Horse News

Breaking News: Mountain Grove Rejects Horse Slaughter Plant

Information supplied by the Equine Welfare Alliance

“Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Company Crash and Burn!

The lies finally catch up to $ue Walli$

Mountain Grove, MO (EWA) – A much publicized proposal to locate a horse slaughter plant in Mountain Grove, Missouri was soundly rejected by the Mountain Grove town council tonight. The meeting was attended by a capacity crowd of about 300, with many people being turned away and others sitting in areas where they could not see or hear.

The plan, proposed by Sue Wallis of Unified Equine, was to use land just east of the town of Mountain Grove to build a facility to slaughter horses. Wallis had claimed that she chose the location because people in the area were “100% behind what we are doing and 100% behind how we are going to do it.”

The first cracks in her plan happened just days earlier when Dr. Temple Grandin, who Wallis said was to design the plant, publicly stated that she knew nothing about it.

According to Wallis, Chevideco NV, a Belgium corporation with slaughter houses in several countries, was to be her backer and partner. Chevideco was the company that owned the Dallas Crown slaughter house in Kaufman Texas. In 2007, Dallas Crown was closed under an old state law.

Cynthia MacPherson of MacPherson Law Center in Mountain Grove made a blistering and lethal case against the plant. Unfortunately for Wallis, the decades long record of their many sewer and environmental violations was brought out at the meeting along with many other disturbing facts. In just 19 months of operation the plant had 481 sewer violations. At one point the town of Kaufman had ordered Dallas Crown closed, but the plant had managed to delay the order through a protracted legal battle.

At the end of her presentation, MacPherson showed a power point presentation detailing the devastation of communities caused by Dallas Crown and two other horse slaughter facilities.

In a document supplied to the town, Wallis had addressed some of the issues she knew would surface. On crime, she said it was not likely that crime would increase as a result of the slaughter plant, but MacPherson showed that the closure of Dallas Crown resulted in a huge reduction of crime, discrediting Wallis’ prediction.

* Murders dropped from an average of .5/100,000 a year to 0.
* Rapes dropped from an average of 6/100,000 a year to 0.
* Robberies dropped 65%
* Assaults dropped 61.2%
* Thefts dropped 71.2%
* Auto thefts dropped 83.3%

Wallis held a place on the agenda which she delegated to Roger Lindsey of IDC (Intercity Development Council), the owner of the land in question. The IDC is consortium of which Mountain Grove owns a one-sixth share.

The community opposition was nearly unanimous and when Roger Lindsey rose to speak in favor of the plant he was booed and heckled. The Mayor gaveled the crowd down three times and threatened to clear the room if order was not restored.

The plant is the third announced publicly by Sue Wallis. In recent years she had announced that she was going to use the Cheyenne Stockyards as a mustering point for horses, and when that did not materialize she announced a plan to build a mobile slaughtering facility that would travel around Wyoming slaughtering horses. Reports indicate she is going to try other towns in Missouri.

In a quote to Equine Welfare Alliance, Cynthia MacPherson said “if they move their plans to another town, we will be right behind them!”

81 replies »

  1. Cynthia was wonderful! I am glad she is on our side! Sue is going down because Missouri advocates rock! The crowd was at least 80% anti! Gee imagine that…..We rocked it! !


  2. WTG Ladies! You are truly awesome individuals that I am very proud to know!! It ain’t over but there’s no doubt you will continue to blow her out of the saddle she’s never even put on a horse. God be with you!



    Thank you Cynthia MacPherson for saving your community from sewer and environmental threats and a public health hazard. Thank you for showing that, once again, Wallis’ assumptions were flat out wrong. On crime, Wallis said it was not likely that crime would increase as a result of the slaughter plant, but MacPherson showed that the closure of Dallas Crown TX resulted in a huge reduction of crime, discrediting Wallis’ prediction. Murders dropped from an average of .5/100,000 a year to 0., Rapes dropped from an average of 6/100,000 a year to 0., Robberies dropped 65%, Assaults dropped 61.2%, Thefts dropped 71.2%, Auto thefts dropped 83.3%. Horse slaughter brings national outrage, tourist boycotts,contamination and sanitary hazards, shame and litigation. Mt. Grove was just saved from this predatory industry’s harm and its imminent consequences which are no good for any community nor the very horses targeted. There are alternatives and efforts to curb over-breeding must be addressed. The saga of job creation, economic boost etc. are a fairy tale that has never been materialized in any existing horse slaughter plant nor community, ever. It is a clever ploy to brainwash unsuspecting folks and I congratulate Mt. Grove for standing up and making a stand against this hideous industry.


  4. What fantastic news. SS we will follow you to whatever town you try to screw up. Cynthia, you are awesome. This has made my day. Our beautiful equines can breathe a sigh of relief tonight, knowing that we will fight for them forever to put down those that want to harm our icons. We can get a good nights sleep tonight to fight again tomorrow. God Bless All that had a hand in this WIN.


  5. I really wonder why Temple Grandin has not sued Slaugherhouse for continually using her name in connection with her half-baked slaughtering plans. Temple had previously told her to quit using her name. I would love to see a suit filed as an announcement to the the world that SH is lying from beginning to end. The only truth is Suey’s hook-up with the slime that ran Dallas Crown.


  6. I commend the townspeople of Mountain Grove, Missouri for getting out to this meeting and letting the horse killers know ONCE AND FOR ALL they are NOT going to have a horse slaughtering facility in their hometown! And RIGHT ON and KUDOS to you, Cynthia!! With truth and facts in hand, you blasted WALLIS and her cronies right through the wall! She must be sooooooooooo humiliated right now. off licking her wounds somewhere hiding out.


    • In order for Sue to realize she should be humiliated she would first have to have half a brain. Based on that criteria my guess is she feels just fine and is now looking for the next town to victimized.


    • Doubtful. She is probably on a conference call to Charlie Stenholm, Bob Abbey, Cynthia Lummis, Max Bacchus, John Falen, Tom Lenz, Jack Kingston, Mindy Patterson, Frank Bowman, Herb Kohl, Harry Reid, Conrad Burns, et al.

      It would be wonderful if we could just export these folks to the exotic island of Alcatraz where they could grow vegetables and eat whatever meat they could catch sans any electronic devices so that the rest of the civilized world would not have to be reminded of their presence, but alas that is only a dream.

      On the other hand, perhaps the House and Senate will realize that the American people are ahead of them on the learning curve, and we expect them to pass legislation to ban horse slaughter and the transportation of our horses for the purpose of slaughter. Furthermore, due to the type of black industry horse slaughter is, it should be illegal for horse slaughter to become legal in this country through either riders or ear marks. Any such facilities should be closed forever unless this legislation is fully debated on the floors of both houses and signed into law by the President—and not a part of any other legislation. It is outrageous that one to three members of Congress have forced the American people to have to deal with this evil.

      It is not just the inhumanity of the slaughter process itself, though that would be bad enough. It is every person, every system that even touches the slaughter of horses or the horses destined for slaughter. It may not have always been this way, but there can be no hiding what it has been in recent history and what it is now

      To the good people of Mountain Grove, may your community be blessed by the awareness that the good people of Mountain Grove are willing to stand up and do what is right. You have made it feel good once again to wake up and be an American.


  7. I love this quote: Cynthia MacPherson said “if they move their plans to another town, we will be right behind them!” These horse killers need tar and feathering, run out of town with no where to hide. Let Sue crawl back under her rock. This is fantastic news to see the town stand up to Sue and do the right thing!


  8. YES! A light shining in all of the darkness. Let there be Light in ALL of the dark corners. This battle is truly bringing out the Best of the Best. These are the REAL Americans


  9. Save our horses and make fiends with cowboys or cowgirls.Call for more comment interest people by the equinemingle.{c,om}.


  10. @Jan Meyers–imagine that, 80% against–just what every poll says the American people say! Just hoping if Slaughterhouse Sue tries to move this to Kansas (which tried to pass a resolution in favor of horse slaughter last year that got tabled), that Cynthia comes along.


  11. So so happy to read this, good morning to all…Sue go back to Recluse and stay a recluse, would ya….


  12. Three Big Cheers for all at Mountain Grove, Mo hip hip hooray !!!!!!!! Thank you !!!!! Take That pro horse slaughter people , 80% of America will continue to fight for what they believe in and love OUR HORSES…………………………


    • There is a thing as common decency, it is alive and well right there is Mountain Grove, to bad for you and your kind !!!!


    • Stitt is correct. It ain’t over ’til it’s over! This was just a feeler with the very real possibility of more hearings, especially if the company files an application. Since this could be on the horizon, I’d start a petition now to put it on the ballot at the next election. That’s how we get rid of things people oppose, but our “deaf” City Council approves, around here. It goes for our equally-deaf County Commisioners as well. Our pols take notice when their personal positions are linked to something people don’t want.


  13. May God continue to bless the United states of America. How much longer is this SS in office? I still can’t believe anyone voted for her to do anything, but disappear.


  14. Most beautiful news to wake up to on this sunny March morn! I was nervous last night but knew that truth & justice prevails…but as we know, sometimes not. My ❤ to advocates who were there, and all who, again, banded together against this darkness. "Its better to light just one little candle; All you need's a tiny spark; And if everyone lit just one little candle…" Aforementioned corny maybe, but last night Mountain Grove 's light was there so bright for ALL America to see.


  15. Ain’t it a shame that SS once again finds herself on the outside of decency? NOT IN BRIMSTONE’s FIRE! (sorry to the Disney horse named Brimstone)


  16. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! Many thanks to all of you who made this possible! The horses so need our support.

    Fight them till Hell freezes over, then fight them on the ice!


  17. Happy Birthday, Jan Myers. And many thanks and congratulations to Cynthia MacPherson, the citizens of Mountain Grove, and all of you (including me) who wrote and posted and cared and defeated this plant. I expect you know also that the Illinois legislature yesterday did not vote to approve of horse slaughter plants in illinois. We need to be alert to any new proposals in the U.S.

    Thanks a whole lot to R.T. for keeping us informed and giving us a way to help the horses.


  18. This good news just made my day! SW will soon find out what “80% of the American public is opposed to horse slaughter” really means! Denial will get her nowhere. Great work everyone involved in this effort – and thank you!


  19. In my opinion Sue Wallis is mentally deranged. I don’t believe any normal person would have pursued slaughter of horses the way Wallis has. I think she attempted to use Grandin using a comments taken out of context, and without the permission of Grandin. Wallis in my opinion is a loathesome person, beyond evil.

    Roger Lindsey sounds equally as heinous as Wallis, and it appears to me that they are just two greedy, unethical persons who would stoop so low as to commit the uncivilized and barbaric killling of our beautiful horses for personal gain. Horses were the life’s blood of this country for many years. I would love it if those who threaten these horses and who have caused their near destruction would leave this country.


  20. 80% of Americans are against horse slaughter . That’s the number. Any questions? That’s the vote. Why do pro-kill people not get it? not respect it? try to get us to change our mind? They aren’t changing their stand on the issue! Do they think that money (greed–there will be employment and offal) and platitudes (lies–It’s good for the horses),and videos (graphic—it only took 11 shots to drop that terrified animal) are going to change our position? Even ” Not in my back yard” works for me! 80% says it all.


    • sorry but your 80% of american ppl are against it the POLLS were only given to 1000 ppl thats not even 1% of the american ppl


      • There is not just one poll that says that. Many, many polls have been taken and every time except the one taken by a cattle association paper, and the American Horse Council one, all have been 60% plus against horse slaughter for years. You only deny the polls because you have nothing else to go on. The American people do not want horse slaughter and that is that.


      • stitt:

        You fail to recognize the poll process, the credibility of those that attempt (do) them, the inability of Congress to recognize their constituency, K Street/lobbyists and the lie that is US food production/safety.

        And yes, multiple polls have been done and that is a feat in and of it’s self.

        The AVMA, AQHA, Arabian association won’t even conduct one inside their own membership. What does that tell you? Nevermind….because that is what you do about HCHS.


      • Press Release from the Equine Welfare Alliance

        Americans Repulsed by Concept of Butchering and Feasting Upon Companion Animals
        Chicago (EWA) – A poll conducted in January by Lake Research Partners for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) found that 80% of Americans are strongly opposed to horse slaughter. The highly respected research group based its survey on 1,008 voters giving the results a 3% margin of error. The poll found opposition was consistent across all sectors, including horse owners.

        The findings are all the more remarkable given the huge media effort that was mounted by the horse slaughter lobby following the closing of U.S. based horse slaughter plants in 2007.

        While the effort appeared to have worked on Congress, causing them to restore funding for horse slaughter inspections, it had the opposite effect on voter opinion. A similar poll performed a decade earlier indicates that opposition to horse slaughter has increased by almost 10%.


  21. YIPEEE!! I have a new hero and her name is Cynthia MacPherson! So Suey is going to try for another town in Missouri? And Cynthia will be right there to call out your lies again. And yes, Gandin should sue the b**ch and maybe that would shut her up once and for all. She, Baucus and Blunt should all crawl back under a rock and stay there. So looking forward to Oklahoma!!


  22. thank god this horrible woman and her dispicible plan failed!!! Horses have done so much for humans, AND this country!!!, how can anyone think this is a good idea!! I am outraged! shame on her and her partners!! Mustangs especially are a part of our country’s history, (whats left of them) we should be protecting them!!! not slaughtering them!!
    Beautiful, Majestic, In
    telligent creators, how can anyone think slaughtering them is okay!!


  23. Wondering whether Cynthia MacPherson, of MacPherson Law Center in Mountain Grove
    would make her Powerpoint presentation available to others fighting the cause? Evidently it was powerful and persuasive! Many thanks to Cynthia and her firm. If anyone in the area needs an attorney be sure to look them up! I’m sending a thank you card!


  24. What wonderful news!!!! Two big shut downs for the Dregs of society…Illinois did not move this out of commitee and now Ms MacPerson did a wonderful job in Mountain Grove, MO. I am going to write their town council and thank them along with Ms MacPherson… As Americans we love our horses both wild and domestic. We cherish our little burros, ponies and other equines as well. We need to send these foreign companies packing and make it perfectly clear that their torturious companies are not wanted here..We must keep up this momentuem and get our bill passed in DC once and for all!!!! May the Force of the Horse be with you all as we battle these Dregs of our society!


  25. R.T. thanks for serving as the editor, author, and publisher of the daily news for equine welfare advocates.

    Your blog has created a sense of community for concerned horse people and people concerned about horses, their communities, and the implications our laws have for our country to come together, share information, and work together to create solutions.


  26. That dude on the video said he thought it was a good idea that would help out those poor, unfortunate people that found themselves unable to sell, give away or even feed their horses. WOW, that reporter found the MOST uninformed person in that town to interview! Ummm, excuse me Mr. Stupid Man, but when Sue and her UE partners announce that they’re not only going to kill and butcher up to 400 horses per day, in ONE place, but they are also going to CLONE and CREATE MORE horses to kill and butcher, I think that pretty much negates the tiny excuse of helping the poor folks to dispose of their unwanted ponies. And, why in the heck would SW claim to have 100% of the MO folks on board? What a wild, ridiculous, and WISHFUL statement to make. Especially when you consider how hard the good folks of MO have been working to shut down puppy mills. But, when their own gov’t abandoned them on that front, it must have sent a message to SW that the gov’t can most DEFINITELY be swayed to do the wrong thing. However, she has to go up against the cities and towns themselves, and THAT’s where the people REALLY get to express their opinion!! GREAT work ladies!!! Thank GOD we, and the horses, have YOU!


  27. Congratulations Moutain Grove, MO! I hope that ALL towns and places that these companies seek to”victimize” will follow in your footsteps. It is time America to finally put this issue to rest. Americans DO NOT eat Horses! Nor to we want to “Export” them for others to eat……..


  28. Hey Everyone, so here is what Dinky said over at UH fb:

    Dave Duquette Here’s the deal folks, again Steven Long just prints anything his buddies from EWA put out as gospel. Reality is there was about 30 people there and no one was turned away. Most were from out of town. There was NO vote of any kind. This meeting was contrived by an HSUS attourney. So this was not representative of the population in that area.
    44 minutes ago · 7

    Got to love how they are all in denial. So now that they won’t be able to build a plant maybe they will do the right thing and help us pass the bills to stop the horse transportation across the borders. You think???


    • Dear Lynette , That is a sure way to stop horse slaughter , get to stop crossing state borders,a great means to an end of the horrors our horses face !!!!!! We must deal with this on all aspect need to be taken in account work from within……………………………………….


    • Since Jan Meyers was at the meeting, she should be able to tell us about how many folks were there. Innacuracies on either side will come out eventually. Better to know now than have to back-peddle later.


  29. We all know that we can’t relax….not for a minute. “They” intend to keep looking for weak areas that don’t have enough to fight back…the vulnerable. All the more reason for us to stay on the ALERT


  30. Thank you God!! This is truly an answer to all of our prayers, sent straight from Heaven above!! Thank you to all who fought this battle, in person, & in spirit! This is just the beginning, our battle to save our American horses, wild & domestic, has only just started. We will never, ever give up or stop, until THEY stop! 🙂 You just made my day, &, a LOT happier too! We’ll follow them all over Missouri, or any other state they dare attempt this, we’ll follow them everywhere.


  31. Just FYI, I wrote a letter to Cynthia MacPherson that I was pretty happy with so I’d like to share it here. It said just about what she seems to have said. Here it is:

    Dear Ms. MacPherson:

    I write to add my voice to the many others who strenuously urge Mountain Grove to reject the proposed plant that would bring horse-slaughter to Missouri. While some people do support this proposal, the only point in its favor is that it would enrich a Belgian horse-slaughter company and no doubt also financially benefit Wyoming state senator Sue Wallis. There is no good reason for the citizens of Mountain Grove to be compelled to live with the immense damage done by horse-slaughter plants merely to enrich the coffers of a Belgian company and a Wyoming citizen. There are, however, many reasons that this plant would bring only grief and a bad reputation to Mountain Grove. I want to mention briefly some of these reasons.

    First, experience has shown that horse-slaughter plants severely hurt the economies of communities which allow them. This is most vividly explained in the testimony of Mayor Paula Bacon of Kaufman, Texas, who has discussed how the horse-slaughter plant in her community employed foreign workers and criminals, prevented other companies from choosing to open businesses in Kaufman, and added to the burdens of town government the problems of widespread pollution. Horse-slaughter plants pollute the streams and rivers nearby with huge amounts of blood and offal. The remains of dead horses creep into the fields and kill agriculture. The stench drives residents away. Children must breathe polluted air. So the financial devastation brought by horse-slaughter plants should make the citizens of Mountain Grove reject this plan whole-heartedly.

    In addition to the financial problems and the huge environmental damage done by horse-slaughter plants, we must also consider the way citizens are affected. It is not pleasant to live in a town where the air is putrid, the water is fouled, and the fields are no longer productive. Horse-slaughter plants are a quick way to kill a town.

    They not only kill towns, they also attack the human spirit. There is nothing humane about horse-slaughter. It is brutal, vicious, ugly, nasty. It is a horrible job for those forced to do it, and almost as bad for those forced to live nearby. Most importantly, living with routine brutality of this magnitude is a daily torment to the human soul and to human morality.

    Finally, of course, horse slaughter plants inflict horror and unending cruelty on horses, who have been companions and helpers to people for eons. It is wrong to subject horses to this brutality. It is wrong to subject people to the brutality of killing horses. And it is wrong to subject citizens of a lovely town to the unending emotional, environmental, and financial toll that such an operation inevitably brings.

    For all these reasons, I urge you to reject the proposed plant and its advocates.

    Ellen Goodman


    • Ellen: What a beautifully written letter and you covered all the important points to a “t”. You are to be commended. I will be calling Cynthia and thanking her personally for doing this not only for our beautiful horses but for those of us that cherish these animals God has given us. May this be just the beginning to the end of this subject. We will never stop helping these icons that have helped us in so many ways. Thank you for covering this subject so eloquently.


      • Thanks, Lynne. I do think that if a person is forced to experience the terror and suffering and shock of a horse being slaughtered, that it is traumatic for the person, not to mention the horse. It’s bad for our souls, our hearts, our brains. So we’ll keep working to stop it. I hope you’ll thank Cynthia for all of us too.


  32. If I already posted this sorry! But I think everyone should be aware of this, especially if you have an opportunity to meet Temple Grandin. Just read this interesting quote from Temple Grandins book Animals in Translation hard cover page 179 “If I had my druthers humans would have evolved to be plant eaters, so we wouldn’t have to kill other animals for food. …I’ve tried to eat vegetarian myself” Then she goes on to say that she thinks because she is autistic that she has a different metabolic system than non autistic people that prevents her from being able to be vegetarian. Found this interesting, that if her dietary voyage into being a vegetarian,had been successful, her mantra might be entirely different!


  33. Was anyone surprised by this reaction? I hope they get the same response where ever they go. Sue Wallis, the “poster child” for horse slaughter, is the picture of poor health. Who would want to follow her sickening horse-meat diet much less support a horse slaughter plant in their town? Look at this woman. Bleck.


  34. The meeting in Mountain Grove was a complete sucess, loved seeing the pro heckeled and booed out of the room, I was a speaker right after Cynthia who is the best attorney i have ever seen and the nicest lady ever, we will be repeating the same thing again on the 12th in Cabool, i will be following here again, so heres to another 4 hour drive and worth every bit of it, cynthia would be right with any of us here in Missouri if it was happening to our communities and Im sure going to be there for her!!


  35. I would say ‘Unbelieveable’ but, it’s not. The people of Missouri have spoken. If there is another meeting which will star Sue Wallis, husband and others proponents for horse slaughter, the people of Missouri will once again, be ready. I have no doubt that this proposal for a plant in Missouri will fail. Why? Because, it’s unnatural, cruel and barbaric to slaughter, defile and eat horses. No matter how many arguments that can be conjured up for this, it’s a taboo, morally wrong. Horses are not cows, sheep, pigs nor chickens. Whether vegetarian or not, these are the domestic animals which have been traditionally used to feed man. It is NOT a sin to not be vegetarian but surely, there is some sense inside people, that WILL cause them not to gobble up a big plate of horse that is put down on a plate in front of them. Horse and fries? Horse and salad, horse sandwich? Be honest. If you wouldn’t eat it, how can you expect anyone else to? I see above that Ellen Godman is enquiring about an upcoming engagement planned by Ms Wallis and group, I believe it will take place in Oklahoma City around April 2nd, where the gang will be wined and dined at, amongst other places, the Cowboy Hall of Fame and Heritage Center. They will not be any more welcome in Oklahoma than they were in Missouri. And, yes, Ellen Goodman, we can use your support and the support of anyone else who believes that the reopening of slaughter plants in any state will be a terrible tradgedy and, in the eyes of the international community and our own, will put us back into the Dark Ages. John Wayne’s saddle and other accoutrements are showcased in the Hall of Fame. I wonder what he must be thinking about all this….


  36. Yes, Jan!!! Absolutely the BEST!!!

    A belated Happiest Birthday!!!

    I am very glad that the crime rate was addressed….! The people who would massacre horses once, twice, for a living… would certainly do similar atrocities to humanity!!!

    Let justice prevail!!!!! God, please protect the horses!


  37. Thank God, there are people; “Smart and Compassionate people”, People, who are standing up for the “RIGHT” thing. People who will not give up, until their fight is won.! I am proud to put one of their names down; “Cynthia Mac Person”. I like to thank her, in behalf of the wild HORSES. We are all standing behind you; , KEEP UP THE FIGHT! Thank you again. Solvejg.


  38. There won’t be one here for we will fight with all we have plus. I know of no one who thinks horse meat does anything good for you except those who want to make money selling it.


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