse and you kill her relatives, makes no sense to me!


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