Horse News

Horse Slaughter Promoter Alleges Death Threats to YMCA Director

Press Release from the Equine Welfare Alliance

Wyoming’s State Rep. Sue Wallis Caught in Tornado of Controversy and Rumor

Mountain Grove, MO (EWA) – A bizarre chain of events has followed the contentious meeting of the Mountain Grove City Council on March 6th concerning the Unified Equine proposal to build a horse slaughter plant near the town.

Unified Equine CEO Sue Wallis claimed that the project would be a 50% partnership with Belgian company Chevideco, and that they would invest $6 to $7 million in a plant that would be designed by Dr. Temple Grandin.

But during the meeting city residents became inflamed by a presentation given by attorney Cynthia MacPherson, cataloging the pollution and crime that Chevideco’s Dallas Crown facility had brought to the town of Kaufman Texas.

When banker Roger Lindsey rose to defend the project he was shouted down and left the meeting. The unanticipated public anger touched off a series of events. First, the director of the Mountain Grove YMCA announced that he would no longer permit Sue Wallis to hold a planned meeting there on the following Monday.

On her facebook page, Wallis explained this apparent snub by saying “We have not spoken to him directly, but it is my understanding that the YMCA director received death threats to his family, and to sponsors of his organization, We have heard directly from other community members that they have received threatening letters just for publicly expressing their support for the project.”

EWA contacted the Missouri State Police, the Mountain Grove police department and the YMCA director, Chad Watson. State police captain Duane Isringhausen, told EWA’s John Holland that he had received no such reports. The Mountain Grove police said they had heard the report and investigated but that they could find no evidence of threats being made to anyone. YMCA director Chad Watson said he had received no threats and had moved the meeting when he learned of its subject. “This place is for the children”, said Watson.

Wallis announced that the meeting had been moved to the Wright County Livestock Auction, and that while the public was welcome, anyone being “disrespectful” would be evicted. On March 10th the auction owner, Nathan Kelly, said the meeting would be closed to the press. Kelly said he had been “lambasted” by people opposed to the project.

MacPherson told EWA that she is encouraging people to stay away from the Wallis meeting; however postings on the popular Topix blog show some residents plan a peaceful protest outside the auction.

The media ban was not the end of this bizarre episode. In subsequent interviews, Wallis was quoted contradicting her earlier claims of backing from Chevideco saying that she did not have an agreement, and that she would likely depend on local investors. This revelation follows the earlier statement by Grandin that she knew nothing of the project.

EWA’s John Holland summed up the situation saying “It now appears that Wallis, rather than bringing millions of investment dollars into the area, intends instead to borrow millions from the people of Missouri to have someone who had not been told of the project build them a horse slaughter plant that they don’t want! What could go wrong with that?

47 replies »

  1. Ooooops.

    sue needs some serious p.r.

    First recommendation: Do Not Speak – Anywhere
    Second: Do Not Write – Anything.
    Third: Never Assume … Anything.

    These Missouri People: Bless them all, heart and soul, for standing up and proving the point that, while “22,000” horsemen and women, good and true, may wanna murder horses and ship them off to starving European epicureans for a fast buck, the rest of us have The Voice.

    Horse slaughter was a bad idea when it was closed down 5 years ago (for the hundred or so reasons even children are well-versed on) and nothing in the interim has made it a good idea. Rather than kicking out ideas on how to kill horses and libeling the thousands upon thousands of people who don’t want to, why don’t sue and dave and the other .5% work on ways to actually SAVE THEM.


  2. They’re becoming hopelessly tangled in their webs of lies. I only wish their followers would take off the blinders.
    One thing I noticed from the meeting video, is that they were claiming they were going to breed their own horses, specifically bred for slaughter.
    Makes ya wonder what more lies they can possibly come up with.


    • What they want to do is worsen what already is bad enough, they want to breed horses for Slaughter????They are drowning in there own fabricated lies ……………. Morons of the worst kind they are.!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Yeah, breed and clone. Wasn’t her excuse for a plant that she was ‘saving’ the starving, unwanted, sick and injured horses from a life of misery?? The thing with liars is that you have to have a well thought out plan and a VERY good memory, neither of which Walli$ appears to possess. She is so full of garbage that as soon as her mouth is opened it flows out. She really is the lowest of the low and I think she and her cronies are panicking, that after all their hollering about doing the horses a ‘favor’, it’s all falling apart and the sooner that happens the better.


  4. Anyway you look at it horse slaughter is just wrong. These animals are God’s creation as are we.Let them live & be free the way God intended them to be.


  5. The woman is mentally ill. She must be as all that comes out of her mouth is one lie after another. Lies, lies, lies and more lies. So many lies, that even she can’t keep up with them. I ask a sensible question one more time. How is it that the citizens of Wyoming allow this woman to continue to abuse her position in office, for personal gain? Do they not know this is a criminal act?


    • Pathological Liar is how I would describe them…and yes Beverly, she either can’t keep up with the lies she has uttered, or really couldn’t care less. The lies which fall from her lips know no limit of the depths of depravity to which she will sink.


  6. I wonder just how many dollars United Horsemen has collected under a farce of a 501(c) because of their bold face lies and propaganda? How much of this has gone into Wallis’s pocket and DD’s?


    • She has seven children, several are her partner’s who’s name she does not use and then she has three of her own. Scarey that someone like this can breed and even worse, I fear for the safety and well being of the children.


  7. As an intelligent, well informed and animal respectful person I am appalled at all of this. Sue Wallis was a name I didn’t even know a year ago. Now I pray she and her cronies are ousted from their positions. Thank you equine welfare alliance for bringing all of this to the public’s attention. The more that are aware of what goes on behind those greedy, cruel political closed doors the more the public will give you their support. We need to stop politicians from lining their pockets at the expense of the animals that have no voice. Let us, the millions of Americans who love our animals speak for them. Thank you.


  8. RT: This article you posted is very interesting. I don’t actually know about the death threats, but I do know these pro-slaughter people will lie and lie. They said there were only 30 people at the Mar 6 anti-slaughter meeting. I was there, and there were over300. Would’ve been more if bldg hadn’t reached capacity and fire dept. wouldn’t allow any more in. Can we please get everyone to and go to Animal Petitions and search “horse slaughter”. There u will find pages & pages of petitions against horse slaughter. Don’t know how much good it’ll do, but we at least need to try to sign as many as we can.


  9. Rt wtf you guys are the ones breeding common sense out of kids.I not saying you should’t breed,but now I finally know the problem.Now again where is the money going to come from.I have been reading all of the anti slaughter messages I can find and there is not an anwer.One says it takes 200 dollars to feed a horse a month.Now feeding 130000 of them will cost 26000000 a month and 31200000 a year there isn’t a organization or gov. program going to support that.Horse slaughter is the only way out in order to clean the mess up you people started 5 years ago.I truly hope Sue will prevail in her efforts to help the people in the horse business.No matter what you think it gives jobs and helps the economy,and that will help everybody.


    • Rob: If that’s how you feel, I’m sure we can arrange a ticket on the same boat we’re gonna use to ship Slaughterhouse Sue and her buddies out of this country. I don’t know what the answer is either, but I do know mass slaughtering of our horses isn’t the answer.


    • To SaveWildHorses: glad to hear your comment. I live in this MO area and jobs are hard to find, but there will be very few people who want this kind of job. That means they’ll use whatever illegal aliens they can ship in to do this awful work.


    • Rob don’t you get it? Everything Sue Wallis has said is one big lie. No financial backers, no agreement with Grandin to design facility, instead of relying on the supposed unwanted horses going to feed their slaughter machine they plan on BREEDING and RAISING horses to feed the kill box. What part of there is no plan that is real that is coming from Sue don’t you get? You hope that she prevails? Prevails at what for crying out loud? Gross contamination to the community, loss of other attractive businesses, loss of community pride and of housing values? There is NO PLAN from Sue SHE IS LYING and you are unfortunately supporting this LIAR. Doesn’t it make you angry to be lied to for years? Doesn’t it make you angry that you are caught spouting the same lies which taints your own integrity? Wake up Rob.


    • Sorry Rob, but this type of business is not wanted by any state. We in Illinois fought hard to get rid of this foreign company that did nothing but destroy the environment. In addition, they trucked horses in from Canada to be slaughtered. A great number of the horses that lost their lives there were purchased by decitful liers who took horses under false pretenses. Please do your homework because many of the figures are totally wrong. The quote jobs did not aid our economy in the state and numbered about 30 jobs. However, you are entitled to your opinion.
      The horse industry is a multi billion dollar business. I believe the money spent in this fight should be spent on finding solutions and not the slaughter of American equines. Illinois spoke load and clear…we had this disgusting plant here and I will keep fighting to keep it out of Illinois and every other state in our great nation.


      • Gail: I agree with you 100%. I’m proud of Illinois, and since I now live in MO, I’m embarressed to say I live in MO. I don’t know how this could have gotten a foothold in MO. I knew there was a good reason to move back to IL. I left there 26 years ago and still miss IL.


    • Rob, horse slaughter is NOT the only “way out”. Sue and company completely lie about slaughter and “helping” horses and their owners and exagerrate the problem of “unwanted” horses to begin with as well as lie about it. What I don’t understand is how many of you folks still listen to those lies when they have been debunked over and over and over.

      Slaughter plants don’t want people’s old injured pets–they want young, healthy horses, so the only owners who will benefit are the breeders who need a dumping ground for their excess animals. It’s no accident that Wallis is up to her ears in the Quarter Horse bunch since they are the ones who stand to gain most from providing a market for their excessive and self-indulgent over-breeding.

      Slaughter plants are hideous for the environment, attract crime and provide very, very few lousy, lousy jobs that don’t even begin to repay the surrounding communities for the damage and exppense they cause.

      If Wallis was telling the truth, why would she have to make up lies about financing she doesn’t have, and use Dr. Grandin’s name (not the first time) without her knowledge? Why would she have to do something as silly as claiming death threats when she should be intelligent enough to know that someone would check up on her story?

      “We people” didn’t start a mess by closing the plants–the same number of horses are being slaughtered as before, so if there is a “mess”, it is not caused by the last three hideous slaughter plants in the US being closed–what don’t you understand about the FACT that they are still slaughtering those animals? Lies, lies and more lies.

      I don’t know if you are just deaf or ignorant or if you are purposely repeating lies but it’s not okay. It’s not a matter of your opinion against mine–what you are saying is untruthful. If you can’t support your “cause” by speaking the truth, then it doesn’t deserve support.

      There have been plenty of proposed solutions to the excess horse issue, starting with making the breeders responsible for the problem they create and fixing the economy so that people can once again afford to feed the horses they love. There are proposals unlimited and the only reason the pro-slaughter group doesn’t “know” of them is because they choose to ignore anything that counters their lies.

      I’m not even touching on the “humane” aspect here, which–guess what–the majority of the American people do NOT want slaughter for that very reason. The majority of the US citizens have a right to prevail and the pro-slaughter folks have nothing to counter that position but lies.


  10. 1. No one here had a thing to say about how far South the economy went
    2. Historically, a down economy creates-down market for everything
    3. Slaughter is a separate issue from equine welfare
    4. Slaughter is about producing foo, but if the food is contaminated with drug and drug olives in the meat, then that meat should never ne sold for human or animal consumption
    5. It is unethical to sell a product that you know will lead to the deaths of human beings and the suffering of their families
    6. Sue Wallis has demonstrated that she can create a mess; but hasn’t managed to clean anything up yet
    7. Breeders across the country have greatly reduced their production or elongated it, except for the greedy AQHA breeders out West—our laws need to ne adjusted so that the breeders who over breed or breed inferior stock are taxed. Any other. Isomers with overstocks pays the price. AQHA has encouraged irresponsible breeding practices.
    8. If Sue and Co. Would just move to another planet, those of us working on equine welfare issues could devote more of our resources to finding and creating good homes for equines waiting to be adopted.
    9. Sue Wallis does nor own a horse. There is no evidence she has ever owned a horse, and yet you think the real horse lovers of this country would let her get her hands on these special creatures.
    10. I don’t know who you are, but please feel free to take the. Next slow ferry to Alcateaz and invite your horse hating friend to go with you. Harvest some of the native animals.That slow ferry should be a one way trip. You can board at Fishermen’s Wharf.


  11. Wallis’ scare tactics are dangerous My car was pulled over by armed marshals “guarding” an open BLM wild horse facility. They chased me to pull me over near the California-Nevada border, before the Twin Peaks round-up began.
    At the Indian Lakes holding pens in Fallon, NV. a BLM staffer said BLM’s Dean Bolstad had probably been sick because he’d been infected by equine terrorists. She was not joking.
    This didn’t feel like bald harassment. These people believed there was trouble brewing.
    It’s vital that we confine demonstrations to public areas where unbiased witnesses are around to see we’re simply standing up for the horses. Otherwise, we’ll be barred from “gathers” after an imagined rumble on the range.


  12. This Never ceases to disgust me, Why would anyone with even a half of brain even think of any other way then euthanizing a dieing horse, how have some evolved into such evil inhuman people to only think of such horrific Slaughter????? These Horses are our allies given to us to protect and preserve , they have themselves prove our need to help them not destroy us to enjoy and learn from…………………… I look at them and I can only see the beauty and the giving they have, their lessons and healing they provide so willingly……………. not to even mention the how they handle their lives with more finesse then some people do……………………….. They show to me qualities i admire and respect………….. I feel so bad for those who think of horrors to present to them, all I can say is , get a grip some people, and look at yourselves in a mirror and see how truly UGLY you have become, it is so wrong to do anything but Love them……………. and help them survive, they need very little from us………………………


  13. Priceless!!!! You would think that Slaughterhouse Sue and her dubious ilk would have learned by now that making dubious claims always backfires, as her opposition actually understands the concept of proof.

    Thank you again RT for your incredibly articulate summation of the latest antics of these raving anti-horse lunatics.


  14. Hummm..armed marshalls…unbelievable…who hired these thugs? Was it the BLM? I suppose we as tax payers are paying the salaries of these thugs to harrass people. The rope must be tightening around their necks if they are harrassing American citizens now observing and relating their stories to others. They can’t arrest everyone…too bad we can’t bus in the large number of supporters who are active all around the country. I guess more calls are in order to Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Mark Kirk’s office and my house Rep. Judy Biggert. This is where the pressure needs to be applied…these people represent us from all areas of the country. Spread the word and keep the pressure on to pass the bill in DCA. Let the Force of the Horse be will all of you on this day of the Lord..


  15. Closed to the press?
    On March 10th the auction owner, Nathan Kelly, said the MEETING WOULD BE CLOSED TO THE PRESS. Kelly said he had been “lambasted” by people opposed to the project.


  16. As Terri Farley states, this is SERIOUS. Predators don’t give up easily and they are always on the look-out for prey. Beware of subterfuge….it has been used many times in the past. They do not work from an ethical base, so when they see that the game is up, they will resort to anything.


  17. Why do people think someone who cannot manage their own money should be making decisions for the use of taxpayers money?
    Info from the Bankruptcy Court of Wyoming
    Court Location: Cheyenne, WY
    Debtor Name(s): Rodney Louis McQueary, Sue Ellen Wallis
    Case Number: 00-20848
    Transfer Number: 021-01-0056
    Box Number: 73
    Location Number: 248887
    This is public information;


  18. I would be more concerned for the safety of those who OPPOSE Horse slaughter. There is a great deal of money behind this.


  19. There are probably readers who are new to this blog. This is from the Twin Peaks roundup in 2010. ARMED GUARDS. The only violence was that which was perpetrated upon the Wild Horses and Burros….using OUR TAX DOLLARS:
    Heavy Cop Presence at Twin Peaks Keeps Contractor Hiding Place Off Limits
    Posted: August 27, 2010 by R.T. Fitch
    by Steven Long ~ Editor/Publisher of Horseback Magazine
    Armed Law Enforcement Out Number 4 Credentialed Reporters at Wild Horse Stampede


  20. “A good deed done to an animal is as meritorious as a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is as bad as an act of cruelty to a human being”. (The Prophet Mohammed).

    Sue Wallis should have a very good look at herself.


  21. AGAIN WHERE IS THE MONEY GOINIG TO COME FROM.All I here is how cruel people are with half a brain that is not an answer.I have talked to alot of ranchers.Doing that I found out that if the gov. doesn’t want to finance it we will get together and do so.I dont think you guys have a clue how many horses are being mistreated.Again people do not have the MONEY to have a vet put them down.With opening slaughter jobs will happen through the whole industry not just the the slaughter plant.When people can sell there old,lame,or bad horses for a decent price.Then they will hire more trainers,stall cleaners,you name it I am sorry but it is all about the money.I can see your side,but what do we do with 130000 horses a year.I know stop breeding you have about as much of a chance stopping that as you would stopping wild horses breeding.You guys tried to do it in the eighties,and the same thing is happenning now.With out a plant over population and neglect follows along,and you see it every time.In reading your blogs you guys no the numbers,and with the figures I get will be at least 300000000 a year just to feed them.Nobody is going to finance that.Come on they are livestock and I pay taxes for them being livestock.So what ever you think or want they are still LIVESTOCK by law.


    • Rob: As I said before, I don’t know what the answer is either as far as all the unwanted horses, but I do know slaughtering them all is sure not the answer. And just to clarify, Sue Wallis said herself that she won’t be wanting crippled up horses – she wants the healthy young ones. You’re listening to too many of the lies from the pro slaughter people. I know because THEY indicated in one article that there were only 30 people at the Mountain Grove meeting. I was there, there were over 300 that were hopping mad about this plant. Lies, lies, lies! So go ahead and believe these jackasses, you’re not the only one.


    • Rob, people mistreat horses because they are cruel and lack a conscience–not because there are no slaughter plants in the US. People have been mistreating horses since people and horses connected–same as they mistreat cats and dogs and all livestock as well. The problem with your argument is that there is no worse mistreatment than horse slaughter now existing.

      If people don’t have the money to have a vet put a horse down, they can call a vet and find a referral for someone who can. A bullet is cheap and a lot less traumatic than a trip to the slaughterhouse. And no kill buyer is going to pay a “decent price” for old, lame or bad horses. For the most part, they don’t even buy them–they are left at the auction. Our local auction will not even take a horse unless the buyer guarantees they will haul it back if it doesn’t sell. Kill buyers buy healthy, good horses and in doing, drive the price up so that people who want to give a horse a home have to compete. Rescues have to compete with the kill buyer. So there goes that argument.

      Slaughterhouses produce a very small number of very poor, low paying jobs, which are dehumanizing (check the correlation between slaughter and crime) and the tiny amount put into the economy by those few jobs is more than lost in the massive amounts of money communities have to spend to enforce environmental regulations against the irresponsible cretins who run these outfits. So there goes that argument.

      As for the breeders, there is no reason on earth why breeders cannot be forced to take responsibility. They can be charged a fee that would go into a fund for truly humane euthanasia or rehoming horses they no longer wish to keep. Under tax law, horses are NOT livestock unless you use them to make money. The IRS will happily audit any hobby farm that claims tax deductions for horses. Breeders claim deductions and have to have a tax ID number, even if it’s their social security number. If the foal fee isn’t paid, they would be operating illegally and could be fined and have their animals seized. Businesses in this country have to operate under the law. Pass a law and enforce it. Some breed registries are stepping up and taking responsibility–even the thoroughbred registries are beginning to do so. If the QH folks won’t do so, then we need to pass a law to force them. Just because a few crooks will slip through the cracks is no reason not to have and enforce a law. People kill people, which is against the law–but we don’t just give up and say, oh well, we can’t enforce it so why try.

      The biggest problem now is the overbreeding and the economy–there are always increased neglect cases during a recession–I work in law enforcement and I have seen it before. In the first couple years of this one, we had a few more cases than usual. By now, they have been taken care of and it’s back to normal. Outright mistreatment is another story–a deliberate crime–and has nothing to do with excess animals, but with sociopathic behavior.

      You have yet to come up with an argument that holds water but you keep throwing out the same old ones over and over. It gets really tiresome.

      Face the fact that you are wrong and you are outnumbered and go get a life that doesn’t involve trying to convince people its okay to torture animals for money.


      • Karenoregon: agree with your comment so much (the one to Rob). There are people trying to find a solution to all the unwanted horses. The link on Louie’s comment is a good one showing what’s being done already. Slaughterhouses are not the answer.


  22. Click to access alternatives_to_horse_slaughter_rehoming_horses.pdf


    The following programs are not theoretical, but have already been developed and implemented by the country’s
    equine rescue community, and if expanded by funding from the industry, can eliminate the perceived need to
    send our horses off to slaughter for human consumption abroad in a relatively short period of time.


    • Louie: will check this story out, thanks for sharing. I know mostly everyone is against horse slaughter plant in Mountain Grove MO, but I just came from protesting in front of the meeting Slaughterhouse Sue was having, and am sorry to report there were not but 15-20 people out front protesting. I know their hearts are with us, but we need their bodies with us too, like at the Mar 6 meeting where we packed the place. We need to start thinking of alternative plans to save the horses after we get rid of these awful slaughterhouse people.


    • Louie: just read the artcle you mentioned. I think it’ very good and I think everyone, especially Rob who keeps wanting to slaughter our horses, should read it.


  23. Barbara, I’m glad that you read it. There ARE solutions. We need to get at the CAUSE of the problem. Thank you for being there to protest the slaughter meeting. Every person there represents those that can’t be there for one reason or another.


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