Day: March 2, 2012

EWA and Angel Acres say “In Your Face” Horse Slaughter Supporting AQHA

The Equine Welfare Alliance (EWA) has planted a eye-catching billboard graphically saying “Stop Slaughtering Us” with two companion horses pictured on Texas Interstate 40 just a stone’s through away from the slaughter promoting AQHA’s Museum in Amarillo, Texas. EWA funded the installation which is part of a national network of public awareness billboards promoting the well being of American equines from the onslaught of predatory horse slaughter perpetuated and promoted by such organizations as the American Quarter Horse Association. Angel Acres has been the organizer of the network and has multiple billboards posted around the country in locations that could possibly make a difference in alerting the public to the subversive and collusive activities of a handful of politicians, organizations and individuals who wish to bring the bloody business of horse slaughter back to the U.S. so that foreign business’s can profit from butchering and then dining upon the drug laced flesh of American equines. The billboard guides motorists to the pro-horse websites of and

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