Horse News

Audio Post: Declan Gregg live in D.C.

Declan Gregg and Congressman Moran ~ photo by Terry Fitch

Declan Gregg only moments after speaking before the Capitol Building for EWA’s Children’s Letter Writing Campaign…which was so successful that it will be continued, watch for further news from EWA.

27 replies »

  1. Thanks for posting! RT, you and Declan are awesome!!! I saw Declan on C-Span last night. What a great kid, and your coverage of his efforts has been really inspiring.


    • You are sooooo right! Debi of Stolen Horse International has said that very same thing on so many occasions! We WILL remember!


  2. I think some of us were looking for a hero, a person in postion, or power or celebrity to get our message out to the media and Public…. but here is Declan Gregg, 9 yrs old, and here is our hero.


  3. Declan Gregg has a very bright future ahead. Here is little child, who has more compassion and wisdom than most adults have brains, and he is going before the adults of our government and showing them, by his courage and compassion, what they have forgotten, or chosen to ignore. I can’t believe he didn’t touch them in some way to get them to looking at their actions and maybe even getting some of them to question their ways. He truly is what a hero should be!! Thank you Mr. Fitch for sharing this moment for those of us who couldn’t be there.


  4. thank you, Declan, for all your work to help save the horses. And thank you, too, to RT who took the time to be in Washington.


  5. LOVE the audio posts!!! GO Declan! What a courageous and creative young man! And a huge resounding applause for ALL the youngsters involved in this letter writing campaign! Team effort is everything.


  6. Great Job, Declan!! We are so proud of you for standing up for the horses..(the innocent ones)..
    I love the audio posts that let us get the latest updates! I live in Greenland also… your determination and courage is so amazing!!…..a true inspiration to the rest of the world!!
    Thank you R.T. & Terry also, for your devotion to the ones who cannot speak for themselves.
    Wish that I could have been there…..


  7. A big ” Thank you ” to Declan, RT and so many others who are speaking out and standing up for our horses. It must have been an exciting time for Declan today and because he cares so deeply, the whole experience must have been very moving and exciting for him. Keep up the good work, Declan and never give up for what you believe in!


  8. So proud of Declan and his courage and detication and for standing up for a cause he believes so strongly in……I am in awe of this young man and am honored to know he is OUR spokesperson…


  9. It is a good day when a group of strong people speak up for the wild horses of America. I am thrilled to have Declan take my letter and book “Wind, Wild Horse Rescue” with him to DC to give to President Obama! I pray that Congress can open their hearts and ears and eyes to what is happening to these innocent animals. They will need everyone’s help now and for future generations to understand too. The children of today will protect them years from now. It is a forever battle to protect these mustangs as living legacies. best wishes to all the warriors out there, especially Declan, RT Fitch and Vick Tobin!


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