Horse News

Twin Peaks Stampede Outrage

Photo’s Submitted by Leslie Peeples during first Days of Stampede

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101 replies »

  1. The use of Walmart bag whips sticks is abuse. Pure and simple. I’ve mentioned this before, but will mention again. This one abusive action has rippling consequences that may last the entire lifetime of a horse. I know from personal experience, as I have a mare who is TERRIFIED of plastic bags — well, plastic in general. Her reaction is still fear and/or violence, even after being with me for over 6 years and lots of patience and unconditional love.
    To harrass and blatantly terrorize wild animals this way demonstrates a complete lack of concern for their well-being. People who treat horses like this don’t know anything about horse behavior or trauma. All they know is abuse, and are therefore unqualified to handle America’s wild herds. They should be fired and/or prosecuted for cruelty to animals.
    These are fight or flight creatures. When they can do neither and are constantly tormented by objects that they can’t avoid or fight, an entire ugly chain reaction kicks in: Stress colic, aggression, panic, injury, complete dissociation, even death. Horses suffer PTSD. Anyone who has ever had to rehab an abused horse knows exactly what I mean.


      • Really?

        There is a difference in using it an aid and using it to beat the crap out of your horse. I have a OTT thoroughbred and she has plastic bags thrown in her face all the time when the barn throws birthday parties, camp, or Halloween. I have been riding for over 15 years and I have seen my portion of abused horses, I mainly deal with horses straight off the track and once they know what it is they usually get freaked because the wind blew and it was a fast motion.

        Walmart bags crops are for people who cant afford to buy a new one, you have no right to criticize them. Some people just leave their horses when they leave instead of saying something about that or the wild horses you are upset over walmart bags tied to the end of a stick? you need to relax and worry about your horse and not everyone else’s.


      • Katie..we are talking about wild horses here not domesticated..and yes there is a world of difference..Using any piece of “equipment” is not meant to be used as an instrument of creating fear..which is what they are doing with the wild horses..i would think that would be obvious..prior to the bags they used hotshots.


      • Let me say, this is nothing like a birthday party, but I am guessing you don’t realise some of these horses will never see another birthday …They have already been terrorized for miles by a helicopter pushing and swooping down to their backs, they are sweaty and exhausted and are in flight or fight mode, crowded in tiny pens with tiny foals and adults being trampled and knocked down, the sounds of horses hitting the panels and screaming is something you would never forget…but your main concern is because you use plastic bags in your defend it..Hey thanks for the input from left field!


  2. Those are terrible images that you describe. I feel so sorry for them all, but especially the mares and foals. To even imagine those young ones and the terror they must feel with no Mom at hand to help them.
    Something has got to give and soon.
    Oh, wormers. Ivermectin is one of the safer ones that can be given to even pregnant mares. It is broad spectrum and gets so many of the other worms the horses may have such as thread worms and neck worms and the onchocerca.
    It is the Moxidectrin that is the dangerous one.
    Thank you for reporting so that more people will know the happenings.


    • Iver mectin may be “safe” as wormers go, but would YOU give it to YOUR horse if he had been running in blazing heat for hours, then forced into trailers, trucked for miles, seperated from his family and his known world, terrorized beyond belief, stressed out beyond our ability to comprehend; would YOU do that to YOUR horse, cause I sure wouldn’t; I still don’t even work my horses lightly for 24 hours after they’re wormed, and these are horses that are on a regular deworming program.
      These people not only don’t care, they seem to derive great pleasure from the inhumanity they inflict on these horses. WOuld they run sheep and cows like this? I don’t think so. I can’t stand them, pray God Sue will know to keep her mouth shut, and how nice that Troy is, as they say, an apple that didn’t fall very far from the tree.


    • Ivermectin is very safe as far as the chemical itself. The problem comes in because it is so very thorough in it’s killing of almost all worms. If a horse is carrying a heavy load of parasites this massive die off can lead to colic and impaction. That’s why it’s recommended to use a wormer that’s not as effective first, then use the ivermectin later.

      With horses as stressed, dehydrated and exhausted as these, I would think potential problems with colic and impactions would be GREATLY exacerbated. Of course, we will never know if they killed any of the horses with ivermectin or not…


  3. It really is a credit to the strength of the mustang that most survive their first days of captivity without going into shock and dying. This is incredible strength of character that I stand and salute. Cattoors are doing everything possible to kill these horses. As I read further and further into the article my jaw dropped farther and farther. Processing these wild, well formerly wild, beauties just hours after stampeding them. Whipping at a downed horse? Uhhhh didn’t that get a lot of attention at the cattle slaughterhouse? And yes they showed that they CAN handle a horse raid with some degree (no matter how little) of intelligence altho I won’t give them caring. It’s a wonder that all the foals haven’t died altho they still have time to achieve that goal.

    I’ve been around horses maybe 20 times in my entire life and even I can get them to go where I want them to just by using my body language and taking time to observe theirs. Natural horsemanship to me is really common sense horsemanship. If I can do it then so could they but there are 2 things they don’t have that keep them from using these techniques–caring and intelligence.

    The manner in which Cattoor is handling the horses and that BLM is allowing them to is outrageous and murderous. It is coldblooded, unprovoked, malicious and unjustifiable cruelty and attempted murder. I will call Eagle Lake after I simmer down some as now I would just scream foul language and slam down the phone.


  4. And furthermore………..why doesn’t HSUS make a big press release and station some representatives there? Why doesn’t Wayne make a surprise appearance. Oh ya that would dig into their fund raising activities. Sometimes instead of talking the talk I’d like to see them walk the walk.


      • That is one of the calls I will be making today altho I’m sure I’ll get the good ol voice mail. I will also be sending them an email. Someone with more exposure to national press than we have needs to be there to document all this. Why is it that most of these images are show such cruelty that they won’t show them on primetime TV but its OK with our government to allow the acts to be done? Where is that voice that we all have inside of us that says this is wrong, don’t do what you are about to do? Has so much cruelty over so many years drowned that voice out so that it no longer speaks?


  5. Are we any different then our Mustangs? We succumb not to plastic bags but to paper with faces on it. We’re herded and prodded into lives dictated by corporate greed unable to enjoy our American Mustangs, oceans, mountain tops, air, or wilderness. Managed by the very people who’s salaries we pay to kill our horses, remove them from our land, sanctioned by our courts and our judges. No there is no difference between caged American Mustangs and the American people. We’re booth timid enough to give up our freedom by the crunching of plastic or paper, destined to live our lives in tranquility so we may be housed and fed. Only the great Mustangs brave enough to brake free and the humans brave enough to sacrifice everything can really be called the free ones.


  6. Laura — I say “Hmmmmm…” a lot! 🙂

    I’ve been discussing different issues lately with family and friends — horses, health care, the oil spill, Iraq, and so on. We all agree that there is an edge of reactivity in the air, an unsettling feeling that seems to permeate not just the wild herd debate, but every other area of our lives, as well.

    I’m working very hard at keeping even keel and not jumping to conclusions — and that’s a challenge with all of the upsetting news pouring in from observers. Still, I spend time every day thinking about everything I’m grateful for — all the people, wildlife, even the gray skies today that are allowing some coolness to settle in around me.

    I’m grateful for you, Laura, and all the good people out there who are doing such great work. Be well and stay safe!


  7. OK, fellow PATRIOTS, get busy–send out these reports to all other American citizens. There are serious threats to our wildlife and our public lands.


  8. No educated horseperson would do this to equines unless they wanted to kill as many as possible.

    I hope one of our knowledgeable vets is reviewing this report and preparing a medical expert witness evaluation and it will be used for ALL THE LAW SUITS pending and future.

    This is an abomination and there isn’t one stinking extension guidlenes handbook, college or medical text in the US that supports any of these contractors handling and processing techniques. It is a violation of accepted equine management best practices. Period….put that in your leagal filings!




    • Hi Kathleen,

      I just want to say, since we are ALL here for our Mustangs and Burros, how ’bout we ALL stick together in fighting for justice FOR THEM; instead of ‘picking’ at others.
      We all know this is an unbelieveable stresful time for them and for us as we feel more an more helpless with each day.
      The folks out at the trap sites I am positive, are NOT trying to get ‘noticed’ in the news. What they are witnessing first hand, as horse and animal lovers is excruciating for them to watch and hear.
      (I only say this because I KNOW if I were there, someone would have to SIT on me to stop me from ‘cold cockin” the first BLM/Cattoor S.O.B. I got to…)
      Let’s stick together in this fight. Use our anger and what power we DO have, and put it to work. Get pissed and send emails, phone calls, talk to friends… All for our Mustangs & Burros.
      I for one cannot express my gratitude enough to those of you who ARE in the ‘trenches’.
      God Bless you for enduring the pain and suffering you are seeing and cannot DO anything about And, for keeping us informed as much as possible.
      I am truly with you in spirit, praying for you to be safe and for our Mustangs & Burros to come out alive…


      • I don’t care what motivates the people who are on the ground–I can’t be there or God knows I would. I bless them for enduring the hot sun, the cries of the horses and the abuse and attitude handed out to them by Cattoor and BLM. The horrors of viewing this suffering gather after gather is unimagineable.The sounds of the terrified horses is something I think each and every one of these observers carry in their minds ears. A heavy burden I would think. There is no PTSD counseling for our on the ground horse warriors. These people are the only connection I have that can give an honest report of the goings on and the true pictures (literally and figuratively) of the suffering of the horses–BLM doesn’t list the horses that are injured or on what day the injuries occurred and at what point someone took notice and a vet was called in. And look how hard they have had to fight to be able to view these horrors that most would not want to see. Our eyes and ears on the ground are the only method we have. We need to work together for the horses and let the free flow of ideas hit the blogs without fear of censorship except on the part of the blog owner. If there was someone or anyone who had any ulterior motive I wouldn’t even take the time to consider this possibility as I wouldn’t care.


  10. They are completely ruining every chance for these wonderful horses to be adopted out. The mental and physical scars from this trama will last them a life time and even if someone is to actually calm and train one to become a domesticated horse. I believe that the poor animal will never truely trust humans again. I’m so tired of playing nice! I understand some are giving their all to help but I believe that the calm respectful alternative is not working. This has been going on for far to long…


    • I feel the same way. These people are instilling such fear into these horses, it may not be able to be undone.
      No empathy at all for these horses. How does it feel to have something you’re terrified of shaken at you constantly? How would any of these people react if this was done to them?


  11. I believe this outrageous behavior is purposely getting worse so they can thumb their noses at us. Gestapo tactics with innocent animals. I am beyond words. This is not my America! The Cattoors and BLM are as bad as war criminals.


    • Catherine, you are right on! Sometimes, it seems like the more & harder we fight, the worse they treat the wild horses, like they are trying to get even with us, by taking it out on the wild ones!! To commit such abuse, especially towards foals & mares, is beyond words! And, yes, WHERE is the HSUS, & other large animal welfare organizations?? Where are they, when the American wild horses & burros need them so urgently!!??


    • The taxpayers of america..the american government gets sued we foot the bill..Which is why we must challenge and keep challenging every bad decision-the horses pay with their lives and we pay with our pocketbook and heart for a torturous process that none of us wants..We as taxpayers should start suing for compensatory damages..imagine if every american taxpayer had to be compensated for the billions of wasted and squandered taxdollars.


  12. Question: Why are there so many law enforcement representatives at the Twin Peaks Wild Mustang roundup? The only law-breaking that was going on was done by the BLM. Please read the law (summary below):
    (PUBLIC LAW 92-195)
    §1331. Congressional findings and declaration of policy
    Congress finds and declares that wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people; and that these horses and burros are fast disappearing from the American scene. It is the policy of Congress that wild free-roaming horses and burros shall be protected from CAPTURE, BRANDING, HARASSMENT, OR DEATH; and to accomplish this they are to be considered in the area where presently found…”
    The horses WERE being captured, WILL be soon branded, WERE being harassed, and already one was found dead … and more will die from the BLM illegal activities. Now .. go back and read the law again.
    Very Sincerely,
    Grandma Gregg
    Grandmother of Our Future Generations of Americans


  13. I spent hours researching the use of gps units attached to cattle to document their grazing habits and how far they will move-in an effort to better manage their pasture rotations..these are private land ranchers who have spent millions to gather this extensive information-unlike their counter parts-who I have first hand knowledge of..their science..if the cows are losing weight move them off the allotment..once it is grazed to the ground.


  14. KNPR Interview with Madeleine Pickens, George Knapp, and Tom Gorey

    Wild Horses

    AIR DATE: August 11, 2010

    [audio src="" /]


    • thanks for the link, i got to the part where Tom Gorey says the AMerican Public wouldn’t like it if Mother Nature killed off the wild horses!!!! because MN can be very cruel! Better that BLM and Cattoors kill them off, because that’s less cruel??? I don’t know how anyone can be civil to these people.


      • The contractors and Feds are trying to play on the sympathies of the ignorant American Public AS AN EXCUSE TO DO THIS SADISTIC TORTURE of our American Icons re:MN.

        If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it a million times….Mother Nature did just fine for hundreds, maybe thousands of years with regard to our wild equines. I’d rather see a wild equine die from Mother Nature rather than BLM, Cattoor and company. In fact they did just fine…until the asshat humans with agendas and greed got involved.

        Mr. Gory(perfect name, don’t ya’ think?)…SHUT UP!!!!! Every time you open your mouth you sound more stupid and stupider (is that a word?). I literally get ill knowing taxpayers fund your livelihood at the destruction of a protected and revered American Icon. You probably reproduce to boot…heaven help them.


      • Last time I checked, mother nature had never “pushed” a horse off a cliff…the only thing that could terrify a horse was a wildfire, the horses even hunker down in a thunder and lightning storm..they don’t run from it…the helicopter must up the decibles in their terror alert…Here’s one for the horses murders creek in oregon the horses have been helicopter gathered so much they refused to go and they were unable to catch but 1 old stallion and his friend..good for the horses..Catoors gave up and went home going to leave it for bait trapping!


      • p.s….the lying Feds said they were taking care of the Native People’s when they removed those same peoples numerous times to eventual horrific confinement to military reservations or land that was useless….just like they say they are taking care of the wild equines because they are starving, or too many, or thirsty or whatever the excuse of the week’s roundup is. Think about it…the same lies, the same twisted, cruel logic with the same results…dead and gone; a way of life for those living beings reduced to suffering and death.


      • Definitely, Denise, the Natives, the bison, now the horses, the whole Manifest Destiny principle; they’re in the way of “progress” so they must go, the quicker the better, and I agree that ol’Tom is accurately named,


      • Of course, Gorey knows this is just a line the BLM gives out as a sound bite, but really, how many American people would even KNOW about it? We’ve seen how very uninformed the public is about the horses. If they don’t have a clue about what the BLM is doing, how would they know about a single herd having a bad winter, or whatever?

        What does the BLM do about other wildlife that get into trouble with Mom Nature? I don’t see them rounding up deer or sage grouse. Although that would make just about as much sense.

        Nature IS cruel, but she sure beats the BLM!


  15. I noticed at the “get your facts here” website of the is noted that 1 dead horse at the trap site euthanised due to unrelated gather activities..that would be the lactating mare who came in with a broken leg..not gather related??? How do you come to that conclusion she foaled and ran for miles on a broken leg..I swear if i hear one more advocate complain about “rumors” from advocates i will not be responsible for my words..I am getting sick of the lecturing..waste your breath on the other side…What are we supposed to be waiting for..the smoking gun and the dead horse with ..BLM was here>>painted on the side of it..People are convicted of serious crimes everyday based on a series of circumstancial facts and evidence and a pattern of behavior.


  16. Homeland Security had better be alerted, because OUR HOMELAND is under attack and its citizens are being threatened and intimidated.


    • Absolutely, Louie! What do you suppose would happen if WE were the ones acting in such an intimidating manner? We WOULD be turned over to Homeland Security!


  17. Here is another good site where you can post information:

    Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
    The Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute believes in the Promise of Peace on Earth in Our Lifetime as the Birthright of Our Global Human Family.


  18. Willie’s website has a catagory for animal rights and has posted quite a lot of documentation from our humane observers. This reaches even further out to more of the country.


  19. The BLM has become a rouge entity. They are thumbing their noses in disdain at all of us who pray for the freedom and safety of our beloved horses. What a tragedy, what an outrage! These poor innocent creatures being destroyed simply for being alive. Are there no laws to govern this agency?


  20. BLM gave them ivermectin, huh? Make careful note of that. Ivermectin is one of the substances that, according to new rules from the EU, removes a horse from the food chain permanently.

    I doubt they could be used for pet food either, because some dogs – individuals and breeds like Collies – are violently allergic to it. I’m not totally sure, but I don’t believe you can use it for cats at all, or at least be extremely careful. This may apply to Big Cats as well.

    Just a bit of info.


  21. Thank you for posting this, R.T. I am Canadian, but wrote to President Obama anyway.

    I went to sleep last night with the terrified nickers of the foals ringing in my ears.

    I grew in in Manitoba, heartland of PMU. I’m being spun right back to my childhood landscape, of PMU foal meat auctions, babies nursing on each others’ manes and soft noses for comfort. These beings are so precious and fragile. From my experience, they go downhill very fast when stressed and separated from their mamas.

    This roundup intensifies my resolve and efforts to end horse slaughter in Canada. I am terrified some of your mustangs will end up here.

    Please, anyone reading, go to for resources on how to end horse slaughter. Bill C-544 has been tabled in Canadian Parliament. If you’re a Canuck, you can join the fight here. Otherwise, please stay closely in touch with EWA and HSUS to help pass the US Bill to end transport to Canada and Mexico. The sooner, the better.


  22. May I suggest that right now, while you are upset and mad and sad about the treatment of the Mustangs and Burros during the Twin Peaks BLM roundup, that you each write your own “form letter” and email it to every BLM representative [these email addresses are on the BLM website-“contacts”] and to friends and family and to your local media and to your local veternarian and to your local 4H leaders and to interested celebrities [Willie Nelson, Bo Derek, Sheryl Crowe etc.]and to your congressmen and senators and to your governor and to the Dept. of Agriculture and Dept. of Interior and the President. Make your letter short, intellegent, serious and to the point but make it clear that you strongly disagree with the BLM’s shameful and illegal activities. Now is the time to speak up – not only to other advocates but to anyone who NEEDS to know. Please.


  23. I am not able to get past the first couple paragraphs at this time I am so upset. They are completely and utterly OUT OF CONTROL!


  24. Hello all, thank you for the comments.
    Someone above thought that the dead mare is one of the injured mares described in the article. This is not correct.
    That was a mare no one unfortunately really has any knowledge about.
    However I have good news on the two injured mares. Leslie was told by the BLM that they were given banamine and were reunited with their babies. Leslie went to check on this and did witness no more colick and even the lame mare with great improvement and both happy to have their babies. Well its nice to have a little good news for a change. Thank you to the Litchfield coral BLM manager who took care of it. I will be on location soon myself to further report.
    Thank you all.


    • The lactating mare with the broken leg was reported by another observer at the roundup..I read several blogs of people that were there..they reported this mare to the BLM, and as of that point she had not been put down..but I am assuming she was…they put them down for broken i am sure she would have been..and since they are only listing one death in 3 days and calling it NOT gather related but a pre existing would be that mare.and that would mean there would be at least one orphan, if it didn’t get left or die in the maybe you know that there were actually 2 mares put down instead of the 1 they listed..I am just going with BLMs fact sheet..because we know that is accurate.


  25. Clarification: I do not know which one is the dead mare, all I know for a fact is that the mares I reported on in this article above, are doing better than yesterday, are reunited with their babies and are not dead. Thank you. Simone.


    • Today’s News

      Simone Netherlands: Leslie was allowed brief access to the Litchfield corrals and documented 26 babies including very small ones in a pen with only 4 mares. They were screaming for their mothers who were all scattered in different corrals calling back out to them. Also one lactating mare down with a broken leg and another colicking severely in a different pen. It is 90 degrees and we have 26 babies starving and dehydrating.
      This was a bulletin from EWA, if this is incorrect information attributed to you-you might want to correct them.


  26. While we all hold our breath for the health of the horses a bit of good news is certainly welcome. Thanks for posting Simone. It’s hard being there but its hard not knowing–your taking the time to report even though I know you must be exhausted is greatly appreciated.


  27. Good news??? the only good news I want to hear is that there has been a moratorium called on the roundups..this started with a gut shot colt at the waters edge..I saw 2 morons high fiving because they had seperated a shell shocked foal from its mother..i saw 2 horses with their pelvic bones wedged between panels as they were crowded in the alley, I saw exhausted soaking wet sweaty horses, and then i find they went to processing them before even allowing them to drink…Yes that they didn’t kill them all is good news if you want to look at it that way-pardon me if i don’t seem charitable right now, but it wasn’t long ago that I took a flying trip into the Owyhee in the middle of the night to see why they were killing horses there


    • Sandra…this is gutwrenching…on top of everyting else..from Maureen Harmonay .”“The wild horse advocate observers agree that the horses had been worked long before the public observation to bring them around the trap from far reaching areas so as to herd them into the trap in large numbers, and many of the horses were soaking wet and bleeding in various parts of their bodies. Some had big contusions on the hips. Others were bleeding from the nostrils…”
      We cannot remain helpless.


      • Hi Christy (or is your entire first name Christy Lee?),

        Do you have a link to Maurens entire report please? I would like to save it in its entirety.


      • Yes we are finding out they are pregathering these horses out of the public eye..In the case of owyhee…they closed the gate so that horses could not migrate out when water sources dry up as i have witnessed on other HMAs, then the roundup was postpone because of it being a distraction for a hunting season…was there a water shortage..only manmade, they drove them to areas with limited water sources, there is an autopsy report that was read by an advocate that showed high levels of lactic acid which would indicate they died from heat exhaustion..the BLM and Catoors are denying this..we will see how this plays out


      • If BLM and Cattoor-(WTF would Cattoor know about lab tests?) are playing games with documents that is another illegal act perhaps? Except their boss already set an example by falsifying reports and got NO punishment what so ever. Not even an official reprimand.


      • wonder too if the cartoors are throwing rocks out of the helicoptors aswell, to get the horses moving faster. rubber bullets? would not put this past them to make those horses run! noticed at their reservation clearing they had loud speaker sounds off the helicoptor, are they using high freq. sounds also?
        Everyone always mentions the horrible banging sounds of horses in the trailers/ at BLM facilities and the cries of horses. Good quality sound recording would go a long way for the public to understand how horrid this is for animals. I can’t see how anyone would turn their backs after listening to 3 or 4 mins of wild horses first crammed into those damned trailers.

        Seems they are quite frustrated with horses dodging the traps, now using 2 helicoptors and also forced to use fiberglass? rods with walmart/ (wonder if walmart like that advertising lol) bags tied instead of shock sticks. Make it look like they are rustling bags near, but if those are fiberglass rods, they hurt a lot if they are hitting with those.


    • There is still a full lawsuit to come on the Owyhee, the TRO and contempt charges are preliminary filings, there will be a chance for the full discovery process-Many pieces of evidence can be obtained without going thru the long stalling FOIA process and appeals..those that perjure or try to destroy evidence, can face individual one will be immune, there are so many coverups to tear apart and lies that have been told…and so much of the story not revealed as of yet..


  28. California has had, in the past, a pretty good track record in animal welfare. There must be some representatives, assemblymen, or state senators that should be notified of this round-up.


  29. Thank you for the factual reporting of this horrific abuse of Americas last wild horses.

    I don’t understand why the State of California their state agencies for dept of transportation and animal control allow this contractor to continue.

    These contractors have violations of state laws for basic animal care-safe transport of animals and the use of public roads with grossly overloaded trailers.

    What will it take for Ca. to take action? The start of more wildfires with the contractors ATVs driving all over the public lands?. The crashing or breaking out of a side of the overloaded trailers and possible release of wild horses on a public road? The helicoptor stunt aircraft crashing into humans?


  30. We have tried Obama and he obviously could careless about the suffering of these horses. The Natural Resources Congressional Committe is charged with among other things our public lands and as we know Rahall is on our side. Perhaps if we call them with our outrage they can take more aggressive action to stop the BLM. The contact for the subcommittee on public lands is 202 226-7736.
    Visit the website and it is obvious that they share our views.


  31. RT
    As I was driving home from WY a thought occurred to me…! If all these cattlemen are allowed grazing permits–why can’t “we” (the horse advocates and others of similar interests) lease the HMA lands–for the horses so they can be protected from harassment etc.

    What would be involved? Or is this basically what MP wants to do???

    I would love to start with the Pryors and move on to each HMA.

    Thoughts???? Ideas???


    • We do lease the lands with our tax dollars and the 1971 Law protecting wild horses and burros! This land is paid for by you and me and set aside specifically for the horses. The BLM ignores the LAW. The BLM breaks the law. They thumb their nose at the law, the American people and the wild horses. They are a rogue agency just like the former MMS. No accountability whatsoever.


      • Yes, I believe you are correct with the exception that we do not lease the land that was set aside for the wild horses and burros … WE OWN IT!


    • Simple answer – we already pay for the land – its called taxes.

      Simple solution, stop giving tax dollars to cattle ranchers and leave the wild horses alone.

      I was reminded today on the radio show on Big Blend that our horse account for only 2% of all grazing anaimals on only 1% of Public Land.

      What is wrong with this picture?

      Should we have pay more to house horses that already have land taken away from them?

      Of course the real answer is not as simple as the problem or obvious solution.


    • And I meant to say – we will pay for Pickens and Kundra plans – I do hope Pickens goes through, I’m staying out of the Kundra deal – and I will gladly pay more for horses to be out of short term holding – however, not if it is permananet deal – it mus be transitional until better rational and science based long term programs are in place and managed by the right people.


  32. Thanks Faith, for the phone number of the subcommittee on public lands. I will certainly call them tomorrow to express my outrage with the BLM and their roundups of our beautiful, innocent and helpless wild horses. It’s such a disgrace in how they’re handling them, with no compassion or consideration for their well being. It appears they’re hell bent on trying to round up as many and as quickly as possible. This whole situation is very concerning and the outcome for our wild horses quite frightening. We must do every thing we can to protect and give them the freedom they deserve,


    • I can’t remember offhand who it is but there was a horse org that got grazing leases and did not graze cattle and now the feds are going after them. It might have even be Western Watershed who got the leases, I really can’t recall.


      • Morgan, I remember that also – it’s here on the blogs somewhere. It recieved no follow up – I have asked about it a couple of more times since with no follow up – so I dropped it.

        Madeline Pickens has indicated that she is purchasing land without knowing if BLM will even allow anything but cattle to graze – seems odd that BLM should be able to tell people they can only graze cattle and not horses? Just more arrogance.


  33. I called the subcommittee on public lands and was told they can do nothing more ; since they have talked with Bob Abbey ,and that WHOA will have to be passed by the Senate. I replied that I think by the time that ever happens it will be too late ;and that a Congression investigation needs to be done ,and that they should nail Salazar’s hide to the wall. I will never make the mistake of voting for Obama again.
    I know Rahall and Grijalva are concerned and doing their best but it’s too bad we don’t have some Republicans that can use this issue to get some action.


    • Barbara and All,
      Thank you for your help but of course you must know that you will receive either a “put off” like you received from your call to the subcommittee or you will be completely ignored … as we have been from BLM and others. Do not give up. You must be the voice of these wild horses and burros. Also, when you do get a “put off” like you did today, please think about responding that there is no reason to wait for another law to be passed – there is a law already that very clearly states that the actions of the BLM and their associates is ALREADY ILLEGAL! All of us need to memorize and use the words of the Congressional law that IS ALREADY in place when discussing this subject with friends or foes. It is the law and is being broken this very minute.
      Please read the law (summary below):
      (PUBLIC LAW 92-195)
      §1331. Congressional findings and declaration of policy Congress finds and declares that wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people; and that these horses and burros are fast disappearing from the American scene. It is the policy of Congress that wild free-roaming horses and burros SHALL BE PROTECTED from CAPTURE, BRANDING, HARASSMENT, OR DEATH; and to accomplish this they are to be considered in the area where presently found…”
      The horses at the Twin Peaks Roundup these past few days WERE being captured, WILL be soon branded, WERE being harassed, and already at least one horse has DIED … and more will die from the BLM illegal activities. Now .. go back and read the law again and again until you understand these roundups must stop NOW!


      • Hey, Grandma, I contacted Dianne Feinstein’s office today and too was put off with a lot of nonsense. But you can bet I will call again. Maybe give a pop quiz on wild horses to the person I educated today. Hee-hee.


  34. I am a Canadian who wants to encourage you to keep fighting for the mustangs. Canada has never even had a conservation law to reference. We once had thousands of mustangs, from the same Spanish stock as yours.

    When I was a little girl, we took the train through Alberta and BC. A band of wild horses raced alongside, a bay mare in front, a palomino stallion behind. This was around 1965.

    Their descendants have been shot and slaughtered. Our government even made mustangs bounty animals. By the early ’70’s, ranchers had shot most of them, or sent them to slaughter. They claimed the horses were “pests,” invading cattle pastures.

    In 2008, the BC government paid Natives in our interior region to shoot mustangs for wolf bait. The Natives trapped as many as they could, kept a few for riding, and either shot or slaughtered the rest.

    We now have only 1-200 wild horses in Canada, in a tiny piece of BC land called the Brittany Triangle. Their “guardians” are the same people who shot and slaughtered them.

    The wild heart has been ripped out of our country. Keep fighting for your mustangs. Follow their adopters, make sure they’re not coming up here in kill trucks. Keep fighting to ban transport to Canada.

    Canadians are polite on top, and quietly vicious beneath.


  35. I think we all are familiar with the WFRH&B Act but it has been amended to the point that it is no longer effective although there are some parts of it being broken . We agree that the roundups must be stopped now also since 85% of the herds are no longer genetically viable and sustainable. My point in calling was to urge them to do something. I was told they’d done an investigation but I replied the latest GAO report was not an investigation. They need to get Salazar before a committee and “put their boots on his neck”. Rahall and Grijalva did write Salazar a letter with 32 other Reps. signing it but he ignored even them.


  36. It was Western Watersheds Project that the BLM went after because they had no cattle grazing but last I heard WWP won the case.


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