Horse News

Children’s “Million Horse March” Letter Writing Campaign Press Conference

America’s Youth Mobilize to Save Horses from Slaughter

11 replies »

  1. I yell and scream at Washington daily about the horses in our country…Maybe they’ll listen to the children!


  2. These kids are so inspiring! So wonderful to see a new generation of caring, responsible people willing to get involved and seeking justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Just awesome. 🙂


    • Over on the facebook page Million Horse March, for the letter writing campaign, they say they need more letters ASAP… so if anyone knows a class, or girl scouts, or 4H that can quickly send some letters, please do it right away. Even if your own kid or neighbor’s children would send in letters, it will help.


  3. I have always said the children are out saviors.. Some people say that they cannot make a change because they are only one person. It looks like that philosophy is not cutting it. Here is a young man who said, he will make a difference just like each and every one of us. I sure hope that he gets thousands and thousands of letters supporting his case. He just might get the ball rolling even faster…sort of looks like some theme from the Christmas movie where they tried to discredit
    Santa Claus.. Anyway, I am praying Declan as he approaches the Legislators…


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