Horse News

Experts Calling for Horse Slaughter Ban Unite at 2012 American Equine Summit

Information supplied by the Equine Welfare Alliance

American Public Wants Ban on Horse Slaughter, NOW

Chatham, N.Y. (EWA) – Horse experts from across the country will converge on Equine Advocates Rescue & Sanctuary in Chatham, New York for the 2012 American Equine Summit on Saturday, March 31st and Sunday, April 1st with one objective – to reverse the damage done by Congress in Nov. 2011 by mobilizing an effective grassroots movement to end the slaughter of America’s horses in the US and abroad. The attendees will be comprised of press, lawmakers and those involved with equine welfare and the horse industry. Interested parties are encouraged to “like” Equine Advocates on Facebook, follow us on Twitter@EquineAdvocates, and for live updates during the Summit, use the following hash tag: #AES2012.

“It’s just plain wrong when lobbies for the Agriculture and Quarter Horse industries can influence members of Congress to supersede the will of the more than 80% of Americans who want a federal ban on horse slaughter,” said Susan Wagner, President of Equine Advocates. “The ‘eighty percenters’ deserve to be heard. Instead, lawmakers controlled by special interests prevailed and gave horse slaughter proponents exactly what they wanted. It’s not only egregious, it’s downright un-American.”

The Summit will be opened by legendary concert promoter and horse lover, Ron Delsener. Two new speakers have been added – Dr. Caroline Betts, who will discuss the discrepancies in the 2011 GAO report on the closings of horse slaughterhouses in the US, and former US Congressman John Sweeney (R-NY), who was the primary sponsor for the successful passage of H.R. 503, the House version of the 2006 American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.

Other speakers include Cathleen Doyle, former head of the California Equine Council and Save the Horses, John Holland, President Equine Welfare AllianceDr. Kraig J. Kulikowski, D.V.M., Katia Louise, director of the film, “Saving America’s Horses,” Victoria McCullough who helped pass Florida’s “Equine Protection Act of 2010,” Jo Anne Normile of Saving Baby Equine Charity and founder of CANTER andPaula Bacon, former Mayor of Kaufman, Texas who led the fight to close Dallas Crown, a horse slaughterhouse operating in Kaufman.

Said Bacon, “I believe a horse slaughter plant is among the very least desirable things a community would want.  It ranks with a lead smelter plant and strip clubs, the dead opposite of economic development. A horse slaughter plant creates big, expensive environmental problems for taxpayers and stigmatizes the community as ‘that place where they slaughter horses’ – and good development goes elsewhere.”

States currently trying to reopen horse slaughter plants include Oregon, Missouri and Tennessee.

9 replies »

  1. Susan Wagner is absolutely right….the ‘eighty percenters’ have a right to be heard and what’s happening is down-right un-American! The Summit, with it’s many professional and knowledgeable speakers should be very interesting and informative. The unequivocal damage created by re-opening horseslaughter plants will and should be addressed.


  2. So disappointed in Washington State, and any others following such a sorry lead…it is not money that is the root of all evil, it is the LOVE of money…so much of world these days revolves around the “dirty green” and it is a crying shame and a horrible testament to who we are, and what we, as a “civilised” society, have become.


  3. We cannot ever stop fighting these Dregs of Society. It appears that they are using all avenues to try and push this through and get these companies of Death open. Americans on a whole need to wake up and see what is happening to our country. Foreign investors are trying to take over and buy our natural resources, while we are sold a bill of goods …jobs, the economy and mores BS..
    What we need to do is compile a list of all these companies who want to open the slaughter houses here and blast their country’s President, telling him/her to keep their companies in their own countries, We should be sending emails to publications within their countries regarding our positions regarding the slaughter of American horses and other equines.. Foreigners sometimes laugh at us because some of our citizens are so guilable and will do anything for the money..We need to let the rest of the World see that WE as a Nation do not want them here. Paula Bacon did a wonderful job in Texas. However, Gail Vacca should also have been added to the list of speakers. Gail NEVER gave up fighting Cavel, Intl, but gathered support to get our bill passed in Illinois. Chris Hyde was there with us until the end fighting with our group. Representative Bob Molero was our CHAMPION. He carried the bill right up to the passage..I too was present at just about every committee meeting listening to all the false information that is now repeating itself. We seriously need to be blasting these companies and tying up their faxes and what ever. On a final note, we need to pray for all those equines who have left us and promise to them that, WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT. We need to recruit our friends and families to also make contacts.
    In closing on this Palm Sunday, let the FORCE OF THE HORSE BE WITH YOU as we continue to free our horses and other equines from capture and slaughter.


  4. This is a classic conflict of good versus evil. The strong must stand up for the innocent and the voiceless. What we know about human nature is that there will always be temptation, and we must always be vigilant.

    I doubt if anyone has had a chance to see it yet, but I highly recommend “The Hunger Games”. I think we horse welfare advocates see the dark side in our government right now which in the book and in the movie is supposed to be futuristic. But you see a very callous society absent of empathy. On the other hand and what some of our courageous advocates who are giving this cause just about everything they have to give, the main character is the embodiement of sacrificial love with a strong moral compass. These books have taken young people and adults by storm. I hope Sue Wallis and her fellow conspirators realize they have aroused the inner Katniss of thousands of Americans.


  5. Having Ann Romney in the White House would greatly help getting horse slaugher banned in the U.S.!! She is a horse owner, horse lover and dressage rider! 🙂


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